The Perfect Girl

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I wish I was a perfect girl.

A girl who cried when she was sad
Her bottled up feelings
Bursting free
As tears dripped down her flawless face.

A girl who smiled when she was happy
Her smile lighting up the room
Making everyone else smile with her.

A girl who's laugh
Sounded like chiming bells
Confirming your jokes were funny.

A girl who loved her friends
Regardless of any wrong they've done.
Loving them relentlessly
Not faking it
Behind her plastered on smile.

A girl who ate
Savoring each morsel
Moving it around delicately in her mouth
Dragging out the taste
For as long as possible.

A girl who was good at anything and everything
Always chosen first for a team
Bounding over lightly
On her fast little feet
Smiling all the way
As she joined the growing team's ranks.

A girl who, when away
People rushed to call
Yearning for the chance to talk to her
Even if for just a second.

A girl who all the boys loved
Their eyes following her down the hall
Growing silent as she passed
Flashing a smile her way
Regardless of whether she'd smile back.

A girl who loved life
Waking up each morning
Pulling back the curtains
And smiled at the rising sun.

Despite my wishes
I'm far from perfect.

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