Chapter 9: Siblings, huh?

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{{ Dear Mirror,

Elena and I finished ordering and now we're just waiting for the food to arrive. Wait a second, Elena wants to see the Author's previous messages, let me just flip back -

There's no need for that.

Oh? You're here? Elena's still watching, she just asked me if you were real...

Of course I am. However, about you guys...

Don't even go on about that thing. Anyways, we're just sitting here, waiting for our food... oh, and we ordered hot chocolate! Alpinia is known for its hot chocolate, and looking around at everyone else's food, it looks like they provide marshmallows as well!

Sounds good. Anyway, how about you... look over there? You know, to your right and back...

Um, why? First of all, why would I? Second... there's nothing special. Just a few dogs.

Weren't you asking about students from your school?

No, I wasn't.

Hmph. Whatever. You should go and talk to them.

I don't care. They might not even be students.

They are.

You don't know that.

Fine, then. Be like that. You'll end up talking to them anyway.

Yeah, yeah, whatever. So -

???: You from Alpine High?
Elena: Yep! You?
???: Nice! Same here. What're your names?
Me: I'm Sam. Short for Samantha.
Elena: Elena. How about you?

Actually, I'm just going to stop writing since it's 'rude' to write when someone's talking to you. Gimme a second. }}

Samantha lowered her book and took a closer look at the stranger - a dark grey furred dog with bright blue eyes and black and white streaked hair.

"I'm Zephyr. Zephyr Nightshade, nice to meet you all." He winked. "And I'm here with my sisters -"

"Shut up." A black furred dog spoke. She had black hair, which was dyed purple-blue towards the ends. She scowled at Zephyr and then at Samantha. "Don't associate me with him," she added.

"Luna..." the dog next to who Samantha presumed was Luna mumbled.

'Luna' sighed. "Ugh, fine. I'm Luna, this idiot's sister." Luna glowered at Zephyr and huffed. "Stop flirting with strangers."

"I'm not flirting!" Zephyr protested. Luna turned towards him and started to lecture him on manners... or something like that.

The other dog - presumably their sister - turned to Samantha and Elena. "Sorry about that. They're almost like that."

"I'm not!" Luna barked, before turning back to Zephyr. "Don't even think that I'm done with you, young man -"

"Siblings, huh?" Elena commented.

The mysterious dog smiled and nodded. "Yes... Oh, wait, I haven't introduced myself! My name is Sharon Rose Nightshade -"

"Why did you tell them that? It makes us look... well, less cool!" Zephyr added in.

Luna scowled at her sister. "For once, I agree with him."

Sharon shrugged. "Sorry, but I can't lie about it... anyway, I'm sister to these two. I'm twins with Luna, but we both dyed our hair... we originally had black hair, if you're wondering. Zephyr's our younger brother... he's only two years younger, but he's pretty smart."

"Even if he doesn't look like it." Luna added. "So he's skipped a grade or two."

Zephyr smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I am - wait, what was that about the 'not looking like it'?!"

"And there they go again," Sharon sighed, before turning back to the duo. "The other one's Luna - she's younger than me by a few seconds, but she certainly doesn't act like it."

"I see," Samantha said, nodding. "I guess... I should be thankful my sister doesn't act like those two."

Sharon chuckled. "So, you have a sister, hm? You're definitely lucky, but I wouldn't give anything up for these two." She smiled fondly at her siblings. "They're nice once you get to know them."

"Hard to believe," Elena joked. "So, uh, what brings you here to this humble cafe?"

"Dinner," Sharon replied. "We registered a few days ago, and we're trying to find the place with the best hot chocolate since Luna and Zephyr love it. Currently, this place is at the top of the list."

"Glad to hear so," came the familiar, warm voice. The waitress that had greeted them at the door had padded up to their table and set down a tray of food and hot chocolate.

"Alright, we should get eating before it cools down too much," Elena said quickly, hungrily eyeing the mug of hot chocolate. "Do you want to continue chatting online? You guys seem like nice people."

"Thanks," Sharon said, smiling. "And -"

"Sure!" Zephyr barked, trotting over to them and completely ignoring his sister's lecture. "Here's my phone number," he added as he shoved a piece of paper into Elena's paws.

"Zephyr!" Luna snapped, "What did I say about flirting with strangers?! Did you have that prepared before we even entered this place?!"

"Hehe, maybe?" Zephyr scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "So, uh, text me later?"

"Maybe," Elena simply replied, winking. Zephyr immediately went silent.

Luna let out a rare chuckle as she padded over to the dogs. "You made my brother shut up? You seem like a cool person. Maybe we can be acquaintances someday."

"See? I knew you'd all get along," Sharon said, grinning. "Here, have our usernames for Snoutbook. We might even be in the same classes!" She passed Elena and Samantha a post it note. "I like to keep stuff like this around in case we meet anyone... interesting," she added. "So, uh, see you online later? We need to head to the mall to grab some stuff, and it's getting late..."

"Sure, see you later!" Samantha smiled at the three dogs as they left the cafe. When they were out of sight, she let a sly smirk cross her snout as she turned back to Elena. "So, what do you think about...?"

"They were... fine." Elena said carefully. "Don't go on about... him, though. I just like to unsettle guys who try to flirt with me."

"Sure, Elena," Samantha said, still smirking. "Of course, it's totally not like you're... interested in him or anything...?"

"Hmph. Just eat your food." Elena mumbled, shoving her face into her bowl in an attempt to not look at Samantha.

Samantha giggled under her breath and prodded at her steaming meal.

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