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At the hospital while Nick and Brooklyn were waiting to be able to see Marie, Brooklyn was hit by a wave of nausea just as the nurse arrived to lead them to Marie's room, she walked to the bathroom and looked splashed some water on her face before looking into the mirror, indeed her skin looked more golden than usual, and her eyes were brighter and had a certain glint that made her smile, she remembered when her mother had the same glint when she was younger, when her family was complete and there were no problems.

As she continue to admire how her skin and eyes looked a small pain engulfed her body causing her to gasp and grip the skin tightly in her hands, water started to run from the sinks simultaneously before starting to float in the air, of course that was no news to Brooklyn, what was was that when she tried to stop the water it didn't work, she herself was powerful but there was another thing more powerful than her at the moment which led to the brunette closing her eyes and hissing "Enough!" 

That however didn't work as the water continued to float around the bathroom, filling the ceiling, a bigger pain hit her making her snap her eyes opened, instead of finding her usual chocolate brown eyes, now brighter, staring back at her she found pure gold ones, a shocked gasped escaped her parted lips but as soon as the gold iris appeared it quickly disappeared, shaking her head the brunette let go of the sink and walked out of the bathroom, her heels ticking against the marble floor.

The moment the door closed behind her, the water that had been cloaking the dark bathroom ceiling fell drenching the nurse that had been in one of the cubicles minding her own business. Brooklyn walked to the room that the nurse had told her that Marie was in just in time to hear Marie say "Don't ever lose what I gave to you." The second she stepped into the room Marie's eyes snapped to her and a small sad smile appeared on her face "Marie..." Brooklyn sighed and walked to the other side of the bed and gave the wounded woman a gently hug, "How are you? Do you need me to bring something from home to make you more comfortable?" The brunette fretted, "I'm alright Brook..." Marie said grabbing her hand and then moving her eyes to Nick as if to remind him of her words earlier.

Brooklyn scoffed and said "I'll bring your favourite blanket tomorrow, and a couple of books." her eyes never catching the altercation between the aunt and nephew. Just as Marie was about to disagree the nurse appeared and said "I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt, you can see her again tomorrow." The brunette woman smiled shyly and said as she looked at her boyfriend "We're not married." "My bad, but visiting hours are over Miss." the nurse corrected, Brooklyn and Nick both kissed Marie in the forehead before leaving. "You okay?" she asked his after they left the room, "I'm worried and angry." Nick confessed narrowing his eyes at the end of the hall, the woman nodded and rubbed his arm saying "I'm sorry honey." The detective smiled tightly at her before reaching into his jacket's pocket and pulled out something, the pendant that his aunt had given him.

Both of them came to a halt as they examined it, "What's that?" Brooklyn asked, her shinny brown eyes looking at the pendant questioningly, "I-I don't know, Aunt Marie gave it to me on the street before she passed out and just told to never lose it the moment you walked in." Nick said, "Funny I remember one like that when I was a kid, before my d... before he left." Brooklyn said, her whole posture changing completely as she reached the end of the sentence, Nick looked at her with pity and kissed her head as she pulled the pendant from his hand, "Only his opened..." she trailed off before pulling the two sides of the pendant to reveal a small key.

The couple looked at the key, "How did you know..." Nick started, Brooklyn shrugged and simply held his hand tightly in hers, shutting herself off was something Brooklyn had always done since her father had walked out on her family, Nick knew this and simply let go of her hand and placed his arm around her shoulders, "I have to go to the station." he whispered to her, "I'll go with you." the brunette responded instantly making her boyfriend smile at her, knowing that she would have said that. "You can go home, make sure that Anastacia hasn't burned down the house." Nick told her gently, "She hasn't, she knows I would have killed her if she did." Brooklyn told him smiling.

The duo walked out of the hospital and got inside Nick's car, the drive to the police station was quick but meaningful, Brooklyn kept belting out the lyrics of all of the songs that came on the radio while Nick laughed, the two were in complete and utter peaceful. "And I will always love you....." Brook sang in the right tone and tune while looking at Nick and reaching to touch his face with her hand, "Can you be even more cheese?" he questioned teasingly as he started to park, "Can you love me any more?" she retorted with a bright smirk.

"Of course I can." he answered turning off the car, "Somehow I don't truly believe that." she teased before attempting to get out of the car, "Not so fast..." Nick said pulling her back slightly yet gently, "What's the problem officer?" Brooklyn questioned teasingly, Nick hummed and cupped her chin before kissing her, a sweet kiss filled with very deep emotions, one that Brooklyn wasted no time in responding to, when they broke apart no words were said.

The couple got out of the car and entered the police station and walked up to Nick's desk where the weapon that the attacker had used rested on, Brooklyn pulled a chair and sat next to him while he sat in his chair and started to research about the weapon and the translation, not long after he started typing Brooklyn's eyes started to close, her breathing slowed and she leaned her head on the table on top of Nick's coat.

"Hey, Nick." the dark skinned officer said startling the focused officer and making the brunette woman stir in her sleep. "You get that translated?" he questioned motioning to the writing on the weapon. "Yeah. lt means Reapers of the Grimms." Nick said setting the weapon on the table, "That fits your buddy, Hulda. Wait till you hear what I got on him." Hank said motion his head to the door. Nick nodded and turned to his girlfriend, shaking her slightly, a low groan left her lips making the tall brunette officer wrap one of her arms around his neck and shift her chair before picking her up, an arm around her waist and one under he legs, the two detectives made their way downstairs to the entrance with Hank saying. 

"Hulda was from Boise, Idaho, where he worked as an accountant, but his prints came back as a Mr. Lindon from Chicago, wanted for assault, rape and murder. There's also warrants matching those prints in Florida and Alabama." Nick looks at him slightly shocked and repeats "He was wanted for assault, rape and murder?" "Don't let the comb-over throw you. This was a bad guy." Hank said just as Dectective Wu ran up the stairs saying "Hey, Nick, Captain wants to see you." Nick held the sleeping brunette closer and frowned before looking at his best friend questioning "What's he want?" as they reached the foot of the stairs.

"Guess you'll find out." Hank quickly answered looking behind him before turning around and leaving, Nick turned around gently to find his Captain while readjusting the brunette who snuggled closer to him, his golden like skin shining even more in the light of the hallway. "If you had to shoot somebody, you sure picked the right guy. How you doing? You holding up?" The Captain questioned as he looked at the couple,  "Yes, sir." Nick said slightly quietly. "First shooting is no small thing. You'll be required to see the police psychologist." The older man advised making the detective answer shortly "Yes, sir." "Make sure you do. And get some rest. Both of you had a emotion roller coaster ride filled night." the Captain added making the man nod before walking to the door and heading for the car.

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