Chapter 11: Last Few Hours of Freedom

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There was a long silence.

"So...?" Luna asked slowly. "Is that... something weird?"

Samantha breathed a sigh of relief. "So... you believe me?"

Luna shrugged. "I mean, why not...?"

Samantha eyed the diary lying on her bed. "Well... you see, pretty much no one believed that I had this... power. Not even my own family."

"Really?" Sharon gasped. "That's terrible! Why don't they?"

Samantha gazed blankly at the opposite wall for a few seconds, comprehending Sharon's words. "Well... My family, at least what I've heard, has never had powers. Ever. And that includes my sister, Astra... er, Astrantia. And my power isn't exactly... visible." She eyed her diary again and said nothing more.

"Aww, that's sad." Sharon sighed. "Maybe one day, you'll be able to show them?"

"I... guess so." Samantha said, ignoring the glance Elena sent her." Anyways, less about about me, more about you guys. How did you guys find out about your powers?"

"Our family are either poison, plant or both. It's not really hard for us - we have tests and stuff since most of us get a power that one of our family members have or something." Luna replied. "I found my power first. I was poking around the poisonous plant garden we had -"

"Even though she wasn't allowed," Sharon added. Luna shrugged. "I didn't care. So I was wandering around, and trying to identify plants and stuff. As I was walking, I happened to turn around and I found a trail of poisonous plants in my wake. I can control it better now though."

Luna sat down on her haunches. "It only works on dirt and stuff though."

Sharon glanced over at her sister and back to Samantha and Elena. "My story's pretty simple. My mom just ran a few tests and I found my power."

"And Zephyr?" Elena prompted.

"Oh, him." Luna chuckled. "Well, I decided to play a prank on him, since I had my ability to grow poisonous plants and I knew Sharon could create the antidote to any poisonous plant if it really got... bad. I combined a couple of weak poisonous plants and put them in Zeph's dinner."

She smirked as she saw the shocked looks on Samantha and Elena's snouts. "Don't worry, the worst they can do is give him a really bad stomachache for a week or so."

"So," Sharon added, raising her paws. "just saying, I had no idea she'd planned this."

"Anyways," Luna continued, "he ate his dinner and I waited a bit, but nothing happened. So I tried again because I thought it didn't work and nothing happened. I asked mom - obviously I didn't tell her about the prank, I just asked her if there were dogs in our family that were immune to poisonous plants - and she decided to run a few tests on Zeph too. So here we are." Luna shrugged. "It all worked out in the end."

"I... see," Samantha said carefully. "So, uh, he's alive. Great. Wonderful."

Luna chuckled. "I guess so."

Sharon looked between the two, not knowing what to say. Finally, Elena decided to speak up.

"Hey, guys, about the movie...? I found some good stuff online... What about hor -"

"Nope," Luna said immediately. Samantha cocked her head to the side in confusion. "You seemed like a horror per-"

Luna glanced over at her sister, who was completely oblivious, then back at the two dogs. "Oh." Samantha trailed off.

"That's okay," Elena quickly amended. "I have a couple of other movies? How about, um, adventure?"


The four dogs lounged on the beds and the floor, eyes fixated on the screen that sat in front of them.

"He's stupid. Why didn't he just call a hospital or something? Why is he just staring at that -"

"Shh! I want to watch this," Sharon hissed, her eyes entirely focused on the screen.

"Hey, you! Go and call a hospital for him or something? No, why are you running away?! ... stupid." Luna scoffed again. "Stupid," she echoed again.

Elena took another pawful of biscuits and glanced up at the clock. "It's almost ten. Once the movie's done, we should finish off and pack for tomorrow."

Samantha yawned. "Sure. I'm up for that."

Four pairs of eyes slid back to the screen as an ear splitting shriek blasted through the speakers.

"Death!" Luna cheered quietly as she watched the scene unfold before them.


"Thanks for the night over," Sharon said, stepping out from the doorway. "We should hang out sometime soon," she added. "That was fun."

"I agree!" Elena smiled. "Well, see you at school tomorrow?"

"I guess so." Luna mumbled. "Pity he didn't die, though."

"Luna!" Sharon exclaimed.

"What? Movies without death are boring." Luna saw the look Sharon gave her and quickly amended, "most movies, of course."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Samantha added, peering over Elena's shoulder. "So, uh, bye?"

"See you tomorrow, then!" Sharon exclaimed. "And goodnight!"

Elena waved to the retreating sisters, then closed the door. "Well, that was fun."

Samantha nodded. "Yep. But now, we have to tidy up... and pack for school, of course. Ew."

Elena burst out laughing at Samantha's expression. "Same here - I hate school, but we've gotta do it. After all, that's basically the reason we're here."

"Yeah, I know, but still..." Samantha trailed off. "Well, fine. Might as well..."


{{ Dear Mirror,

We hung out with Sharon and Luna and watched a movie. It was... fun, I guess. Now I'm just chilling on my bed. It's something past ten - er, twenty past ten, and I'm done with my packing up. My room looks surprisingly neat compared to my previous room, but it's still not done. The good thing is that I've gotten some room decor that I really like - I'll put them up later after school or something. The bad thing is that school starts tomorrow, so... yeah. I hate school.

Elena's not done yet - something about selecting outfits and stuff - so I'm just waiting for her to finish. Speaking of which, I should go wash up...

Alright, then. Tomorrow's school, which sucks (I hate school - I mean, who doesn't?), but as Elena put it, at least I have friends in my classes. Well, see you tomorrow, Mirror. Bye. }}

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