We're On The Road Again

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For three years, Ringo and I have been making photo albums. At first, it was just the two of us adding pictures, but soon, everyone else started throwing their photos into the books. There were so many books, not one person could handle them all. Ringo had four or five while I had six. Each book was filled to the brim with photographs dating back to the late 50s.

I sat on the bed, a photo album open in front of me. It was one of the first photo albums we had ever made. The pages I had it opened to had a picture of all of the lads on one side and a picture of the original trio of Revolution on the other. My eyes were set on Molly's smiling face. Through the photograph, I could feel her joy. She was as bright as the sun, with her arms wrapped around Janice and me. All three of us were smiling brightly. Ellen took this just after we had gotten our first single. I remember that day clearly. If I concentrated, I could still hear Molly's ecstatic giggles. 

"Mummy!" Vera cried.

She patted Molly's face, making me laugh. She reached for the photo album, nearly falling out of my lap in the process. I pulled the book closer and wrapped one arm around her waist, "That's right, Vera, that's Mummy. That's Molly."


Vera patted Molly's face once again. I smiled sadly. One day, I would have to explain everything to Vera. I would tell her of Molly and Regina Mackenzie, the two sisters who she could call Mum. I couldn't wait for the day where I could carry on The Mackenzie family legacy. I was a poor substitute for Molly, but, at the moment, I was the best she had. Vera might not be able to remember her blood relatives, but I would remember for her. 

Vera glanced back at me, tilting her extra large head back to where her eyes met mine. She placed her hand on my chin and grinned, "Melly!"

"That's right, that's right!" I kissed her forehead, "Such a smart baby."

Vera giggled, tapping my chin. It seemed only fitting that I was her second word. Molly was her first, as she should be. Molly and I were the only Mum's Vera knew, and I would be the only one she remembered. Once, I thought I never wanted children. I never liked children, and I never intended to have any. Vera, however, changed my life for the better. I cherished every single second I spent with her. It was the seconds we were apart that felt wasted. 

"What's goin' on in here?" Paul asked as he leaned against the door frame.

I grinned at him, "Vera said her second word."

"She did? Was it Hell?"

"I'm never living that down, am I?" I muttered.

Paul laughed, "Course not."

"Melly!" Vera shouted.

"See, it wasn't Hell," I grinned.

Paul smiled, "Look at you, Vera. Next thing you know, we'll be shippin' you off to University."

He sat on the bed in front of us and took the baby from my lap. She giggled as Paul held her in his arms. I sighed deeply, "Don't remind me. I'd rather she stay little forever."

"Just think of it," Paul winked, "You won't have to change diapers anymore."

"Maybe it's not all bad."

Paul laughed. Vera watched him smile, and felt his chest heave as he laughed. It made her giggle and reach up for his mouth. She gripped his lips and tried to figure out what made them open so widely. Paul only laughed harder.

"She's a curious girl, ain't she?" Paul asked.

"Just like her Mum," I replied, "She's gonna be a handful when she starts walking."

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