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The following morning Brooklyn woke up and groaned slightly as the events of the previous days flashed through her eyes, she tried to get up but was stopped by strong arms holding her tightly by her waist, a face slowly dug into the back of her neck, Nick's familiar cologne scent filled her nose and she smiled, knowing it was him. She reached for his hands and gently untied them from her waist and got up, muffled complains left his lips but he simply turned to the other side and went back to sleeping, burying his face in her pillow and hiding his hands under it.

A soft smile settled on her lips before she made her way to the adjoin bathroom, she stripped from the pj's that she had sleepily slipped on the previous night when they got home and stepped into the shower, humming a low tune as she washed herself, her skin tingled, dizziness returned and her eyes suddenly turned gold along with the tattoo on her back, but as soon as it came it left leaving the brunette frustrated.

Quickly showering and washing her hair, Brooklyn stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, she blow dried her hair before walking out to the bedroom to find Nick still in bed, rolling her eyes she walked to their shared cabinet and opened her underwear drawer pulling out a white lace lingerie, she quickly slipped it on before grabbed her black suit pants and pulling them up her legs, slightly swollen figure being completely hid under the white tank top and beige winter shirt she then pulled over her head, she then walked over to the bed and crawled on top, sitting on Nick's back, kissing his exposed neck and back.

A small moan left Nick's lips along with the words "Do we have to go to work?" a bubble laugh left her lips as she answered "Yes we do Nick, now get up I think that Stacy has made breakfast." Nick groaned and Brooklyn got up, the detective sat up in bed and pulled his girlfriend back by her hand locking their fingers, "Thank you for coming with me yesterday..." he whispered, the dressed brunette simply smiled and stroked his cheek before saying "For you I would walk through fire." Nick smiled and kissed her hand before getting up and walking to the bathroom, letting go of her hand in the process.

Brooklyn slipped on her black heels and grabbed her red coat before walking out into the corridor and making her way downstairs, "Morning..." Stacy called from the kitchen, "Morning Stacy." Brooklyn said laughing setting her coat next to her prepared bag, "Pancakes and coffee." Anastacia said as Brooklyn entered the kitchen, "You are a charmer." Brooklyn said pausedly, kissing her best friend on the cheek before sitting down and attacking her pancakes, Anastacia smirked and sat down, "So when are you going to tell him?" the blonde inquired, "Not right now, Marie in the hospital. I don't want to stress him." Brooklyn said not taking her eyes off the pancakes, "Maybe those news are exactly what he and Marie need." Anastacia tried.

"What if it's not, I can't just drop this bomb on him, not right now." Brooklyn snapped, "What will you tell him when you disappear for a couple of days to go home? Huh, cause that ain't worrisome. Bubbles, he needs to knows and the sooner the better." Anastacia retorted, "You haven't called me Bubbles, since.... it.... happened." Brooklyn said lowly, "Well it's coming back and it's gonna stick." the blonde said.

"Hurry up love, I'll drive you to work then go to the station." Nick said as he entered the kitchen, he sat down ate a bit of his pancakes before gulping down his coffee, Brooklyn followed her actions before slipping on her coat and grabbing her bag. The couple bid their goodbyes leaving the blonde at the table, "I swear this family has issues to last generations." she grumbled as she lifted her hand to reveal the velvet box that she had found on Nick's pocket after they arrived from the hospital.

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