Chapter 21: Why Can I Never Get a Moment of Peace

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{{ Dear Mirror,

Okay, how do I even begin? So, uh, where did I leave off again...?

Ah, right. History. So, Elena dragged me and Zephyr do shopping since Luna and Sharon were too busy. We also went to a restaurant after that... But the shopping wasn't important, it was the fact that I managed to slip away and leave those two be. I might just pester her about it tomorrow, since I'm about to sleep right now.

So... I'd sum up school as 'boring, but better with friends'. This school isn't actually too bad, and I get a lot more freedom here... so yeah.

I'm just going to sign off here, since... you know, no interruptions and all. Seeya, Mirror. }}


The alarm clock rattled noisily on the bedside. Samantha scowled and slapped the off button on it. She turned over and covered her eyes with her paws. "Ugh... I hate school."

After a minute of internal debate, she pulled herself to her paws and slid off the bed. She padded over to Elena's bed, picked up her still ringing alarm clock, and held it next to her ear.

Elena stayed blissfully asleep. Samantha sighed, put down the alarm clock, leaving it leaning against one of her ears, and turned around to look for something that would wake her up. Finally, she decided on a large, heavy Maths book. She padded over to Elena's bed and was about to slam it down on the wall by her head when Elena's eyes shot open.

Several things hit the wall directly next to Samantha's head at once: a toy trumpet, a pebble and a plastic bag filled to the brim with dirt. Samantha jerked aside and managed to catch the plastic bag (which, thankfully, was tied closed) with one paw. The other two items clattered to the ground next to her paw.

"Is it already morning?" Elena yawned.

"Yes, it is," Samantha said with a sigh, putting down the bag of dirt on Elena's bedside table. "You should get ready. And do something about all this... stuff." She gestured at the objects on the floor.

"Fine, alright, I'll get on with it." Elena yawned again and buried her snout in her pillow. "Just give me a minute..."

Samantha shrugged. "Whatever. If you're late, it's your fault. I'm going to get breakfast after this." She turned around and entered the bathroom to wash up.


Samantha stood by the door, her backpack slung over one shoulder and now dressed in a brand new and rather comfortable lavender - though she'd prefer to call it 'purple-blue' -turtleneck sweater and new jeans. "Come on, Elena!" She called through the bathroom door, crossing her arms. "I won't wait forever!"

There was a muffled crash, then the door opened and Elena poked her head out with a sheepish smile.

"You can go on without me... I kinda need to... you know, fix something." Elena retracted her head and closed the door without even waiting for a response.

Samantha grimaced as she caught the thick scent of some sort of sweet... perfume in the air. "Alright, I'll leave you to it. I'll just, uh... lock the door...?"

When there was no response, Samantha shrugged and opened the door. She exited, locked it and padded down the corridor.

"Huh, it's strange. I haven't seen Abbey in a while." She said to herself as she descended the stairs.

She trotted from the dormitory block to the cafeteria, feeling slightly more confident - maybe Elena's pick in clothes really did do the trick.

She entered the cafeteria and looked up at the clock. "Eight o'clock." She said out loud, earning some glances her way. She scowled at them and pointedly ignored them as she went to grab herself a meal.

She selected a seat on a mostly empty table and sat down to dig into her mashed potatoes.

She'd only just taken a few bites when someone else abruptly sat down in a chair a few seats along and opposite hers.

Samantha discretely took a glance at the newcomer and was surprised to see Evan. The red furred dog was scowling and appeared to be sporting more bandages than the last time she saw him.

She decided to ignore him in order to not spark a fight. Too late - Evan's head shot up and he glowered at Samantha. The temperature shot up a few degrees as he snarled, "What're you looking at, stupid?!"

A few heads looked up to analyse the scene before them. Samantha scowled back: first at the gapping audience, then back at Evan. "Who are you calling stupid, you -!"

Samantha could feel sweat clotting in her fur as the temperature continued to rise, but she ignored it and yanked herself out of her seat, her hackles flaring and her eyes narrowing.

Before Evan could bite back another retort, someone abruptly sat down next said dog. Evan spun around, growling and baring his teeth, but the newcomer didn't even seem to be disturbed by it.

"Hey, Samantha. Hello, Evan." Vivian Blackwood greeted, her expression completely neutral if not tinted with what seemed like amusement.

"Vivian! Get out of the way -" Evan was interrupted once again. "I'm just here to eat. Why don't you just sit down and finish your breakfast instead of bothering Samantha? She's done nothing wrong."

Evan looked like he was about to retort. Samantha looked between the two dogs, not knowing what to say or do.

"You should finish breakfast too, Samantha," Vivian offered, seeing her confused expression. Samantha slowly sat down, trying not to make eye contact with Evan.

Slowly, Evan sat down too, still looking displeased. The temperature dwindled down to room temperature.

"So, Samantha," Vivian began, "You're in some of my classes but I hardly know you. How about a short introduction?"

"Eh?" Samantha considered Vivian's statement, then shrugged. "Why not...? Well, I'm Samantha Rowell, and, uh, I like... blue?"

"Interesting." Vivian replied, her eyes scanning Samantha's side of the table with a completely neutral expression. "How about your power?"

"My... power?" Samantha glanced over to her backpack, where her book - her diary - was hidden. "I... uh..."

A small smile crossed Vivian's snout. "Is it something that requires an... object to cast? Like a wand or a charm?"

Samantha blinked with surprise. "Uh... I suppose you could call it that. How did you know?"

"It's rather obvious seeing from your... reaction." Vivian replied simply. "If you don't feel comfortable telling me, you don't have to."

"No, it's not like that," Samantha quickly amended. "So, about my power... uh, okay. I have... a telepathic connection to a world beyond ours."

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