Chapter 9

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Dylan led you and Tom across the hall to his and Ally's room, which similarly mirrored yours, with just a different view of the city. You stayed close to Tom, you arm closely linked onto his as Dylan caught you up on the past few months. He told you how he and Ally went on a romantic vacation together to Paris, something that you already knew because it was all Ally would talk about for about two weeks when she got back.

"So is anyone else here yet?" Thomas asked after Dylan had finished. He gestured to the couch for you to all sit on as he sat across from you.

"Yeah actually. Kaya and Ki Hong got here yesterday like us, and they're out shopping right now, well more so Ki Hong got dragged out to go shopping," Dylan rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Oh I can't wait until tonight!" You exclaimed with a bright smile.

"What's tonight?" Tom and Dylan both questioned in unison.

"I thought we could have a game night and catch up all together, kinda like last time," you replied in anticipation, looking between the two boys for approval.

"Sounds great Love, but what games could we play?" Thomas asked with a frown.

"Hand on, I got you," Dylan chuckled, pulling out his phone and dialling a number. Both Thomas and you watched curiously, wondering who Dylan was calling and how they could help.

"Hey Ki Hong, man are you still out shopping?" Dylan asked, Ki Hong's response obviously sparking some laughter between the pair, "Awesome, hey do you reckon you could bring a game of monopoly back with you? Great, we'll see you hopefully soon," Dylan laughed before hanging up.

"So we're playing monopoly?" You asked excitedly.

"Oh great, tonight will end so great," Thomas rolled his eyes with a sly smirk.

"What, why?" Dylan questioned with a curious grin.

"Uh yeah, why is that Thomas?" You turned to face him.

"Babe, the last time we played monopoly, if I recall correctly, you stole all my money and flipped the board because I beat you," Tom laughed at you.

"Excuse me? No that is complete wrong! You're forgetting the fact that you totally cheated and skipped over my square so that you wouldn't have to pay me!" You argued back, shoving Thomas' chest back lightly.

"Girls, girls! You're both pretty, okay?" Dylan intervened with chuckle.

"Whatever, just know I'm gonna smash you tonight!" You threatened with an evil grin. Both Thomas' and Dylan's eyes widened in shock.

"Well damn," Dylan started.

"Not like that you creep!" You countered, hurling one of the couch cushions at him. As you did so, Ally appeared from the bathroom, her hair damp and falling into small curls.

"(Y/N), you're here!" She squealed in delight, making her way over to you.

"Ally, thank god these guys were being creeps," you giggled, pulling Ally into a tight hug. It had to have been about a month since you were last able to see her in person both of you being busy with your own lives.

"I know! How was it in London, did you get to do much?" She asked, pulling away and sitting beside you.

"Yeah it was amazing, Tom took me to see all these great places, even the country side. It was so much fun," you sighed, kind of missing the place.

"Aww, that sounds so sweet! I haven't been up to much, just the usual work and getting to visit Dylan every now and then," Ally smiled, looking over to give Dylan a loving look

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