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"Alright Robin, time to go." Brooklyn told her student Robin Howell, the small girl smiled at her and pulled her back pack onto her back, "Miss Jones..." Robin called out as the two left the school, usually Brooklyn would drive the girl home, if she had brought the car, no matter the weather but seeing as her boyfriend had brought her to work she didn't have a car that day. "Yeah Robin?" the brunette woman questioned, "Do you have a baby?" the small brunette girl asked, innocence clear in her words, "W-why do you ask that?" Brooklyn inquired trying to play it cool, "Because my mommy said that when a big girl has a baby in their tummy, they had a glow to them." Robin said.

"Well your mommy is very much right." Brooklyn said, she knew that there was no use in hiding it from the small girl, Robin nodded and grabbed her teacher's hand as they turned the corner, down the road was a postman but he made the hairs on the back of the older woman's neck stand, and not in a good way, Brooklyn pulled Robin closer as the neared the postman and let a sigh go as they passed him, "Come on." Robin said happily as she pulled her teacher into the entrance of the woods, when they were traveling by car the girls used to drive all the way around the forested park, but by foot it was easier to go through the forest.

Brooklyn smiled and threw her hair over her shoulder as she cautiously walked on the dirt ground, "So what are you going to have for dinner today?" Brooklyn questioned teasingly, "Grandpa is making pasta with meatballs and we have chocolate cake for desert." Robin said humming slightly as she imagined the food, "Well, if my best friend didn't go home I have no idea but if she did, I'm going to cook macaroni and cheese for my boyfriend and I." The older brunette said, her lips pulling into a love struck smile, "Miss Jones, how do you know that you love someone?" the young girl questioned.

"Well I found out that I was in love when I noticed that whenever I talked to Nick I would become a stuttering mess, I was slightly clumsy, my heart raced like there was no tomorrow, whenever someone asked me who I saw myself with, I wouldn't hesitate to say him and eventually that's how he found out, he asked me that question and I told him that I saw myself with him. And now here I am, a couple years later, still dating him, we have a baby on the way and still very much in love." Brooklyn rambled before looking at the girl, who's face had suddenly changed to one of pure terror.

Before Brooklyn could even fathom the reason why the little girl was scared, a scented cloth covered her mouth and nose, fear and shock flashed through her and she tried to pull away but with no avail, her eyelids felt heavy and her strength failed making her let go of her purse and the girl's hand, her attacker let her go and chased after the now running girl. Brooklyn's body hit the ground with a loud and hard thund, her eyes catching the small glimpse of the postman pulling Robin back by her backpack, pulling it off her shoulders and throwing the child in a bag, suddenly darkness overtook her and she went completely limp on the ground.

 Brooklyn's body hit the ground with a loud and hard thund, her eyes catching the small glimpse of the postman pulling Robin back by her backpack, pulling it off her shoulders and throwing the child in a bag, suddenly darkness overtook her and she...

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On the other side of the forested park a woman stood sobbing on the porch of her father's house, "I don't understand. She was supposed to go straight there from school." the woman sobbed at the policeman, "Yeah, she never showed up. I looked all over the neighborhood. Then I came right here, she usually comes with a teacher Miss Jones. Neither of them showed up." the older man said rubbing his daughter's back, Detective Wu heard a car arrive and looked at them people, "Will you take care of that, please?" he asked the fellow detective, "What do we know? Little girl on the way to her grandfather's house with her teacher. Never showed up. That's him, the guy with the beard." Wu told Nick and Hank. 

"Do we know he's clean?" Nick questioned looking at the man, "No. We're looking into that. That's the best photo they had." Wu said showing a picture, "What about the teacher?" Hank inquired, Wu turned his eyes to Nick who frowned, "Why are you looking at me?" the brunette detective asked, "Because the teacher that was coming with her was Brooklyn Jones." Wu said. Nick nearly collapsed in shock, his eyes went wide and his mouth dry, he could hear the beating of his heart in his ears.

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