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Brook came to to the sound of rushed footsteps and beeping monitors, her body was heavy and there was something attached to her stomach, she forced her eyes open and turned her head to the side just in time to see a blonde woman pass next to her, her face quickly decaying and her corn blonde hair turning grey before she looked away from her and continued her way. 

Then once she realised where she was, Brook sat upright, miraculously managing to ignore the throbbing pain in the back of her head as she pulled the equipment from her, she knew that she shouldn't have done that but something in her told her to get up and follow the rushed footsteps.

Her bare feet pressed against the cold floor and allowed the coldness to spread over Brook's body, instantly soothing the pain in her head and relieving her body of any heat that it had, after this she stepped out of the room carefully, subconsciously placing a protective hand on her stomach.

She was trying to make sense of everything when she saw doctors grab a gurney and hoisting someone onto it, wheeling it out of the room, her eyes instantly latched on the figure as she tried to figure who it was, something that she did rather quickly, it was her Nick that was on the gurney.

Any diziness that she may have had prior to that moment quickly faded away, her feet carrying her as they could towards the gurney, her eyes wide and her heart thundering, Nick's name falling from her lips like whispered pleas until she reached him.

That was when the doctor's saw her, when she reached the gurney, her hoarse voice questioning "What happened?" in the most urgent tone that they had ever hear before they could utter anything. They wanted to protest that she shouldn't be up, to berate her that she should not be up in her condition but it would seem that it would be in vain considering the state that she was currently in.

So instead they merely, as calmly as they could, told her "Ma'am could you step away from the gurney so we can take him into an examination room?" it was polite enough that it should have worked, it would have worked had Brook not been in the current worried state she was in. Knowing that repeating their request would do anything, one of the doctors merely peered at one of the guard and flickered their eyes back to the brunette, resulting in the guard moving to step forward.

That was until Hank appeared out of the nowhere, pulling Brook away from the gurney and allowing them to walk off, of course becoming the target of a worried and angry Brook who whirled around angrily, her pale face flushing with anger and her dark hair whipping him in the chest as she did. "Let me go." she ordered, voice strong and demanding, not at all matching her delicate appearance.

"Brook they need to run some exams on him, you need to let them work." Hank told her, in an attempt to calm her down, "And I need to be with him." She fumed, hands curling into fists, ready to start to start throwing punches in any and every direction until she reached him, a not very Brook Jones attitude.

Seemingly noticing that she was about to get violent, the dark-skinned cop gripped both of Brook's upper arms and looked her square in the eyes before telling her in a calm voice "Anger and stress aren't good for the baby." Those words seemed to snap Brook from whatever anger trance that she was in, her hand uncurling and reaching for her small bump, clearly just popped during the whole fiasco, her brown eyes casting down to it.

Worry seemed to now flood her senses as she began to hyperventilate, the memories of the whole fiasco flashing through her eyes, her usage of power that she shouldn't have used, her stress during the whole time. Tears brimmed her eyes as she thought of everything that could have gone wrong, that could still go wrong.

Hank had taken the opportunity that Brook had calmed down and focused on her bump to release her arms and lead her back to her room, where a nurse was already waiting for her, clipboard in hand and uneasiness clear in her features. 

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