Chapter 7: We have a supporter... yay?

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The two dogs hurried down the hallway. "We have a reputation now, I guess!" Elena commented, chuckling. "We're not going to be so easily defeated!"

Samantha smiled and nodded. "I agree! But, uh... not to ruin the mood or anything, but what if they're right? What if they've seen people who've tried before and failed?"

Elena slowed down for a moment as if to consider it. "Well... I guess they're underestimating us!" A grin broke across her snout. "We're going to be the ones who stop Abbey's reign, once and for all!"

Samantha smiled despite herself. "Glad to see you're so optimistic. Anyways, uh, where are we going next?"

"I dunno." Elena shrugged. "We can check out the different classrooms, I guess." She whipped out her timetable and peered at it. "Hm... where are we now...? Ah, the main building..."

Samantha leaned over Elena's shoulder to peer at her timetable. "We're on the second floor... so, the English classrooms."

Elena put away her timetable. "What a coincidence! We have English first... oh. I don't actually like English... though I would like to take a look at the classrooms."

"Hm? English? Well, it's not bad..." Samantha trailed off as Elena bounded onwards. "Hey, look, it's EN203!" She stopped by the door and peered through the glass. "Ooh, look at that! Artwork!"

"M... macbeth." Samantha stated, reading off the giant words on the banner hanging above the art. "Seems to be based of one of William Shakespaw's works."

"Aww man! It looks really gory! Awesome!" Elena tested the lock and frowned as she realised it was locked. "Oh... looks like you need some sort of card to get in." She glanced over at the card reader at the side. "Maybe I can produce a card...?" She lifted her paw and pointed it at the reader.

"I mean, Shakespaw is known to write gory stuff... hey, Elena, wait! It's a one in a million chance you'll actually going to produce a card that works on this thing, I don't think you should -"

A basketball, a brick and a pencil shot out of Elena's paw in rapid succession. Samantha winced and closed her eyes as all three items smashed into the wall, thankfully missing the card reader.

"Hmm, maybe so." Elena frowned and peered down at the objects on the floor. "I guess I'll just... uh, leave them here...? They'll vanish on their own in good time, after all... but still! I really want to look inside!"

"Hmph. It's you two." Samantha mentally groaned as she heard another voice speak up. She quickly turned around and scowled at the mysterious stranger. "I've had enough of people telling us to quit it -"

The mysterious stranger - a grey dog with startling green eyes, black and white-streaked hair and a black and white striped hoodie smirked back. "Oh, I see. You mean those... goody two shoes, eh?" The stranger trotted over and flipped her hair over a shoulder, a sly smile still stretched across her face. "Actually, I was going to tell you the opposite. Great job on rebelling against Peters. I did the same, but... my powers aren't as flashy as yours, so they did no good."

Samantha would've raised an eyebrow if she had one. Elena turned away from the door and peered at the stranger. "Excuse me, who are you?"

The grey furred dog chuckled. "Hm, I see. I'm Eve Ravensloft, and you two must be Samantha Rowell and Elena Kitsune. Don't look so surprised - rumours are going around as fast as lightning."

After a moment of hesitation, Eve stepped forward. "Step aside," she stated, lifting a paw. The two shared a look and stepped aside as she instructed. Eve pressed a paw against the glass of the door and peered through the glass. Elena and Samantha peered over her shoulder in an attempt to watch what she was doing.

A stapler on the desk inside the classroom suddenly floated up. It hovered for a few moments, then started to move. After a few jerky movements, it shot towards the door. Samantha recoiled and Elena flinched, but Eve didn't move. Instead of smashing into the glass, the stapler slowed and moved out of sight.

There was a small beep and a clatter. Eve pulled open the door and picked up the stapler on the floor with a smirk. "No need to thank me. Though... I do want a part in your little rebellion, if you're ever planning on doing so." She pressed the stapler into Samantha's paw and turned away. "The white button beside the door unlocks the door for a few seconds. Have fun exploring, and remember to think about my offer." Eve sauntered away, then hesitated just for a second. "Telekinesis, I would say, is a pretty useful ability."

Samantha watched Eve go, silently contemplating what she had said. Elena was already entering the classroom with an expression of awe. "Look at this! It must've taken ages to craft all of that detail!"

Samantha turned back to Elena and entered the classroom too. "You're an art person?" She asked, squinting at the sculpture of the knife. It didn't look like anything special to her, but she decided not to say it out loud. Instead, she read the quotes along the side. "Out, that... ah, it's that famous quote."

Elena had already moved on to the next piece. "I can hardly do anime-style art, never mind realism," she said with a dreamy sigh, gesturing at the painting of a female dog's snout. Samantha looked over at it and back at Elena. "That's Lady Macbeth." She offered, shrugging. "The wife of Macbeth in the story and..."

"Other boring English stuff. Not to offend you, but I don't like English. I'm just interested in the art." Elena replied.

"None taken." Samantha said with a shrug. "Are you done here?"

Elena stared longingly at the artwork along the shelf. Samantha tapped her paw and looked up at the clock. "You can come back next time, you know. We still have to visit the other classrooms."

Elena sighed and nodded. "Alright, I guess so. So, where do you want to go next?"

Samantha pressed the switch to open the door and pulled the door open. "The Math rooms are upstairs. I want to check out 404 - it's my Math classroom, after all."

"It's my classroom too!" Elena exclaimed, whipping out her timetable again. "Alright, let's go!"

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