Chapter 2

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Hey everyone! I won't be updating as often now, because school has just started again and l need to focus on work, but I'll try my best to do it as often as I can. Anyway look at this lil' cutie!!


"Oh, come on Ava, I'm sure Tom and (Y/N) have plenty of catching up they'd like to do in private. Plus, you Dear still have your bags to unpack!" Tasha enthused, flashing a bright smile that reminded you of Thomas'.

"Come on, Love, I'll give you a tour of the place," He chuckled, placing a hand on your lower back and guiding you up the stairs.

You both were silent as Thomas took you to what you assumed was his room. You walked down a long hallway lined with traditional wooden doors on either side, until coming to the second last one.

"Your room, m'lady,"  Thomas smirked, opening the door and stepping aside for you to walk in. You rolled your eyes at him and his humour as you stepped into his room.

The room was a decent size, the walls painted an off white colour, lined with photos of family and various posters. A large bay window to the right of you allowed light to pour into the room. In the centre of the room was a wide bed, the headframe resembling that of a king's. To your left was a brilliant white bookcase, modernly filled with books and ornaments.

"So you grew up here?" You smiled, twisting to face Thomas.

"Somewhat. Acting kept me across the globe most of my life," Thomas shrugged, "I can't believe you're actually here, like in front of me," he added, scratching the back of his neck as a smile found its way onto those soft, pink lips you missed so much.

"Kiss me," you heard the words blurt our from your lips, shocked at your own bluntness.

"What?" Thomas laughed, shutting the door, probably hoping to keep the conversation private.

"Uh, sorry I don't know where that came from. I just missed you so much," you walked over and pulled Thomas into a tight embrace, his scent stronger than ever.

"Hm, I'm sure you're sorry," he chuckled, lifting you lips up to his with his finger on your chin. The way his lips moved so gracefully and delicately on yours was almost teasing, after how long you had to wait. Thomas' hand tracked along your body, the familiarity of your curves coming back to him

"So, tell me what's been going on lately," you pulled away too soon, teasing Thomas as you sauntered over to the bed, swaying your hips side to side, before plopping down on the soft mattress.

"Um, well not much, just little things here and there," Thomas began, following you over to the bed, reconnection your lips to his longingly as his body hovered over yours, "and you, my Darling?" He winked, quickly standing and moving over to the bookshelf, pretending to be interested in some novel.

"Crazy parties with Ally, lots of male strippers," You smiled devilishly, seeing Thomas' head crack you way, horror flashing across his face, "nah, just boring work and all, as usual Tommy." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Wanna do something fun?" Thomas asked, that little sparkle in his eyes that you knew all to well. It was the same look he'd get when he was up for some life-risking, dare devilish challenge.

"Look who you're talking to, Sangster," You challenged, cracking a half smirk as you folded you arms across you chest.


"Are you crazy? You're not gonna make it!" You cried over the growl of the bike engine, gripping Thomas' waist tighter as you felt him twist the throttle further, sending you both flying through the intersection that had just turned a red light. Thomas weaved through cars, vans and buses so fast it all blurred together into one mass of colour.

The wind howled through your jacket and yanked at your (H/C) hair fiercely as squinted through your thick eyelashes, trying to see what Thomas planned next.

"You owe me 20 pounds now!" You heard him laugh back.

"No, we never shook on it!" Laughter shook your chest.

"Ahh, what?! You dirty better, you're gonna have to pay for that." Thomas slowed down, turning into his driveway.

"And what if I don't wanna pay, huh?" You teased, quickly hopping off the bike and yanking the helmet from your head.

"I'll get you back, don't worry (Y/N)," Thomas chuckled, joining you through the door to the house.

"Oh good, you're back! Dinner's ready on the table," Ava hummed, making her way to the kitchen.

"It smells amazing," You felt your mouth water at the smell of chicken, tomatoes and basil fill you senses.

"You haven't had a chicken pami until you've tried my mums," Thomas commented. You both join Ava and Tasha at the dinner table, seeing a plate of beautiful golden chicken breast, topped with melted cheese, crushed tomato's and basil. On the side was a scoop of smooth, creamy mashed [potatoes to top it all off.

"Thanks for the meal mum," Thomas smiled warmly at his mother.

"Oh that's alright, hope you like it," she turned to you.

"How couldn't I?" You laughed, bring your fork through a piece of chicken.

"So, when is the wedding?" Ava chirped up.

"Huh? Oh, ha I kinda forgot about that. I dunno, we never really discussed it yet. When do you think, Tom?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure, we haven't given it much thought until now. But I'd like it to be soon," he decided, confirming with a nod.

"And any kids? I'd love to be an aunty!" Ava gushed.

"I think we should just focus on getting married first, then think about all that," You laughed nervously. You had no idea what you wanted- Kids? How many? God what would you name them?

"Well, I suppose you have two weeks to give it some thought. But don't go rushing into anything," Tasha gave a motherly smile, her eyes wrinkling up at the edges.

"Of course not," Thomas chuckled. You looked over at him, his voice sounding off. Was that nerves? Uncertainty maybe? Whatever it was, you put it aside, promising yourself to ask later when you were both alone.

"Dinner was lovely, thank you Tasha," You spoke up after everyone had finished their dinner, " here, let me help you wash up," You offered as you rise from the table.

"Oh no, don't worry about it, you are our guest. Now go along, and enjoy your stay," Tasha insisted, shooing both you and Thomas out of the kitchen. You checked you phone for the time, it was 12 am over there.

You felt a yawn rattle your body, nd your eyes begin to grow heavy as jet lag grew on you, making each step feel more strenuous than the last.

"What would you like to do (Y/N)?" Thomas asked.

"Sleep?" You half laughed.

"Oh right, I'm sure you're exhausted! Here, lets get you to sleep," He smiled, lacing his hand in yours, half pulling you up the stairs to the bedroom. It was a struggle to get changed, you seriously contemplated sleeping in what you wore, but thought otherwise.

As you quite literally plonked on the soft mattress, sinking into its comfort, a thought came back to you from the back of your mind. I still need to ask Thomas why he looked worried earlier.

But as you thought of the effort it would take to get up and ask him, you were able to easily convince yourself to just leave it until morning.

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