and she brought colour into my world

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As I settled into my soft chair in the auditorium, I could hear the whispers, the confusion of the crowd as everyone looked at me, judging me silently. 

Isn't that Yuri Katuika?

Isn't that the human metronome?

What's the Katuika twins doing at a violin competition?

Scratch that, what are they doing at a music competition in general?

She's still her mother's puppet.

Isn't her mother dead? 

I sank further into the chair, wishing I never came in the beginning. The lights switched off, and everyone settled down. As the first person began to play, I could hear the tension in his playing immediately. I inhaled sharply and touched my forehead, biting my lip. What the heck was this boy so scared of? He's obviously done this before, or his sound would be too loud. When the second played began, I weeded out every flaw there could be in his and the accompanist had, same for the third. 

But as the cherry blossom girl stepped on to the stage and began playing, I didn't hear fear or tension. I heard the same thing I heard when I first met her. Her playing was soft and serene, even though she wasn't playing to the score. She made the music her own, as if she was altering the notes to her will. There wasn't any tension or fear, but confidence. I suddenly realised why everyone else was so tense.

It was because of me. 

I, Yuri Katuika, a piano playing prodigy, was sitting in the crowd, detecting every flaw imaginable. 

I was the one they feared. Not the judges, not the crowd. 

But me.

Except for this girl. She didn't care what the world thought of her, and I was so entranced, I couldn't find any flaws in her technique. Her sound was perfect, even though the accompanist and judges were looking a little annoyed with her. When she was done, the crowd was ecstatic. They had loved her performance. I had too. When Kousei found me smiling, he gave me a look of sheer surprise. 

As we left the auditorium, I saw a little girl bring the cherry blossom tree girl a bundle of flowers. The girl turned to me and beamed. 

That was amazing! Kousei exclaimed as Watari gave her compliments and praises. But she turned to me expectantly.

What did you think?

I hesitated, then replied. Your performance was the type of performance where someone would go right after to buy you flowers. 

That's what I thought of your performance. 

The entire lobby was silent as I evaluated her performance. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I left without saying another word. But when I grabbed the door handle, I turned back, and asked one question. 

What's your name, cherry blossom girl? 

She smiled at me softly.  Kaoriganeshi. Muiki Kaoriganeshi. 

I left. 

When I stepped outside, the colour was even more vibrant then it was when I first met her. I was so surprised that I ran all the way home, not stopping for anyone or anything. 

What was happening to me?

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