the story of my life.

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Hey, Yuri!  Kousei yelled, running up from behind me. I looked over my shoulder for a split second, but then kept walking. I just couldn't deal with my dear older brother sometimes, even if we were supposedly "twins." It was late February, and the snow was melting and turning into slush as I continued down the sidewalk. I always loved the spring time, when the sakura would bloom and the trees would glow this pinky glow, so soft, yet so vibrant. It seemed like the perfect time to... no. I would never. Never turn to the piano ever again. Not after Mother died. 

Yuuuuuuri, hey, Yuri! Yuriiiiii, HEY!

WHAT do you want, Kousei? I hissed at him, turning on my  heels, stopping him in his tracks. 

I.. I was just wondering what you wanted for your birthday. Some new ice skates? Pens? Oh, how about some sheet mus- I slapped him.

I had slapped him.

My own brother.

I will NOT  start the piano again! Never again in my lifetime! Even in the afterlife, if such a dumb aspect even exists! I yelled at him, turning to run back to our house.


late march


I'm home, I said, my voice echoing through the empty hallways. Kousei and I have always lived alone, aside from the occasional meeting with Father, who only came home a few times every year. I kicked off my shoes and walked over to the fridge to get a snack. I had stopped by the 7 Eleven, so Kousei probably got home before me. I had to buy a... um... a gift, I guess you could say. After I grabbed a snack, and ran upstairs, and on my bed was a paper crane, a silent princess bud in a pot, and a note from Kousei.


I know I have been pressuring you to pick up the piano again, and I'm sorry. Please take these as peace offerings.

Anyways, that's not all. I was wondering if you could come with me to the park tomorrow after school. Watari asked me if I could introduce him to a friend of mine, and she plays the violin. I was asking you this because in case it gets awkward, you can swoop in and save us. I hope you won't mind talking about music, but please, just this once. I promise I won't bug you about music anymore after this, just please help me. 

I know you probably are going to say no, and that's fine if that's your answer. I just thought I would put this on the table, a card in the complicated game we're playing. A second of hesitation in our dance.

I hope you understand why I'm asking this of you.


I sighed. 

What was I going to do with this boy? So, I wrote a reply.


I understand. 



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