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"Is everything alright? Are there any problems?" Brook began to question the minute the nurse was done running the check up tests, "Is the baby alright?"  The nurse peered over at Hank, who was shaking his head slightly in a way that silently claimed that he was not going to stop her ranting. "Ma'am everything is alright, your blood pressure is slightly elevated but we believe it due to the stress that you've been under recently." the nurse began.

This made Brook relax completely, her shoulders sagging with the good news and a relieved sigh escaping her lips, behind her Hank also relaxed, he would no have wanted anything to happen to his best mate's child, seeing as it would seem it was the only thing that was truly going well in his life as of recently.

"Can I go to Nick now?" the dark-haired woman questioned after a moment of silence, the nurse nodded and walked out of the room, giving the mother-to-be some time to get ready, which Brook did merely by pulling her pants up her legs and buttoning them, "You knew didn't you?" Hank asked as Brook put on her pants, "That you were pregnant." he watched as a small smile etched on the brunette's lips, as if her mind was reminding her her of a sweet memory.

"Mom told me about two or three days ago." Brook replied, softening the hospital gown that she was not yet removing, "I was going to tell Nick in a sweet way." her dark eyes snapped up, locking with Hank's own eyes, before she sighed, "But I guess there's not much of a surprise now."  Hank gave her a grim smile that said everything that Brook already knew.

"This means no coffee for you right?" he teased her instead of commenting, bringing a caring smile to her lips, watching as she rolled her eyes at him, "No wine either, beer or any alcohol." she replied, slipping on her shoes and standing straight. "That's a shame, I don't think I'm going to be able to wait 9 months for you to drink with us once more." Hank claimed in fake desperation.

"Oh, shut up and let me go see my detective." Brook told him, worry once more slightly slipping into her tongue, "I thought I was your detective." Hank teased once more, although backing away from the door, Brook walked out of the room and looked up at Hank, flashing him a small smile before walking towards the room in which she was told that Nick was going to be in.

Her fist knocked on the door, making sure that it was alright for her to enter before she opened it and slipped inside, "Should you even be up?" Nick's worried voice filled her ears, giving her so much comfort without him even knowing it, "I've been cleared." she clarified, closing the door behind her and quickly walking towards Nick, who sat on a examination table.

Her arms going around his neck, pulling him to her as she hid her face in his neck, Nick of course, wasted no time in pulling her to him as well the second his arms were around her waist, carefully. "I was scared." he told her, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her lower back, soothing for both.

"I'm okay, you saved me." she replied, pulling her head slightly away from him, moving her right hand to cup his cheek before giving him a deep kiss, a reassurance kiss that she was truly there with him. The kiss lingered for a moment longer than it needed but neither complained, the stressful events having taken a toll on both of them emotionally.

"What did the doctor say about the baby?" Nick questioned, looking down at her stomach as they pulled away from each other, "That everything is alright." she replied, smiling at him before it transformed into a frown, a sudden change that caused the cop to worry but unfortunately before he could question the sudden change she muttered sadly "I wanted to surprise you." 

Her words calmed him and made him chuckle, "Of course you wanted, and you would have surprised me in the most unexpected way." he told her, raising his eyes to look at her face, that was still looking down at her stomach, "Probably by turning one of the bedrooms into a nursery while I worked." 

"Something amongst those lines." she confessed, peering up back at him, smiling at him sweetly as she felt like she could finally relax, "Are you still dizzy?" a doctor questioned as he entered the room, causing the parents to be to completely break away. "I'm alright." Nick told the doctor with a small shake of his head, feeling Brook placed a hand on his upper arm for comfort.

"Well, your liver enzymes are elevated and we found traces of a neurotoxin in your blood: Phtx3..." the doctor began to say, "Phtx3?" Brook echoed slightly confused, "That toxin is associated with spiders." The doctor nodded at her words, agreeing with her "That's correct, you are extremely lucky not to have had any more of it detective, it would have paralysed your lungs."

At this Nick seemed to stop as he stared at the doctor, his mind racing as he thought back to the events that led to him being stabbed by a needle, quickly understanding that there had been an attempt on his aunt's life.

"Did they find what's wrong with you?" Hank inquired the second the coupled was out of the room, Brook pulling Nick's jacked over her shoulders to protect her from the cold she was sure to feel upon exiting the hospital, "Just a few toxins in my blood." Nick replied, quickly latching his hand to Brook's when she was done, intertwining their fingers.

"Just a few toxins that could have ended with your lungs paralysed and you dead." Brook muttered sourly, tightening her grip on Nick's hand, "But it didn't." he reminded softly, effortlessly soothing the brunette next to him, "Are you going to be okay?" Hank asked his best friend worriedly, "How do I look?" Nick countered, looking at his partner with a teasing yet tired grin on his face.

"Like a cop whose been working all night." Hank confessed, Nick chuckled and rebutted "Aw that's funny Hank, that's how you look." this made the older cop and the pregnant woman to laugh slightly before Hank said in a conceited tone "Well, then you look good."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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