Chapter 13

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Ethan POV

After taking a shower and getting dressed I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen for breakfast. The rest of my family was already there and my mom was just about done with the cooking. I sat down at the island and let my head slam onto the marble with a loud thud. Everyone looked at me worriedly, except Jane. She just kept eating.

"Are you ok Ethan?" My mom asked. "No." Was my simple answer. "Why not? You got a beautiful girlfriend and good though weird friends. What could possibly be wrong?" Dad asked. "Besides the bruise forming on my head and you watching too much TV?" I asked jokingly making my mom and Jane laugh. "Oh ha ha, good one. Seriously son, what's wrong?" I sighed and lifted my head to look at my family. "I promised Erica that I'd spend the day with her and her friends." I said. "What's wrong with that?" My mom asked. "She's popular and I'm a nerd mom. We're not supposed to mix, but we do. Unfortunately that makes her friends mad and my nerd friends feel like I'm a traitor. This kinda makes an accepted outcast among our different group of friends." I explained. My parents nodded in understanding.

"Well good luck with that buddy." My dad said standing and leaving for work with my mom staring at his retreating figure disappointingly. "You have nothing to worry about Ethan, just be yourself." My mom said. "Mom, being myself will get me bruised and beaten with a wedgie." I retorted. "Well maybe try to impress them?" She said like it was a question. "This isn't a TV show mom. I know that I'll just make myself look stupid if I try to impress them." I said as I finished my breakfast. "Well I'm off to school. Make sure the first aid kit is ready for when I get back. Or maybe just call and warn the ambulance in advance." I said walking out the door. Half way on my way to school I ran into my wonderful girlfriend.

"Hey babe, did you go get the life insurance papers?" I asked. "Oh come on it won't be that bad." She told me. "I thought we agreed to never lie to each other?" I asked sarcastically. "I'm not. I already told them you're a nerd and to at least try to get a long with you." She said. "Y'know, as soon as you turn your back I'm gonna get a wedgie." I stated. "You won't." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Fine if you get more than four wedgies, I'll wear my glasses to school, hang out with all of your nerd friends and....." She paused nervously. "...Watch all of your nerd movies instead of dusk." She mumbled miserably. "Le Gasp!" I gasped dramatically. "Are you sure?" I asked, still looking shocked. "Yeah, but only if you get more than four." She said firmly. I held up my hands in a I surrender motion.

Scene Change(Everything's mostly going to be the same so I'll stick to Ethan's POV for now)

Erica and I made it to school and my chest tightened when I saw at least fifteen guys and ten girls standing around important looking cars. If cliche movies and TV shows has taught me anything it's that whenever you see something like that it practically screams, 'ALERT! ALERT! ALL NERDS STEER CLEAR OF THESE PEOPLE! So unfortunately that's all that was going through my head.

"Ok so remember Ethan. Don't show fear, that's what they want." Erica said breaking me from my thoughts. "What?" I asked. "Yea, bullies just want a reaction out of you." I nodded. "Um one question tho. How do I not react when it's a natural instinct to piss myself?" I asked making her giggle. "Ok how about this. Just imagine that there's a chance that one of them will take me from you if you react." I instantly wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. "Why would I do that? That'll just make me want to punch them." I asked. "Because if you do punch them you'll hurt yourself and get beat up since I'm not allowed to kill them, so then you'll be confused on if you should risk hitting them or not and of course you don't wanna get hurt so your brain will choose not reacting." Erica explained. "Huh. The looks of a popular girl and the brains of a nerd. I love you so much." I said kissing her. She smiled and we walked over to her friends.

"Sup guys. This is the boyfriend I was talking about." Erica said and I slightly waved. "This nerd? I thought you were talking a transfer student or something." One of the guys said. "He's not that much of a nerd. Well not in public. Don't worry he probably won't say much." She said. "No, no. He can talk all he wants." One of the girls with light brown hair said with an evil smirk. "So what's your name?" She asked. "Ethan." Was my simple answer. "So Ethan, how'd you and Erica meet?" A dirty blonde hair asked. "Uh, we met a few years back. I was in third and she was in fourth. We were paired for a project." I lied. Well not everything I said was a lie. We did meet in the lower grades of school. "So you've known each other for some time?" A guy with blue eyes asked. "Umm, Yea. Well not exactly. We kinda lost connection for about a year. Why?" I asked. "If you're gonna be dating our friend we need to know more about you." Another guy said. "I'm Jason." He held out his hand. I hesitated for a moment before grabbing his hand to shake it. Surprisingly enough my hand wasn't crushed immediately.

"Well let's go. We need go to class. My dad will kill me if I fail another test." A girl with blue hair said. Why does she have blue hair? "See nothing happened." Erica said. "Oh that's just because you're here. Wait till us guys are alone I'm deader than a zombie after getting a shotgun blast to the face." I told her as we walked into the school building.

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