Roll Up! Roll Up!

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"Well, this is off to a good start."

"Shut up, Amelia."

John, George, Ringo, Paul, Mal, and I all stood in a row at the end of a bridge. A bus painted in bright hues of blue and yellow was stuck on the thin brick bridge. Any person with common sense would have known the bus was too big to go through, but not our driver. He drove through thinking the fat bus could fit through the skinny bridge. Now, it was stuck tighter than a paper on glue.

We had only just started filming an hour before. We got the intro sequence, and that was it. We still had forty odd minutes to fill and the bus was stuck.

"What the bloody fuck do we do?" John asked.

Paul shrugged, "Push it?"

"How do you expect us to push a several ton bus?"

Paul shrugged again. Ringo glanced at the bus and cocked his head, "What if we got some butter?"

"Fancy some toast?" I smirked.

"Got me hand stuck in a jar once," Ringo explained, "Mum used butter to get it out."

"How'd you get your hand stuck?"

"Can we stick to the problem at hand?" Paul interrupted.

"I think Ringo's got the right idea, let's get some butter," John grinned.

Paul sighed, "Butter isn't going to get the bus out, John."

"Nah, but we can make some toast while we wait."

"Wait for what? The bus isn't going to unstick itself!"

Mal glanced at his watch, "I could call a towing service. It could be here in an hour."

"That's too long. We only have three days to film."

"And only forty minutes to fill," John leaned on Paul's shoulder, "Relax, Macca, everything will work out fine."

"Yeah, we can work it out," I smiled.

Ringo grinned, "It's getting better all the time."

"We'll just get some help," George added.

"Until then, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere, man," John said, "And then we'll drive off here, there and everywhere."

Paul rubbed his temples, "You're all a bunch of gits."

"Come off it, Macca, we just need a little help from our friends," John winked.

"Just another day in the life," I shook my head.

"I hate the lot of you."

We all laughed. Just then, the bus roared. The engine shrieked louder than ever before and the bus lurched forward. A few bricks dropped into the creek below and the sides were scratched, but the bus was free.

"She's loose!" John exclaimed.

Paul grinned, "Jolly good. Come ed, we've got a movie to film."

"And the trainwreck continues," I whispered, following the lads onto the bus, "Or, should I say, bus wreck."

The bus was mostly filled with people plucked off the streets. The lads had tried to round up and all-star cast but, like me, they knew this would be a train wreck. The only people they could round up was Michael, Mal, me, and several unknown extras. We were a sorry excuse whenever the lads were intending to invite people like The Rolling Stones.

They wanted famous faces and famous bands, but the only person they could scrounge up was me. Linda was sick, or else she might have come as well. Tabitha and Minerva were not invited, to which Minerva nearly collapsed with relief. Tabitha, on the other hand, was raving mad. She vowed never to play a Beatles song again. That night, I made sure we covered four, just to spite her. 

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