Chapter 1

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Here you go, as promised a much longer chapter! I've been working on this chapter for a bit now, so I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts, I always love hearing what you have to say!


You stared out the small window in awe as the sun shone intensely across the sky; beautiful, bright pinks and oranges cascading from the sky, colouring the big, fluffy clouds that the plane soared over. Your eyes grew heavy, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the beautiful sight. This was only the second time you had been on a plane, and it was simply fascinating. But your body screamed for some rest, after the long day you had. So you obliged, letting your eyes droop close, still imagining the beautiful sight, and the look on Thomas' face when he sees you.


"Hey Miss! Aye, wake up, we're here," The old man seated next to you nudged you, pulling you from your dreams. Groggily you looked around, peering outside to see the wet road and bleak sky, however it was still pretty bright.

"What time is it?" You questioned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"It's 1:30." He answered curtly. You figured he meant in the afternoon, seeing how much daylight there was. People began to shuffle from their seat and down the narrow aisles while voices rang out through the speakers. You shuffled out with everyone as well, huddled closely together as people shoved back and forth, desperately wanting to get off of the plane.

"Thank you for flying with us, we hope to see you again," The polite fight assistant repeated over and over as people walked out of the plane, a tight, cheery smile on her lips. You smiled in return before quickly existing the plane, the cool air hitting you hard.

Your nose and fingers began to freeze as cool air and spots of rain splashed down on you, clouds of condensation escaping your mouth like the smoke of a dragon. You followed the group of men and women undercover, and in the comfort of a heater. You knew it was going to be cold in London, but not this bloody cold.

A tall, lanky man directed you to the baggage carousel, where there was already a large crowd of people waiting to claim their luggage. You waited there patiently for twenty minutes, keeping an eye out for the certain large, purple bag that belonged to you. Once you got it, you were on your way out, being sure to stop by one of the little shops in the airport and purchase a pair of woolly gloves.

These guys must make so much money, selling all these warm clothes to the suckers who aren't equipped for the cold; like me, You thought to yourself as you handed over the cash o the guy at the register. After that, you were all ready to catch a taxi over to the Sangster's house, where you knew Tasha and Ava were waiting for you arrival. Both seemed so excited and thrilled to finally meet you, after hearing so much from Thomas.

As you walked through the airport, you saw a short woman with long brunette hair holding up a large piece of cardboard with your full name written across it. Confusion hit you, because you told Ava you'd organise a ride to their house. You approached the lady, who looked quite bored as she chewed some gum.

"You (Y/N) (L/N)?" She asked blandly.

"Yes, why?" You questioned.

"Because I've been sent to pick you up," She responded harshly, as if she were talking to an idiot.

"By who?"

"I dunno, Eva, was it?"

"Ava," You murmured, rolling you eyes at the woman's kindness.

"what'd you say?" She grumbled over her shoulder as she lead you outside to a car.

"Oh, nothing."

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