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Later that night the three women were still in the kitchen, Anastacia sipping on her wine slowly while her best friend sipped on hers and cooked dinner and Marie Kessler told them stories about Nick when he was younger, most of which  Brooklyn had already heard. When Nick Burkhartd arrived at his and his almost life long girlfriend he found that his neighbourhood was wearily quiet, he walked inside and set his keys in the key bowl and looked around to find the house in complete darkness, worried that something might have happened he called out "Brook?"

He walked deeper into the house and looked into every room until he looked into the kitchen only to find 2 figures at the table, one with their back to him and the other one across the first with a glass of wine and they're head in their hands small groans leaving their lips, suddenly the person who had their back towards him turned around with a serious expression making Nick say "Aunt Marie." the woman's face broke into a smile as he walked into the kitchen and shrugged his coat off his shoulders, Anastacia pulled her head up to look at her best friend's man and asses him. "When did you get here?" he asked before a whimper and groan was heard from the blonde girl as she said "Stop hitting me woman!" Brooklyn simply rolled her eyes before peeking her boyfriend's lips smiling and saying "Hey."

Nick kissed her back before replying with a "Hey." and a smile of his own, "She was here when I got home with Anastacia." The brunette said nodding her head to the blonde who's nose was starting to turn a nasty shade of purple slowly, "Hello Anastacia. What happened to you?" Nick asked seeing her nose. Deciding to spare the woman who nearly killed her the blonde woman said "I walked into your front door as it was opening." Marie threw the younger woman a confused look as why she didn't just expose her but said "Sorry for the short notice. I meant to call. Sometimes I mean to do something and I assume I usually have."

"It's alright Marie, you know you are always welcome here anytime, our home is your home." Brooklyn said placing the lid on the pot, Nick smiled as his brunette love before turning back to his aunt and saying "Well, how are you doing? ls everything okay?" his worry coming out heavily in his words, "Not as okay as I used to be." Marie confessed with a small smile, "She was telling US some pretty funny stories about when you were little. Even though I bed that Miss Brook already knew them." Anastacia smiled teasing her best friend who scoffed and walked to her boyfriend and leaned against his side wrapping her arms around him while he wrapped his around her. "Dead frog in the microwave?" Nick asked with a small embarrassed smile causing the two women he loved the most to love to laugh and Anastacia say "Among others."

"Come and give us a hug." Marie said getting up, the couple parted and the other two women watched as Nick carefully wrapped his arms around his aunt and hugged her dearly, unheard by the duo Marie whispered to her nephew "We need to talk." they pulled apart and Nick looked at her worriedly before saying to the best friends "Excuse us a moment." they nodded and the young detective helped his aunt get ready and leave the house, "Anastacia back off, he's mine." Brooklyn said the moment she heard the front door close, "He is just like a piece of candy, how can you expect me to just simply back off..." The blonde said dreamily even though she was only trying to annoy her best friend. "I'm warning you Anastacia." Brooklyn growled annoyed stomping her heeled foot on the ground angrily as she turned to the blonde pale woman causing her to look at her slightly taken back, "I know, I was only messing you with you. You know I would never do that especially to you and especially now." Anastacia said.

Meanwhile outside on the street Nick asked his aunt "How bad is it?" making the sick woman answer "Two months, two weeks, two days. Nobody knows. But there are so many things I have to tell you." she came to a halt and stopped in front of the young man, "Why didn't you come here sooner?" he asked half confused, half worried, to which the older woman answered "I couldn't." making Nick even more confused and ask "Why?" "Just listen to me, there are things you don't know, things about your family." Marie said briefly.

"My family? You're my family along with Brook." Nick stated laughing slightly as he kept his eyes trained on his sick aunt, " Have you been seeing strange things? Things that you can't explain?" Marie asked worriedly, the tall brunette man looks down, "Oh, I knew it. This is all happening so much faster than I thought it would. When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass. I couldn't move for a week." Marie confessed sighing and looking down slightly, this made the detective asked completely confused "What are you talking about?" "The misfortune of our family is already passing to you. I'm so sorry. I know you love Brooklyn, but you have to end it and never see her again. It's just too dangerous." Marie said looking at him, "What?" Nick asked completely confused with his aunt who had always loved the brunette since the moment she met her.

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