Chapter 37: 'Author' Finally Apologises... in the Middle of a Maths Lesson

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"Why does Maths even exist..." Samantha yawned. "Look, I'm already feeling tired and I'm not even in the classroom yet."

"Maths sucks, but I guess being good at it isn't any harm," Elena replied. Samantha groaned and rubbed at her eyes. "Easy for you to say - you're good at Maths. Me, on the other paw..."

"Aww, you're embarrassing me." Elena joked. "Seriously though, I'm not actually good at Maths. I was the worst -"

"No, you weren't. And stop it." Samantha shook her head and fought off another yawn. "At least we have food shopping after this, though."

"You two. Good job in the battle out there." Samantha and Elena both turned towards the source of the voice to see Kiara striding towards them with her white cape fluttering behind her.

"Uh... thanks?" Samantha offered. Kiara eyed them both for a moment, then said, "You know, we really could do with some more recruits. Protecting the kingdom is definitely an honourable job."

Elena chuckled awkwardly. "Well, ehehe, it's... fine. We have other... passions in mind."

"Passions?" Samantha whispered to Elena, looking confused. "I haven't even figured out what I'll be doing for my part time job yet!"

Kiara didn't seem to hear Samantha and nodded towards Elena. "I see. Well, if you're ever in need of a job, be sure to ask me about it." The dark furred dog strode off again.

"She's weird." Samantha commented as soon as Kiara was out of hearing range. Elena nodded, then shrugged. "Well, I guess that's how it goes. At least she's not... mean, though."

"Mm." Samantha was about to say more when the door to the Maths classroom opened. "You may enter." Mr Syne's voice floated out from the doorway. A glowing arrow appeared in midair and swivelled towards the door, earning a few chuckles from the dogs around.

"I forgot he has illusionary powers," Samantha whispered. Elena chuckled and nodded. "Same here... but he is pretty funny when he wants to be."

"Funny?" Samantha echoed, almost incredulously. Elena had already padded out of earshot and into the classroom before Samantha could continue on with her train of thought. With a shrug, Samantha padded into the classroom after the orange furred dog.


{{ Dear Mirror,

I... know I haven't spoken to you in a long time. I had to take some time to think about what you... said.

I... I don't understand your power, nor I believe that you hold so much... well, power over me. I guess... I accept your apology, but... is it not possible for you to... show my Powers Training teacher that I do have this power?

I... It's possible, but... you don't understand. I can't just 'show' anyone this power you have... It ruins... well, everything. It could turn a lot of things around and basically ruin your future.

What do you mean, ruin my future? This could prove -

I'm sorry, I can't...

I... see. I wait for so long, and this is how you respond.

I'm sorry. You still have... a long way to go before I can fully explain, but... just continue living your life, okay? I'll try to help as much as I can, but... you just don't understand.

I... I see. I'll... respect your boundaries... for now.

Thank you.

Alright, now that's out of the way, I'm going to ask you a few things. First of all, what did you mean by 'a story without plot'? Do you really think you can control my life like some... writer, well, writing a story? Just because you decided to be... uncooperative, well, it doesn't mean that -

This is a question I won't answer.

Not one you cannot, huh? Fine. Well, whatever. I expected a response like this from you, really. Well, I assume you won't answer any questions about... last time's entry, so I'll just leave it at there.

You assumed right.

Hmph. Fine, other stuff, then. I'll just ignore you for now and use this as a normal diary.

It's a 'mirror', not a 'diary'.

Anyways, I'm just going to summarise what happened in my life since last time. Mister or miss 'Author' here decided to be uncooperative and my Powers Training teacher thinks I don't have any powers.

I thought you said you wouldn't talk about that.

I'm just saying what happened. Anyways, after that, I... ugh. I had lunch in my dorm alone to think for a bit - it's not like I was being all emotional or anything, just needed to think. I lost my backpack - apparently I left it outside the Music room, with this... diary in it. I heard some music  while walking and decided to sit down and listen for a bit... and I left my bag when I left. And no, I wasn't 'stalking' or anything, I was just... listening. Can't I appreciate some good music in a while?!

I didn't say anything about you stalking him... you just assumed that.

Oh, shut up. Wait, what did you mean by 'him'?!

Ahem. I think you know perfectly well...

Pfft, whatever you say. So, I just went to my lessons and stuff... oh, and PE was actually pretty fun. I don't like exercise or sports, but dodgeball isn't too bad... I got a lucky shot in and managed to hit Riley - accidentally - when little miss Peters decided to trip me. I still have a bruised snout, but hey, at least I got to beat that smug little mutt at her own game.

Oh, and did I mention that she tried to threaten me last night? Apparently, according to Abbey and her goons, we were 'spreading rumours' about her and they threatened to 'punish us accordingly' if we continued. Like, literally everybody knows that I never 'spread rumours' about her or anything??? I don't even know if they have the right to just barge into other peoples' rooms and just threaten them - probably not - but since we've done nothing wrong, we shouldn't be afraid... right?

Hey, don't ask me.

I wasn't asking you. So... yeah, that's basically it. Oh, and the squad - er, me, Elena, Luna, Zephyr and Sharon - we're going shopping for food tonight! Now, that's a type of shopping I'm totally okay with. Though shopping with clothes wasn't bad... especially since I got to see Zephyr and Elena falling heads over tails for each other as they did so. It's so obvious that the two were made for each other - they're just denying it, haha.

I never knew you were a matchmaker.

Me, matchmaker? Pfft, no. Why me? I'm not even good with talking to other people myself, so don't even try to sign me up for matchmaking other dogs.

If you say so.

Hmph. Well, then, Maths is almost over, and I've done... basically none of the work he gave us. Whatever, I can ask Elena for help on it later...

Alright, almost time to pack up. Seeya later, Mirror. }}

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