Chapter 12

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Third POV

It's now nighttime in the city of Whitechaple and Benny is seen in the backyard garden of Della's house. He whistled as he looked around.

"Here dead dog. Here boy."  He then continued to whistle and search until he saw a wooden sign. "Beloved Puffles. In loving memory. Bingo!" He yelled. Digging into his back he brought out the yellow potion. After he unscrewed the top poured the liquid onto the dirt as he said. "I have a wake up call for one Puffles. The dead dog." The spot started glowing as Benny stared intently at it. Then all of a sudden Tyler dropped down next to Benny, scaring the boy.

"Jesus Tyler, don't do that." He gasped out. "Sorry, blame Rory." Tyler groaned. "Ugh little lesson:Don't sneak up on a guy while he's raising the dead." Benny said. "Noted, now lets go. I'm sure Ethan doesn't want you to do anything stupid and since it's my fault your here I need to stop you." Tyler said. "A bit to late brother." Benny said motioning to the glowing dirt. Tyler sighed. "That's great. Just fantastic." "Don't worry. Nothings happening." Just then Rory landed next to the boy's. "Boo!" The two yelled in surprise. "Rory. I don't care how undead you are, you do that again I kill you." Benny threatened. "To kill vampire ninja, you must first find vampire ninja." Rory retorted. Benny started to respond, but when he looked back, Rory was gone.

"Alright, that was kinda cool. Anyway potion had no affect at all. Maybe your vision was wrong." Benny said. "Maybe, that is the first time I used my seer powers in a couple of months. I'm not too god at it." Tyler admitted. Benny rolled his eyes. "I think my grandma was right. Never mess with the forces of life and death. Benny and Tyler got up from the ground and sat on a nearby bench. Suddenly Tyler heard a whimper. "Do you hear that?" He asked. "Hear what? Is your vampire hearing going off?" Benny asked. "No it's........whimpering?" Benny listened and soon he heard it too. The two looked over at Puffles grave to see the dirt moving. "No way." Benny whispered.

They ran over and started digging up the dog. "Puffles! He's alive!" Benny yelled. "Shhh, Benny. We don't need Della and her family waking up." Tyler whispered. "Woah." Rory said appearing behind them. "That is the sweet sound of Benny scoring a date with Della." Benny said. The dog whimpered as if to say 'you're pathetic yet funny.' Or maybe that's just the author. Who knows. Anyway the guys picked up the dog and left. After leaving the sprinklers in Della's garden went off. The water caused the potion to spread throughout the garden.

"Hey Tyler?" Benny asked as he and Tyler walked down the street. "Yea?" "Can we put Puffles in your garage until tomorrow? My grandma can not find out about this." Benny pleaded. "What exactly am I supposed to tell my parents if they see a dead dog had taken a dump on their car." Tyler asked. "I'm pretty sure dead dogs can't take use the bathroom." Benny said. Tyler sighed before agreeing to take the dog. "Thanks man. See you tomorrow!" Benny said hand the fledgling the pooch and running off.

TimeSkip Ethan POV

The sun hit me directly in the eyes causing me to scrunch up my eyes and groan. The morning breeze honestly felt amazing against my skin and ruffling my hai-wait. Morning breeze? I don't remember opening my window. I tried to sit up only to fell half of my body being weighed down. 'Maybe you should open your eyes Ethan.' My subconscious said. I mentally slapped myself. I opened my eyes to see blonde hair sprawled all over my chest. I moved it to see a sleeping Erica. Despite my confusion I smiled at my girlfriend.

'How did I ever get someone like her?' I asked myself. Then a flashback of Erica and I in princess dresses wearing tiaras and having tea parties. 'That probably did it.' I thought. Erica then started shifting as she slowly woke up. After a minute she opened her beautiful turquoise eyes and looked up at me. "Good morning beautiful." I said. She smiled and stretched. "Good morning to you too handsome." She said. The sunlight made her practically glow. Then....smoke? Crap! "Erica the sunlight!" I whispered yelled covering her with the blanket. She hissed in pain. After a while I got up and closed the window and the blinds.

"Hey, it's da-the sunlight's gone." I said. She peeked from under the cover before fully emerging. "Well that wasn't very romantic." She stated rolling her eyes. "Yea well maybe next time close the blinds back?" I asked teasingly. She glared at me though I could see a faint smile. "Yea I figured. I was tired." She said. "I thought vampires didn't sleep." I retorted. "We can if we choose." "So you weren't tired. You choose to sleep with me." I said with a smile. "I haven't slept with you yet big boy.~" She said while giving me a smirk and a wink. I blushed and laughed nervously. She got up and then I noticed that she was just in her bra and panties. I could feel all of the blood in my body rush to either my face or.........down there.

Once she reached me her arms wrapped around my neck as her body pressed against mine. I'm pretty sure I was gonna pass out from the separation of my blood. We looked into each other's eyes for a couple seconds before she pulled me into a kiss. It was short, but passionate. We separated and she went over the other side of my room.

"Do you think your mom will be ok with me sneaking into your room in the middle of the night?" She asked pulling on her pants. "Probably not. If you think about it it is kinda creepy." I said. She rolled her eyes but laughed at me. "I gotta go. See you at school babe." We shared another kiss before she went to the window and opened the blinds. Luckily the sun was behind a cloud so she was safe. After opening the window she climbed out and flew off. I smiled at the window then looked down, my face morphing into a pained expression. I still had a very noticeable tent in my pajama pants. "I love her, but I'm not exactly fond of the teasing." I whispered to myself before leaving for the bathroom. Then I remembered. I agreed to hang out with her friends today.


That's the end of this chapter. It's short on the actual episode, but we all knows what happens so why not replace it with some other stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed. Until next time. See ya peoples!!👋🏾👋🏾

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