Chapter 1

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Third POV

"Ha. A babysitter, for you!?" Laughed Benny. "Shhh. This info can ruin my rep. Plus it's for jane, not me." Ethan quickly corrected his best friend. "Ok on the bright side, one of these premo babes will be at your house tonight." Benny said looking around at the passing girls. "Look all I know is that her name is erica and she goes to this school." Ethan replied to his friend. "Wait, Erica. You think it could be erica from when we were in 3rd grade?" Benny asked with a smirk. Ethan blushed lightly, knowing why the taller boy was smirking. "Maybe." He mumbled. "You mean hopefully." Benny said holding back a laugh. Ethan smacked on the arm and muttered a 'dude', but his blush grew.

"Ah, principle Hicks. Let me give you a hand." A cherry, male voice said. The two looked over to see a pale boy wearing all black holding Mr. Hicks coffee as he put up a poster of a missing kid. "Oh, thank you Jesse." The principal turned to the now known Jesse. Before he could grab his cup Jesse stopped him. "Do you mind?" He asked. Before the older man could answer he took a sip. Mr. Hicks then seemed to slip into a trance. Repeating everything Jesse said. "Ah, French roast. Good choice." The teen said. He handed the man his coffee and walked away giving the two creeped out nerds a nod. They just smiled awkwardly.

Time Skip to lunch

The two best friends were had just bought themselves  lunch when benny decided to whip out a pair of alien detector goggles. Ethan hurriedly took them from him. "What are you doing? Those are state of the art alien DNA detector goggles." The green eyed boy said. "These will also brand us as geeks for the rest of the year." Ethan whispered embarrassed. Benny tried to take them back, but Ethan snatched away. "Come on E." He begged. "You promise to put them away?" Ethan asked. Benny pouted, but nodded. Once Ethan handed Benny the goggles, Benny went to stomp away only to run into a shorter dark skined girl with dark brown hair.

"Dork! Thank you so much." She said sarcasticly as she walked away. "Sorry!" He called out to her. She just ignored him while the surrounding kids laughed. Ethan shook his head and walked to empty table.

With sarah and erica

Erica was sitting at a table watching dusk on a computer when sarah walked past her.

"Sarah?! Hey wait up." She said getting up and following the shorter girl to a different table. "Where have you been. Oh wow, what happened to your shirt?" Erica asked. "Don't ask." Sarah replied shortly. Erica just shrugged. "I already have 200 tickets sold for the screening." She took a sharp intake of breath. "I can't believe we only have to wait seven more days. I honestly think if I had to wait eight more days instead of seven more days I would explode." She said dramatically fast. "Yea, me too." Sarah breathed out uninterested. "You skipped math today. We're you with Jesse?" Erica changed the subject. "Yea." Sarah said in a kind of upset way. "If I had a cute boyfriend, I would totally skip class too." Sarah looked at her with a sarcastic expression. "What! I would. You're not the only one who's allowed to break the rules you know." Erica said defensively. "You're not a bad girl erica." Sarah said bluntly. "Neither are you." The blonde replied. "I don't know anymore." . "Nice to everyone, gets all A's. That's sounds like a good girl to me." Erica stated.  "Anyway, I saved you two seats. Jesse's coming right?" Erica said/asked excitedly. "No, he's not a dusk fan." Sarah responded. Erica's face fell. "What? How can you date someone who doesn't like dusk?" She asked.

Back to my favorite nerds.

"No way. Is that erica?" Benny asked. Ethan looked over and saw the blonde hair and pink glasses he loved as a kid. He must've been staring because Benny had to tap him to get his attention. "Wow. You really do still got the hots for her. Even though she's grade A dusker girl." Benny muttered the last part to himself. "Hey, do you think she's babysitting Jane tonight?" He repeated his earlier question. "I don't know Benny." Ethan replied. "Well, I'm going to go find out." Benny said getting up. "What no. You are not." Ethan said, pulling Benny back down. Rory just sat back and watched as he ate. For once quietly. "Don't worry. If she doesn't remember us, I won't try to remind her ok?" Benny asked. Instead of waiting for Ethan to answer he rose and walked to the two girls.

"Hi there. Is there any chance you're babysitting the morgans tonight?" Benny asked once he sat down. "Yea. Do you know their kids?" She asked with a kind smile. "Yea. One of them my buddy he's sitting right over there." He replied trailing of at the end, because Ethan hid his face. "Well thanks. He's shy. Oh um, sorry about your shirt." He said walking away quickly. He sat down next to Ethan.

"Why?" Ethan asked. Benny just shrugged.

"Erica? What's wrong?" Sarah asked her friend. "Nothing. It's just he seems familiar." Erica replied. "Maybe it's that boy from 4th grade?" Sarah asked. Erica snapped her head to Sarah. "No. That's not him. The boy you're talking about is way cuter. He has shaggy brown hair, pale but not too pale skin, and adorable chocolate brown eyes that you would just get lost in." She said in a dreamy tone. She quickly caught herself before she could daydream and blushed. Sarah just laughed and stood up. Erica followed and the walked out of cafetira.

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