she wears her scars without fear.

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I took a deep breath as dust slowly drifted to the floor like cherry blossom petals falling in May. I made eye contact with Kousei, and he nodded. I turned to face the crowd, a determined and deadpan look on my face.

"Greetings," I started awkwardly, not entirely knowing what to say. "I'm Yuri. Yuri Katuika, as you all probably know. I was previously a publicly proclaimed piano prodigy, but now I am a simple student here, at Karasuno Junior High School. I stopped playing the piano two years ago, when..." My voice caught. "When my mother died. Ever since, I was in a sort of stasis mode, not moving forward nor backward. Simply, purely, unmoving. Until last year, when I was diagnosed with Hananami disease. This disease has controlled me for months, determining what my future will and would be like. I guess that that's how I got to where I am right now.

"While I was going through this...  rough time, I had many people who helped me get through it. People attempted to take me to Europe to help me recover, but I refused. While I was gone, I had met with old rivals, now friends. They helped me more than anyone did, as well as a certain violin playing girl who does attending this school. Without them, I would never had gotten to where I am now - a musician with returned strength.

"I know that earlier I said that this was a rough and tiring time, but in reality, it wasn't too bad. I simply had a few visits to the hospital here and there, some arguments every now and then. But this does not mean that I am recovering, I am still dying, slowly but surely. I am due to pass in a year's time, and I wish to make the most of it.

"People tell you that because of this so called 'handicap,' I am helpless. Broken. Yes, I am helpless. Yes, I am broken. But I am not broken alone. I have wonderful people here to help me, so that makes it even better. Because of this... sickness, I have been exposed to a new side of myself, a side I never knew I had. A side of strength, courage, honesty. For years  I had been lying and cheating just to keep myself sane, but it was and still is all for naught. 

"Yes, I am a mess. Yes, I am weak. Yes, I am helpless. Yes, I am broken."

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