Chapter 15

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Third POV

After their study period the group started heading towards their classes. Ethan wanted to stay with Erica, but fate was not the nicest being ever. It just so happened that while Erica and the rest of the girls had to be one side of the school, the boys had to be on the other. This wouldn't had been a problem if Ethan had either been in a class alone or with one of the more respectful boys. He could deal with them. They might throw a few insults his way or give him a nookie, but they were tolerable. No, he had a class with Mason Stallas. The 'king' jock. The 'lord' of the bullies. He was the leader of all the intolerable bullies. The ones that give other kids wedgies and shoved them into lockers.

That was their type and it terrified Ethan. Yea he's fought vampires before, but that was different. He can kill them and it'd be fine. He can't just slice a guys throat and walk away. That's a definite life sentence. Not that he would. He didn't want to kill humans. Its just that was the best comparison he could think of. Anyway as Ethan was walking alongside Mason he was practically shaking like a certain adult toy in fear. Mason was uncomfortably close to Ethan. So close that they'd bump shoulders every once and a while. Ethan was sliding his other shoulder against the wall and trying to make like Kitty Pryde and phase through it.

"So," Mason spoke. "I'd never imagine that the great badass, babe Erica would be the upgraded version of Grade A Dusker Girl. Surprising, don't cha' think?" Ethan shrugged nervously. "Not really. I guess it's, because I knew her before she changed." Ethan answered honestly. "Mmhm. So it's more of a surprise that she changed into a popular girl rather than what she used to be?" Mason pressed. "Um, yea. I guess it is. I mean she's always wanted to hang with the cool crowd, but I never imagined she'd become one over night." Ethan replied. Mason grunted. "I have a question." Mason said. 'Well you just asked two without warning, but sure ask permission now.' Ethan thought, but gestured for the taller boy to continue.

"Don't you think it's time you change? You're girlfriend became popular, so why don't you?" Ethan didn't exactly know what to say. Sure he's thought about it, but he knows he's not the athletic type and he'd prefer not to fight. He's sensitive and he gets the feeling that even with muscles he'd bruise easily. He's even brought it up to Erica, but after a small beating, a make out session and a scolding/lecture he relented to Erica's motto of, 'I like the nerdy you and if you try to change your life is forfeit'. Yea, Erica is bipolar. He still loves her. Mood swings, craziness and all.

"Uhh, I've thought about it. I'm not exactly the athletic or 'jock' type and Erica said she likes me the way I am so I decided against it." Ethan said. Mason nodded then placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, stopping him and spinning him around. Ethan made a nervous sound between a whimper and a gasp. "Have you heard of the fox in the hen house or the zebra with the lions?" Mason asked randomly. Ethan, not trusting his voice only nodded. Mason nodded and left Ethan. Outside the classroom. 'Huh? What was that?' Ethan thought before realizing what Ethan meant. 'Oh, so either way it's gonna end badly for me.' Ethan thought before going into the class just as the bell rang.


The bell had rang and class was over along with the school day. Ethan was packing his things up when Benny and Tyler burst into the room with panicked looks on their faces. Ethan saw this and sighed, knowing his normal day was now ruined.

"Ethan, we need your help. ASAP!" Benny said. "Do I have to?" Benny nodded. "Yea, you do. It's important. Very important." Ethan sighed yet again and pulled out his phone. "Let me text Erica." He said.

'Hey babe, I need to help Benny and Tyler with something. Sorry."

'What!? What did those idiots do now!?'

They decided waking up dead animals to get a date would be a good idea.

'Seriously Ethan, what did they do. I trust you enough to know your not lying about them doing something, but that's just bizarre.'


'You're fluffing kidding.'

'Nope, I'm so sorry.'

'It's ok. Just make sure to warn them that Liv and I are going to kill them.'

'Noted and done.'

Ethan put his phone away and slung his book bag onto his shoulder.

"Erica says her and liv are going to kill you two." Benny and Tyler gulped, Tyler more than Benny seeing as his sister has always been an aggressive person. The trio started to leave, but Mason stepped in front of Ethan. The boy stopped and stumbled backwards. "Yes?" Ethan asked, his voice wavering slightly. Mason smiled and held out his hand. This only made Ethan more nervous as this was one of the fakest smiles the nerd has seen. Despite this Ethan grabbed the outstretched hand and was instantly pulled into a bro hug. Mason patted his back and Ethan was starting to think this wasn't so bad.

Until the back of his underwear was pulled up to the middle of his back. The kids behind him either winced or laughed while Benny and Tyler left the room, not wanting to be next. 'And there four, you owe me so much Erica!' Ethan thought painfully. Mason let him go and walked out the class, not saying a word the entire time. Ethan grimaced and limped our of the door. Once he got out Tyler and Benny asked if he was ok to which he glared at them.

"Do I look ok to you, dimwits?" Ethan asked. Venom practically dripping from his mouth. The two boys laughed nervously as Ethan fixed his clothes. "What do you need help with anyway?" Ethan asked stuffing his underclothes back into his pants and shaking his legs to make sure they were wedged anymore. "Um, you remember plan puffles right?" Benny asked. Ethan nodded. "Well, it kinda went wrong. We might've accidentally used to much of the potion and now there's more dead creatures running around the town." Tyler said. Ethan looked at the two with a confused expression. "How can you two be so idiotic?" Ethan sighed.

"Let's go to my house to try to sort this out." Ethan said. They made their way to the front of the school and ran into Erica and her friends along with Olivia. Tyler slowed down, but Ethan wasn't having it a grabbed his arm, forcefully making him walk at his speed. "Hey babe." Ethan said as they hugged. "I'm still upset." She replied. "I know, I'll make it up. Oh yea." He kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "Mason made four." Then he started walking away with Benny. Tyler was being held back by Olivia. Erica had a confused face before she realized what he meant.

"Oh come on!"

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