Chapter 8

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Third POV

The next day the drama club could be seen entering the schools front doors. Erica and Jesse at the front. Naturally most of them wore black. However Erica wore a silver dress that came just above mid thigh, a black belt, black fingerless arm sleeves, black high heel boots, black stockings, and she had a black mini purse. She had red lipstick on. As she was walking she flipped her hair. Kinda unnecessarily in the authors opinion though who cares what he thinks. We then see Sarah standing by the lockers with a sarcastic half snarl half smile on her lip.

"Hey Sarah. What's wrong? Your looking a little underfed." Said Erica in a false happy tone. Sarah just huffed and asked. "What happened to you?" Erica smiled. "You know, the best thing ever. It's not too late. Join us. Then we can be best friends forever." Sarah shook her head. "Never. And I thought that boy you met in 4th grade was the best thing ever." Sarah said. A smug smile graced her lips when Erica's face fell and she started to nervously fidget. She kept switching her weight from foot to foot. She started to pull, twist and play with the ends of her hair. Also even though she tried to hid it, you could see the strain in her eyes as she tried not to daydream. Jesse tried to save his new 'girlfriend' by ignoring what Sarah said about the boy. Whoever he is.

"Your making the biggest mistake of your life. Well what's left of it." He said. Sarah just ignored him. "You know Erica. I don't remember the guys name. What was it again?" She asked. Jesse tightened his grip on the blondes hips. Trying to tell her not to talk. This didn't work though, as Erica wasn't exactly in their plane of existence at the moment. She mumbled something inaudible. "What did you say Erica? Speak up." Sarah encouraged. "Erica." Jesse warned. Then she said something that took Sarah by surprise.

"Ethan. Ethan Morgan."

Sarah stepped back and gasped. "Umm. I have to go." Sarah said the quickly walked away.

With Benny and Ethan

We see the side of a computer. Wait huh? Couldn't just show his face? Was the USB so important. I thought the only important thing was what's on it? You know what never mind.

"It's from Rory. It was in my mailbox this morning." We hear Ethan's voice say. After a couple of clicks to his laptops keyboard a video is played.

"Hey guys. Can you believe this? All these books and not a single, decent comic. No X-men. Not even the Hulk."

"Come on, buddy focus." Ethan whispered.

"Ok I think I found what your looking for. Look at this." Rory showed a picture of a demonic being in a book. " 'An angels nest, shall seed the earth. Soul for soul, the black army's rebirth. Beneath the swallowed moon, the dead take root. Barren orchard bares the devil fruit.' Woah. Best metal lyrics. Ever. He then proceeded to sing the prophecy in a heavy metal voice. Ethan cut the video off.

"Neat. Poetry. What Angeles nest?" Benny frustratedly said. Ethan shushed him. "The cubile animus. The nest of souls. Found buried by the angel statue in the cemetery. Remember?" He said. Benny nodded. "Ohh. The black army?" He asked rather loudly. "Quiet. Jesse, reverend black's followers." Ethan replied. "Oh. I guess that why you get better marks the me in English." Benny joked. Ethan looked like he was thinking for a second. "Yeah. That and I don't call the teacher farthead to his face." Ethan said. "Point taken." The taller boy nodded. "Looks like another video file on the drive." Benny told his friend. Ethan nodded and opened it. The trailer for Dusk:Unbitten started playing. The author doesn't want to write the terrible poem jakeward was saying to Rebecca or whatever her name is. "Why is that on there?!" Benny half asked half exclaimed. Ethan looked up at the unbitten poster.

"Wait. What did the poem say about the swallowed moon?" Benny shrugged. Ethan looked something up on his computer. "That's it. The lunar eclipse is tonight, and there's going to be over 200 people at the premiere. 219 souls." Benny adopted a depressed and defeated look. He knew what was coming. "No. Don't say it." That doesn't mean he couldn't deny it. Sarah then suddenly ran up a sat next to them with a smile. "Hey, what'd I miss?" The two nerds looked at her. Clearly upset. "We have to go see dusk three." Ethan grimaced. Sarah nodded. "Hey. Ethan?" She asked. He nodded his head as he stood. Signaling for her to continue. "Umm do you know Erica? Like personally know her?" She asked and Ethan froze. Eyes wide. Benny bit his lip and looked at his best friend, his eyes wide as well. "Uhh. What Erica do you mean?" He asked. Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. "You know exactly what Erica I'm talking about." She said with a dangerous tone. He nervously laughed that turned into a cough. After seeing Sarah wasn't going to drop it he sighed defeatedly. "Yeah. I do. We met in 3rd grade. Well 4th grade for her. She was being. Some bullies we're talking about her and pushing her around. I didn't do anything, naturally. I had my own bullies and I didn't want any more to deal with. When they left she sat down on the floor and started to cry. I didn't want her to feel lonely so I walked over there and comforted her. Fast forward a couple of days and we were friends. Benny was around too. The three of us we're good friends until graduation came. We said we would see each other over the summer, but my parents wanted to surprise me and took me to see my cousin in beacon hills that summer. I didn't exactly know since I was sleeping at the time. The next summer same thing happened only with my cousin in Manhattan. After that we never saw her again." Ethan said. Sarah listened intently. She nodded. "Tonight, If you can get close to Erica. Find her. You're the ticket to getting her on our side." Ethan nodded. "Ok." The nodded to each other and went to class. Sheesh author that's a lot of nodding. Do you have a weird nodding fetish? Shut up Deadpool.

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