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"Did you see your mom's face she completely freaked." Anastacia Lyall said to her best friend as the two women walked inside the house,her blue eyes shining brightly with happily as she skipped into the living room, her blonde hair swaying from side to side,"I did but I would for her to warm me when she's coming to visit, same goes for you. I mean, imagine Nick and I were...." the petite brunette woman started as her childhood best friend interrupted "Getting down and dirty. That would be sight to be seen." Anastacia teased turning to face Brooklyn Jones who looked at the blonde gobshocked, "Anastacia!" She shrieked reached to wards the blonde to smack her arm when the hairs at at the back of her neck rose making her stop.

"Someone's here." the two women said simultaneously before the pair's eyes looked around the living room and entrance, "I'll check down here." Anastacia said first, "And I'll check upstairs." Brooklyn ended turning around and started to walk upstairs, her boot's heels clicking against the hard wodden floor while her chocolate brown eyes scanned everything, meanwhile down in the bottom floor Anastacia walked around the rooms checking everything when suddenly a pan made contact with her face before she had the chance of reacting.

She staggered back until she was against the kitchen fridge, hot, bright red blood dripped from her aching nose and covered her hands completely as she groaned, suddenly hands wrap themselves around her throat causing her to gasp and grab the offendor's wrists trying to pry them off her. Hearing commotion downstairs Brooklyn rushed down the stairs and nearly flew to the kitchen, turning on the lights she said "You better let her go before I call the cops."

Suddenly the person turned around and the brunette woman nearly fainted "Marie?" she asked breathlessly, "Brooklyn." The tired looking elder woman said with a small smile, meanwhile Anastacia had sunken to the floor and called out "Call Nick what are you waiting for." Snapping out of her dazed state the Jones woman stepped around the kitchen table and helped her best friend stand up, "Stacy, this is Marie Kessler..... she's Nick's aunt." she explained, "She broke my goddamn nose with a pan and tried to choke me." Anastacia grumbled in pain.

Rolling her eyes Brooklyn pulled a chair back and helped Anastacia sit down before doing the same with Marie on the other side of the table "I thought that you were a robber." Marie told the blonde woman in the room who simply looked at her with cautious eyes while Brooklyn grabbed a pack of ice and handed it to the blonde woman, "It's alright Marie, did you call telling Nick you were coming? I didn't know." she said smiling and poured wine into 2 cups and some lemonade into another cup, "I believe I did." Marie said smiling at her nephew's loved one, her eyes shining with gratitude and a bit of sadness, she knew that that her life was coming to an end.

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