Chapter 40: Some Peace and Quiet Would Be - Wait, No, Not Like That

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"I think we should just... buy our things and leave." Samantha said cautiously. "It feels like there's someone... here. Aside from us."

"Yeah, I agree..." Sharon looked around nervously. "Let's just go before anything happens."

The group of five quickly wheeled their shopping carts back from where they came. Only when Samantha's tail accidentally struck the edge of a shelf she froze - and realised what was going on.

She cautiously nudged the shelf again. Her eyes widened and she pushed it a little harder, causing it to rock.

Elena turned around to see what Samantha was doing. Her jaws opened - and her eyes widened.

What's going on? Why can't I make any sound? Is this someone's power, or some sort of technology...?

Clearly, the others had realised what was wrong. Samantha could only gaze worriedly at the others, unable to even make a single sound.

After a few nods, Luna abruptly set off, apparently getting a message that one of the others must've sent. Samantha hurried after her in close pursuit, still wheeling along the shopping cart.

Luna skidded to a halt. Samantha desperately dragged the shopping cart to a stop and only just bumped against Luna's rump.

"What is it?" She tried to ask, temporarily forgetting that she was unable to make noise. She settled with peering cautiously over Luna's shoulder at whatever she had stopped to look at - and her eyes widened.

She gently nudged her way past Luna and trotted towards the dog standing in the center of the aisle. His back was turned towards them, but his fur patterns looked awfully familiar...

Kane Lester? Doesn't he sit next to me in Science? What is he doing here...?

Samantha only then realised how cold the air felt. She swallowed hard and poked the male dog a few times in the shoulder.

He didn't respond. Samantha looked over her shoulder at the others, hoping that they'd get the gist and help out.

Elena seemed to understand. The orange furred dog strode forwards - and abruptly slapped Kane in the snout.

Samantha's ears started to ring again as Kane stumbled a few steps forwards.

"Who is he? Why do you know him?" Elena asked. To everyone's surprise, they could actually hear her voice - it sounded muffled and slightly quiet, but they could hear it.

Kane stumbled once again and crashed snout first into the opposite wall. A loud, metallic crash echoed out.

"Is he... alright?" Sharon asked timidly. Samantha shrugged. "Probably as 'alright' as someone could get after being slapped in the snout by a paw -" she glanced over at Elena as she said that, "- and crashing head first into a wall. He doesn't seem dead, though, if that matters."

Sharon wrinkled her brow in confusion and trotted over to the half conscious dog. "Hey, are you... alright?" Her voice echoed clearly off the walls and back to the other four.

Samantha cautiously took a step forwards. The chill that had plagued the air just a moment ago was gone and was replaced with a familiar warmth.

"Hmm...?" Kane finally stirred. He blinked sleepily and squinted at the five dogs. "Where  am I...?" He paused for a moment, then his eyes widened. "Hey, wait, what's the time?!"

"The... time? Er, five forty five...?" Sharon answered, confusion written all over her snout.

Kane growled under his breath and spun around. "I'm already fifteen minutes late... 'pologies, but I need to be going."

"Wait!" Luna barked. "Explain! Why're you here? What's with the cold atmosphere a moment ago?! Ice elemental, are you?!"

Kane stared down at Luna for a moment. "Er, no. Now, please excuse -"

"Wait!" Samantha exclaimed, nudging past Luna. "Was it you who... muted everything? Like, do you have a power involving sound or something?"

Kane's eyes narrowed. "How...? How do you know? Were you spying on me? Did you bring me here?!" He glared at Samantha for a few seconds, then his gaze softened. "Oh. You're just... that kid in my Science class."

"You know him?" Elena echoed. "What's going on? What are you...?"

Kane squinted at Elena for a moment. "Are you all students from Alpine High? Did you bring me here?"

"Er, no. I mean, yes, we're students, but no, we didn't bring you here." Samantha sighed. "Alright, I don't want to... make you later, but could you answer some questions?"

"Hm? Well, make them quick. She doesn't like to be kept waiting." Kane curled his tail around his paws with a huff.

"Uh, okay. What's your power? What do you remember? And, er..."

"Who are you?" Elena butted in.

Kane pondered the questions for a moment. "Well, I'm Kane. Kane Lester, student of Alpine High. I don't usually reveal my power, but since you appear to know already... I can mute sounds from myself or around myself. Not a very useful ability, but it makes me pretty good at sneaking around. If that's useful, that is. I don't recall anything after... uh..."

Kane's eyes glazed over slightly as he furrowed his brow. "I... think I was talking to a gal on the street..."

"Who?" Zephyr asked, narrowing his eyes. "Were they... holding anything? A gemstone? A wand?"

"It was someone from Alpine High... I've seen them around, but I never really got their name. Strangely enough, they were wri -"

Kane trailed off. His eyes glazed over and he froze in place.

"Hey, why did he..." Luna squinted at the suddenly still dog. "Wait, I could've sworn..."

Samantha's ears began ringing again. Suddenly, everything became deathly silent - and Kane barrelled his way past Elena and Luna. Two tins hit the ground without a sound. Kane bounded away, his paws completely silent as they pounded against the ground.

The other three dogs were too busy trying to keep the other two from hitting the ground to chase him down. Zephyr caught Elena - apparently he'd underestimated her weight, because he went crashing to the floor as well. Samantha grabbed Luna's paw and heaved her up before she could actually hit the floor.

Luna's bat like wings spread out at the exact same moment to try soften her fall. Her wingspan was much longer than the space between the aisle and it sent several cans clattering to the floor.

The ringing in Samantha's ears started again, then faded to a soft buzz. Sharon stood nearby, trying to haul the other two to their paws. Elena and Zephyr appeared to have gotten their various limbs tangled up and were gingerly trying to extract them.

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