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Later that night Nick was out in the trailer, unable to sleep knowing that his girlfriend could be dead or injured, he had tossed and turned before deciding that he was going to the trailer to try and find out what the man was, he looked around every book until he found what he had been looking for, a drawing of what the man's face had looked like for a brief moment. Wanting to know more he got up and walked to the earlier suspect's home from the other side of the road, his eyes hard staring at the man as he worked on a clock.

Again like a mirage the two children he had seen earlier in the park appeared in front of the house of the man,  their hand's glued together and their eyes trained on Nick, he frowned slightly, not understanding where they had come from, "She's not here." the boy said, his voice reminding Nick of his own when he was the age that the two kids appeared be, "She's close but she's far, get to her before it's too late." the girl said with urgency before the front door of the house creaked open.

The children quickly disappeared as fast as they had appeared leaving Nick even more confused that he had been before, his eyes flickered to the man that was walking out of the house, heading for his backyard. Nick followed silently and close to the wall of the house, his breathing slow and even as he watched the man pee on his fence, his brows furrowed as the man raised his face and sniffed the air quickly before zipping up and rushing back inside the house.

Fear coursed through Nick's blood for half a second as the lights in the living room turned off, he started to make his way backwards slowly when a body jumped out of the window and crashed into him before throwing him flat against the window, "You shouldn't have come back." The man growled, his face animalistic, as he stepped towards the detective, Nick reached for his gun while his heart pounded in his chest resulting in the man morphing his face back to human like and saying "Okay, okay, okay. Lighten up. I'm just making a point." he started making Nick halt his actions slightly.

"Come on. Let's grab a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window." the strange face changing man told him before starting to walk away, Nick stared at the man in mere confusion and fear before following him inside the house, to the kitchen where the man instantly grabbed two beers and walking back to Nick handing him one. "You know, I never seen one of you before. I heard about you guys all my life. Never thought I'd see one up close." he started before leaning into Nick's face making him lean back feeling slightly subconscious about their proximity "A Grimm." he stated scoffing slightly "Ha! What do you know?" as he took a sip of his brew.

"You know about me?" Nick inquired extremely confused, "Are you kidding? My folks used to tell me stories about you guys. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid." he started before looking the detective up and down, "How long you been at this? You seem kind of new." he quickly added. Nick looked away fro a split second still trying to process everything before gasping out. "Who are you?" the man did a double take before saying calmly before taking a sip "Wow, you are new at this. What, someone in your family just die?"

"My aunt's in a coma." Nick confessed, "Ahh, that explains it. What's her name?" the owner of the house inquired, "Marie Kesler." Nick answered and watched as the man's demeanour darken as he said "Oh, yeah. I heard of her. Look, I don't want any more trouble, okay? I'm not that kind of Blutbad. I don't kill any more. I haven't in years." The said Blutbad said as he walked into his study and set his beer down. Nick setting his still in the kitchen followed him quickly and inquired "Wait. What did you say you were?"  "Blutbad. Vulgarized by your ancestors as the big, bad wolf. What, did you just get the books tonight?" he explained with a cocked brow at the detective.

Nick ran a hand over his face, his mind clouded with mild confusion at what he was hearing and worry for the love of of his life. "You know about the books?" he exhaled forcedly, "Of course I know about the books. We all know about the books. You people started profiling us over 200 years ago. But, as you can see, I'm not that big, and I am done with the bad thing." The Blutbad stated as he looked down at himself, ashamed of his past actions. Nick took a step towards the clockmaker and started "Well, how do you..." "How do I stay good?" the older man interrupted as he grabbed his beer again.

"Through a strict regimen of diet, drugs, and Pilates. I'm a reformed Blutbad. A Wieder Blutbad. It's a different church altogether." he explained calmly, taking yet another large gulp of his beer at the end, "You guys go to church?" Nick asked exasperated, "Sure. Don't you?" the clockmaker teased slightly before heading into the living room and tucking something into a wooden chest leaving Nick in the study for for a split second. "Then what she said is really happening to me. I have to stop it. How do I stop it?" Nick inquired wanting nothing more than his old life back.

The life where he'd wake up with his girlfriend next to him or in his arms, where he'd take her to work and pick her up for lunch, where he and her would have date nights that were usually crashed by his best friend and partner and the three would usually stay on the couch until late night or early morning and Hank would crash on their couch, the life where everything was so much simple and where he'd have proposed to his girlfriend surrounded by his aunt and her best friend and not have to shoot someone and rush his aunt to the hospital.

"Stop it? You can't stop it. It's who you are." The Blutbad said staring into Nick's eyes intensely staying silent for a few moments, "So if you just got into this, you must be seeing some pretty strange things." The face changing man said as he moved to his fireplace, breaking the said silence, "Yeah. I am." Nick confessed, emotionally drained, "I guess that's why you're here."the Blutbad said grabbing his brew from where he had set it moments earlier. "No, I'm here because of the missing girls." Nick told him, placing a hand on his waist, his detective demeanour returning slowly, "Still haven't found them yet?" the house owner inquired slightly shocked, "No. We haven't." Nick truthfully and forcedly replied, "Ah, look at this." the older of the duo mumbled, "You know where they are." Nick accused, "Of course I don't know where she is. Did I not just tell you about my strict regimen?" the man sassily said raising his arms.

"So how many of you Blutbads are there?" Nick asked with a hint of curiosity, "First off, the plural is Blutbaden. And I don't know. We don't socialize much. Bad things happen when we get into a pack. Especially when we see red." the clockmaker confessed with a small reminiscent tone at the mention of pack and red, "So all those things I've been seeing..." the detective started, "We're not things. Look, I'm a clockmaker, for God's sake. I don't go around abducting little girls." the taller corrected and pointed at his clocks, "Okay, then tonight in the backyard, you were marking your territory." Nick once again accused, "I wasn't pissing on my fence for kicks." the clockmaker remarked. "Then there are more of you around here." Nick stated with a slightly victorious look while the Wessen simply simply stared at him with a cocked brow.

"Look, you may not know where she is, but you've got a pretty good idea who's got her." Nick added once he said that the Wessen wasn't going to say anything, "I don't bother the other Blutbaden, they don't bother me." he said walking out of her second study, "Guess what, pal? I'm not a Blutbaden. I'm a cop. And if you know who's got my girlfriend, you had better tell me right now." Nick nearly growled as he made his way to the clockmaker and place his finger on his chest, "Please don't threaten me." The Wessen warned, "I want to know who's got her." Nick growled slamming the older man into the wall with anger burning in his eyes. "You must really like this woman to be acting this non-detective like." the man remarked, "Yes I love her, and that is why I have to find her." Nick told him still not letting him go.

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