Chapter 8: Hot Chocolate? I'm in!

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{{Dear Mirror,

So we went and explored a bit. School's big but pretty boring, as far as I could tell. Nobody else really spoke to or bumped into us, which was... better, let's put it at that. I'm just chilling in my dorm and waiting for Elena to get ready to get dinner - she takes ages to change!

Anyway, let's see... what happened today? Alright, alright... hm. We met that guy called Alexander, er... something related to leaves. He seemed to be a pretty nice guy, at least for a Rank 2 guy. He has black fur, glow-y blue eyes and a green tail that looked like it was made of fire. Oh, and a leaf on his head. Really... hm, anxious, though? He seemed like a worrier. The last time I saw him, he was huddled him in the corner of the room we'd been talking in (by the way, we were talking in a room because he was scared that Abbey would come along) so he wouldn't be seen with us. Are Rank 3 dogs really that bad?

Oh, and we also met someone named... er, Kate something. Some sort of weird last name I can't remember. She has white fur and white and pink hair... and dark blue eyes. She was... interesting, I guess. She warned us about the Abbey thing too... is Abbey really that much of an influence?

For a... nicer change, we met this girl called Eve Raven... er, Ravensloft. She's Rank 3, apparently, even though she has a pretty cool power - telekinesis. She helped us open the door to the English classroom and congratulated us on the rebellion thing. Who knows? We might just become friends sooner on...

So that's everyone we talked to. I've seen a couple of other students around, but we haven't talked to them yet. I've also heard that there are rumours about me and Elena? Well, mostly Elena since she DID shoot a piano at Abbey. An entire piano. Yep, the -

You've gone over this before.

Aw, you're back.

I'm not even going to go on about how I created your universe. What did you think of the Shakespaw thing? You know, it's actually Shakespe -

I don't really care about what it actually is. I just want food. Dinner, to be specific.

Interesting. I suggest you go out somewhere? The restaurants around here must be better than the canteen.

Exactly what I was thinking. I guess that's one thing we agree on...

Technically, I'm the one who decides who you agree on.

Excuse me?! I am my own person, you don't get to control my actions. You can say whatever you want, but that won't do anything to me.

Whatever you say...

Hmph. In fact, if you 'created this universe', with air quotes, cough cough, can you make Elena change a bit quicker?

I could. But why would I want to? I want to see you suffer.

Really? What are you, a sadist? Do you take pleasure in watching people starve -

Elena: Hey, Sam, you ready to go?

Me: Yep. And are you, uh, done changing?

Elena: Hey, I wasn't just changing all this time, you know!

Elena's just walked out of the bathroom dressed in a red sweater that exposes her shoulders and a skirt.

Me: That's a little... adventurous.

Elena: What? The outfit? Pfft, no, I've seen worse. In fact, you should dress up for the occasion too!

Me: Haha, very funny. I don't own anything special aside from the dress you bought me.

Elena: That won't be true anymore after I take you out shopping.

Me: But we just went...?

Elena: You never told me that you didn't have formal or fancy clothes! Hm, maybe next time. I'll just lend you some of my stuff until then.

Me: Uh... maybe next time.

Elena: Well... if you insist.

Anyways, we'll be going to get lunch now. Seeya, Mirror. }}

Samantha tucked her diary and a pen into her bag alongside a jacket and other valuables. She exited the room and locked the door before turning to Elena.

"Do you know where we can eat?" She asked the orange furred dog. "I've never been here until... well, yesterday."

Elena shrugged. "Neither have I. We can just wander around and find food, I guess? I heard there's an abundance of food here, since Alpinia is known for food." Her eyes lit up as she spoke. "And the hot chocolate here is said to be amazing! I'm sure we'll be able to find somewhere to eat."

Samantha was already bounding down the corridor. "Hot chocolate? I'm in!" She called over her shoulder. "Let's go!"


The streets were brightly lit with various neon signs. Dogs walked down the street at a leisurely pace, giggling or chatting. There were a few other animals among the crowd, too - Samantha thought she saw a family of deer around the corner and a group of cats giggling like high school girls.

"Do you think there's anyone from our school here?" She asked Elena, which was striding down the street confidently, compared to Samantha, who was fighting to get past the masses of animals.

"Probably. I mean, there are loads of students at our school." Elena replied. "So, according to my phone... the place with the most restaurants should be just along there. Is there anything that catches your eye?"

Samantha scanned the rows of restaurants on the street Elena was gesturing at. "Well... I don't care." She said, shrugging. "It's your choice."

"Hmm... every restaurant's pretty crowded... Hey, look! That one looks like it has seats..." Elena quickly led Samantha through the crowd, toward the restaurant she was talking about. It was dimly lit but it looked fairly cozy and warm. Samantha could see a few empty seats through the window.

Elena pulled Samantha through the doorway. "Two seats?" A warm, feminine voice asked. Samantha turned to see a dog, dressed in a waiter's outfit and carrying a clipboard.

"Yes, please!" Elena said politely, smiling back. The dog led them to two seats and brought them two cups of water. "Take your time ordering," she told them. "I would recommend the hot chocolate, really," she added. "We're quite famous for it, actually."

Samantha watched the dog leave to greet another customer. "Well..." she said, turning to Elena. "What do you want?"

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