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Marie's eyes caught the sight of a yellow car that she had been trying to get away from and her composure fell, "Oh, my God, he's here." she gasped, fear and adrenaline coursing through her veins quickly while Nick turned around and asked "Who?" his eyes looking around still confused, "Hulda." The elder woman whispered turning around and pulling the upper part of her walking stick to reveal a secret dagger. Suddenly a disgusting looking being jumped in front of the duo making Marie push her nephew back with a certain amount of strength causing him to fall back.

The thing, Hulda, charged at Marie trying to knock her down while swinging his reaping hook at the woman, who defend herself quite quickly, although he did manage to knock her down for a few seconds, the Hulda then turned around to face Nick just as he was charging towards him and kicking him in the chest which led to the detective falling down. He then turned back to fight Marie eventually throwing her onto the road and knocking the breath out of her just as he raised his reaping hook to bring down on her head. 

Nick pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man, shooting him once in his back before her turned to face him and shot him a couple of times in the chest , the man fell what next to Nick, his face changing which confused Nick even more than he was. Quickly regaining his senses the detective sprung onto the balls of his feet and rushed to his fallen aunt, turning her around face him. "Did you kill him?" She asked, "Yes." he said breathlessly, "I thought I lost him. They're after me." Marie said before she reached for her neck and pulled something handing it to Nick, a pendant, and saying "Never lose this. Guard it with your life. They'll be looking for it. Nick, your parents didn't die in a crash. They were killed." Slowly she lays back down her eyes rolling back and blackness taking her. "What?" Nick asks looking at her.

Meanwhile in the house Anastacia ended the call with 911 while Brooklyn looked out of the windows trying to see something, "They're on their way." the blonde said, getting no response from the brunette she sighed and said "Brook calm down. I bet everything is fine." Scoffing the brunette got off her spot and walked to the desk in the living room and grabbed a gun from one of the drawers. "Okayy, shooting someone won't help anything." Anastacia said slightly scared.

"I'm going to check if Nick is alright, you stay here." Brooklyn said and before Anastacia could do anything she was out the door, "Nick?" She called out the second she got off the porch, the gun secured in her hands as the walked onto the side walk, "B-Brook.." Nick said standing up, confusion clear in his face along with worry, that was enough to make the brunette girl rush to him and wrap her arms around his neck. "What happened?" she asked worriedly as Nick's arms slowly went around her as if he were trying to grasp what just happened and she was the only thing that helped him.

The silence between the two was comfortable and Brooklyn didn't dare break it. Not long after police sirens were heard and Nick still refused to let go of the woman he loved, paramedics rushed to the unconscious woman and lifted her up to a stretcher placing a neck support around her neck gently, "Miss can I have your statement." a police officer asked as he neared the couple. She nodded and kissed Nick gently on the lips as if to wake him up from his trance. Moving his eyes to her after she pulled back he smiled weakly before letting her go and walking to his partner. "Miss can you tell us what happened?" the officer asked Brooklyn who simply pulled her coat closer and said "I didn't see what happened. I was inside the house with Anastacia, my best friend when we just heard gunshots and called 911. I grabbed Nick's reserve gun ran out here to see if he needed back up and hugged him until you guys got here." 

Marie was being wheeled in the stretcher to the ambulance with Nick and Hank Griffin following behind, "lt happened so fast. He came out of nowhere. He had that thing in his hand. He went right for her, Hank. I had no choice." he said his mind still racing even though he was a lot calmer. "Take it easy. Now you go to the hospital. I'll handle this." Hank said looking at the partner, "She said she knew him. That his name was Hulda." Nick said taking a deep breath before Hank said "I'll run his prints." he saw Brooklyn approach them and left to join the other policemen. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Brooklyn asked gently placing a hand on his arm and rubbing it slightly. "No, I'll be home as soon as I can." Nick said looking at her, "It was a rhetorical question Nick, you know I'm coming with you whether in that ambulance or in the car behind you." Brooklyn said with a slight teasing tone and smile that made Nick crack a smile and say "Yeah I know." Nodding Brooklyn reached for his hand as they turned around and started walking to the ambulance when a female voice called "Nick! Brook!" the couple came to a halt and turned around to see Anastacia holding a bag, "Here's your bag Brook, don't worry I turned off the dinner." She said extending her arm. "Thank you Anastacia, eat something and feel free to crash in the guest room or the couch." Nick said as Brooklyn grabbed her bag, "AND NO PARTIES!" The brunette ordered with a firm tone that made the blonde roll her eyes and blow them a kiss and turning around.

"It'll be a miracle if we still have an intact home when we return." Brooklyn said as she climbed inside the ambulance with Nick behind her, "I'm not sure we will, know her." he agree in a teasing tone, trying to raise the mood. "Yeah... she's always been a little minx." Brooklyn agreed.

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