It's Easy

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Jane asked, "It might be easier if you're not alone."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, "As much as I want you there, it's better if I go alone. That way, if he has to hate anyone, it'll be me."

"He won't hate you."

"Strongly dislike."

"He'll love you anyway," Jane placed her hands on my shoulders, "Paul will be angry at first, but he'll come around. He's Paul, and if there's one thing he can't live without, it's his sister."

Paul and I had been through Hell and back together. Whatever troubles faced us in our lives, the other was right there with us. Paul was my best friend, my strongest ally, and now I had to tell him something which had the potential to break that bond. I found myself trembling with worry. A million worst-case scenarios ran through my head as I stood in front of Jane contemplating whether or not Paul really needed to know. 

Jane was ever the helpful sort. She knew exactly what to say and how to say it in order to calm my nerves. She gave me the exact confidence boost I needed. If I didn't tell Paul, we couldn't continue. In order to love Jane, I had to tell Paul, and that was just enough to get me going. I'd do anything for her, anything at all. 

I smiled, "Janie, love, you always know what to say."

"I'm an actress, El, it's my job."

I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, "Until tonight, then. Hopefully, I'll come home all in one piece."

"You will," Jane smiled, "Just- try not to hit back, will you?"

"I have some restraint."

"Sometimes I question."

I gasped, "And here I thought you had faith in me."

"I do, just, be careful," Jane said.

"I will."

She kissed my cheek and I left. She and Vera both waved me off, watching as I stepped out into the hall and towards the lift. As soon as the doors shut, all of my momentary confidence had vanished. I felt myself deflate like an old balloon.

Paul was a very understanding person, in time. He would always jump to the first emotion that crossed his mind and stick with it until that tiny voice in the back of his head got a microphone. Before I even made it to his door, I knew the first thing he would feel was anger.

It was an unspoken rule, you don't go for your sibling's ex-girlfriend. That's not how it works. It was against the unspoken sibling code. I was born to break the rules, and this was no different. Against my own will, I broke the code and, possibly, just made my brother forever hate me.

Unless I could get him to listen. If I could tell him in just the right way, things wouldn't be so bad. I knew Paul, and I knew exactly what he would do. He would blow up at me, maybe even kicking me out of the house. Eventually, he would come to his senses and realize this wasn't as bad as it seems.

Jane was his ex-girlfriend, ex being the key part. He had cheated on her several times and she had fallen out of love with him. The two were not meant to be, it wasn't written in the stars. I just had to get him to understand.

When I arrived at Paul's house, I went right through the gate. The fans had yet to find his house but, given time, it would become impossible to waltz through those gates unimpeded. For now, however, I was able to walk right up to the front door.

"Amelia," Linda smiled whenever she opened the door.

I breathed a sigh of relief, "Lindy, I was hoping you'd be here."

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