Betrayal and Fury

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I opened my eyes groggily, not comprehending the events that had occurred two days ago. It all seemed like a horrible daydream, but deep down I knew what had happened. My time here was chipping away slowly by the millisecond, until it was gone and I was lost to the dark depths of nothingness. I sighed and sat up slowly, a wave of nausea crashed over me. I gagged for a minute, then regained my composure. I ran through what had happened, then came to the conclusion that I would have to wear a mask all the time now. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed the mask, putting it on. I suddenly realized that I was in my bed at home, and wondered what had happened during the two days I was out. 

I looked around my room and grabbed my phone from where it was on my bed, (I wasn't quite sure how it had gotten there, but I dismissed the thought,) and checked the time. It was 12:13, so I came to the conclusion that Kousei would be on his lunch break, and texted him, letting him know I was awake and able. I got a response in a matter of minutes. 

Yuri/ Hey Kou - I'm awake.

Kousei/ Oh, good. We were all so worried that you wouldn't wake up for a few more days, but if you did you would be in a trance, unable to do anything.

Yuri/ Well, I'm not. I can stand too, for your information.

Kousei/ I left some breakfast out for you downstairs in case you woke up, so you can eat that. 

Yuri/ K

Kousei/ You want to come to school tomorrow?

Yuri/ I'll wait until Wednesday. 

Kousei/ Okkkk. I'll see you soon!

/Yuri/ has left the chat.

I nodded and walked down to the kitchen, slowly and shakily, but surely. I knew what I was doing. When I got downstairs, I ate my food and binged SHERLOCK.

I heard the doorbell go off a few hours later. I glanced at the clock. 8:54. I looked down and noticed that I was wearing my favorite sweatpants and a camisole. I sighed, debating weather or not to go change, then went upstairs. I came back down wearing a crop top, which said BORED, a pair of jeans and a red and black flannel wrapped around my waist. I was wearing my favorite converse, black with black laces.

I walked over to the door and opened it, half expecting a delivery. But when I opened the door, I was shell shocked. It was Father. I stumbled backwards in surprise. Oh! Uh, hi! We weren't expecting you until, what, April? 

He shook his head sadly. Yuri, darling, I think you know why I'm here. 

What? No I don't. Why?

Father chuckled at my ignorance, knowing fully well that I had no idea what he was talking about. I'm taking you to Europe. 

WHAT. Why?

You can get better medical assistance over there, so there would be a higher chance of you recovering -


Father stood there, silently surprised. He never knew that his only daughter had become so menacing and heart stopping. He never knew how beautiful she had become, or what had become of her. Yes, moonbeam? 

What is my disease?

Hananami disease.

And I assume that you know what happens to those with Hananami? He nodded once or twice, so sure of himself. I took a deep breath. Then you know that the only way to save me is to remove the sunflowers within me, do you not?

He nodded again.

Father, I said, my voice full of fury and sorrow and stress. The only way to remove the flowers is to -

Yuri! Someone yelled, footsteps growing louder and louder. I looked past my father and saw Kousei approaching. Oh, Father, hello. Yuri, I'm so glad you're okay! He hugged me tightly, practically ignoring our father, who sighed in defeat.

Will you two stop calling me Father? Call me Dad.

The two of us turned to look at him slowly. I turned back to Kousei and told him about how Father wanted to take me to Europe. Well, Kousei said, an air of confidence suddenly surrounding him. I asked him to take you to Europe. 

Anger and betrayal suddenly built up inside me as Watari, Muiki, and Kaori casually walked up to us. Oh! Watari exclaimed. Mr. Katuika! How are you? 

Father ignored him. Yuri, we both agreed that you have a better chance of surviving this if we go to Europe and seek medical assistance there. Kousei nodded, so very sure of himself. I suddenly exploded with fury. 

Wow! So cool! I yelled sarcastically, causing some of our neighbors to look outside and eavesdrop. I don't give a DAMN about being cured! I rounded on Kousei first. I had told you that I could deal with this whole ordeal, dying at such an early age. I SPECIFICALLY asked you not to try and get me better assistance! And what do you do? You go and  arrange for me to go to Europe to GET BETTER MEDICAL ASSISTANCE even though I don't want it! I slapped him across the cheek, leaving a hard red mark on his face. Kousei looked up at me, a wounded look in his eyes. Don't, I said, something in my voice telling him that if he were to retaliate, he would be in for a nasty surprise. And YOU! I yelled, turning to my father, who was slowly inching towards the exit. You! You goddamned MONSTER! You don't even know what would need to happen in order for them to remove the sunflowers! You haven't even bothered to do ANY research WHAT-SO-EVER! I slapped him too. 

Both of you, I said, my anger slowly dying down. Both of you NEVER take my emotions or thoughts into consideration, you both just make decisions without even CONSULTING the third member of this NON-EXISTANT FAMILY! 

Both of them flinched at that.

This is MY problem, and I will NOT tolerate the two of you conspiring to get me something I do not want! I'm so DONE with everything! I'm done with you, Kousei! I'm done with you, Father! I'm done with music, and I'm done with Hananami! I'm DONE! I stormed off into the street, swiftly weaving past Watari and Muiki. 

Yuri! I heard Kousei call. I turned on my heels and faced him. I'm sorry, he said. I'm really sorry. But you NEED to go. I will not have you storming off into the night! You WILL go, I don't care what you say. I glanced over his shoulder, and noted that a few of our neighbors had come out to see what was going on. 

I slowly walked up to my brother. I gripped his uniform tightly pulling him closer to myself. I don't care, I whispered in his ear in a low, menacing and commanding voice. I do not give a goddamned shit about what you want. I threw him down to the street's pavement. Don't bother coming after me. 

I silently whisked off into the darkness, not knowing what fate I would encounter because of the interactions that had taken place that night. 

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