Chapter 19: Elena Forces Us to Go Shopping

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"Done!" Samantha exclaimed, slamming her Maths books closed.

"With help from me," Elena added, chuckling at her friend's extravagant reaction. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her chatrooms. "Oh, bummer. Sharon says she's too busy to hang... but Zephyr's free."

Various thoughts shot through Samantha's head in a split second and she felt a smile cross her snout. "Sure," she said, trying to hide her sly smirk. "Would you mind asking him where we should hang?"

"Sure, why not." Elena replied, quickly tapping out a reply. She stared at her phone for a few moments then nodded. "He says anywhere... but he also gave us a few options. The mall, a park... then we can grab food afterwards."

Samantha considered it. "How about the mall, since... well, there's more stuff to do there?"

Elena typed out a reply. "He says... yeah, sure. And if it's okay to meet in fifteen minutes... so, around six?"

"Yeah, sure." Samantha slid off her bed and stretched. "Well, I'm ready -"

"No you aren't." Elena cut in quickly. "You're not going to be wearing that all day. Don't you have any other clothes?"

Samantha pouted. "No, not really."

"We're going to have to go shopping for more clothes someday," Elena replied. "But that's another thing for another time. I guess..." She surveyed Samantha's clothes. "What you're wearing is fine for now. Well, I'd better change..."

Samantha nodded. "I'll just wait for you here..." She grabbed her backpack, shovelled some necessities inside and flopped onto her bed. She ran a paw through her messy braid and sighed. "Just don't take too long, okay?"


Samantha had just finished fixing her hair when Elena finally opened the door to the bathroom, dressed in a sweater, a denim jacket and a skirt with leggings. She posed and smiled. "What do you think? Too casual or too formal?"

Samantha turned and peered at her outfit. "Well, I'm no expert... but it's fine, I guess. Let's go!"

The two dogs exited their room and locked the door behind them. They padded down the stairs and headed towards the entrance.

"Hey guys!" Zephyr barked, waving at the two. He had dressed up - a little - for the occasion and it appeared that he had spent some time on trying to look nice. Samantha looked between the two dogs and hid her smile. "Well, you two look nice." She said casually.

Zephyr smiled and ran a paw through his hair. "Thanks. I dressed up for this... though, to be fair, I don't own too many... fancy outfits."

Elena's eyes lit up. "Well, that's just perfect! We can go shopping for clothes for you and Sam, since she's also lacking in nice clothes too!"

"You didn't have to say that out loud -" Samantha began, but she was quickly interrupted by Elena. "Nonsense! Don't worry, I have an eye for these things," Elena ran an eyes over the two dogs. "So, shopping! No time to waste - let's go!"


Elena bounded into the mall, her eyes alight. She dragged the two dogs into the nearest store. "Alright!" She began. "Just give me a minute or two and I'll just..."

She hurried through the aisles, while grabbing items off the rack, looking at them for a few seconds then either shoving them into her basket or back onto the rack. Samantha and Zephyr watched her speed through every aisle before finally returning to them with a basket of clothes for each of them.

"Change into these," she ordered, "One item at a time. Then come out and show me - I'll be standing outside."

The two shared a look, then hurried over to the changing rooms. Thankfully, they were relatively empty and they were granted quick access into two changing rooms.

"After this, I might feel just a tiny bit scared of her," Zephyr joked, before entering the changing room and slamming the door shut. Samantha chuckled, nodded and brought her basket of clothes into the changing room. She closed the door and picked through the clothes. Her eyes widened with horror as she looked through them.

"Elena! Why do you think I'd wear something like this?!" She barked, holding up a crop top.

"Just try it!" Elena called back.

"I'm not wasting money on something I won't wear -"

"Please?" Elena's voice suddenly became quieter. "For me?"

Samantha scowled at the offending object, but her gaze softened and she sighed in defeat. "Just once."


As soon as Samantha exited the changing room, Elena shot over and quickly picked through the basket of clothes.

"These look the best on you - you can put the others away." Elena declared, holding out a pawful of clothes. Samantha put the remaining clothes on the counter and padded back to Elena to survey the clothes she was holding.

Elena's eyes suddenly lit up and she shoved the basket into Samantha's paws. "Keep whatever you'd wear!" She called over her shoulder as she went to 'help out' Zephyr.

Samantha shrugged and picked through the garments. Surprisingly enough, Samantha actually liked most of the clothes Elena had chosen for her - not that she'd admit it, though. They definitely wouldn't have been something she would have chosen out for herself, though...

Elena quickly dropped off a few clothes on the counter and hurried back to Zephyr, chattering on about something else. She dragged the two to the cashier and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "If you're happy with what I've gotten, then pay for them and meet me outside!" She chirped. "And no need for thank yous - this is basically my hobby."

She bounded outside, clearly happy with the clothes she'd chosen. Zephyr sighed dreamily as he watched her go. "She really is the best..."

"Did you say something?" Samantha asked, rummaging through her backpack for her wallet.

"Nothing at all!" He yelped, cheeks reddening as he quickly looked for his wallet.


Elena dragged the other two through several more shops, tossing clothes at them and pushing them into the changing rooms to try them on. They finally left the mall with lighter wallets and bags of clothes.

"Well," Zephyr said, picking through his clothes. "I'd never thought I'd buy stuff like this... but I actually look pretty good in them!" He chuckled. "You really have an eye for this fashion thing. Thanks, Elena."

"Haha, you're welcome. Anything for a -" Elena paused. "Close friend," she ended, but it was clear that wasn't exactly what she wanted to say.

"Mm-hm. Thanks!" Samantha exclaimed. "But, uh, do you know where we can eat? I'm hungry."

"Typical Sam," Elena replied, giggling. "I did some research and I found a pretty good restaurant..."

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