Chapter 8

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Guess which girl got a break from her exams? That's right, so I thought I'd write. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

Morning had come, miraculously you managed to have both yours and Thomas' bags packed and ready. The tickets had been printed and everything was set and ready, except for one thing: telling Tasha and Ava that your visit had to be cut very short.

"Mum, Ava, come 'ere please," Thomas called, casually leaning against the kitchen door frame. This seemed to be the norm for him, but you on the other hand. Well you were feeling guilty that you were leaving them after all they had provided.

"What's up Tom?" Ava questioned with a frown, arriving first out of the two, closely followed by your mother-in-law to-be.

"I got a call last night, and I'm sorry to do this, but (Y/N) and I have got to fly out to New Mexico for the sequel to the movie I finished filming a few months ago," Thomas explained in a long blurt. Perhaps he too was nervous. But what was to worry about? You doubted Tasha would lash out that you were leaving. She was too sweet and loving.

"Oh, when are you leaving Dear?" His mum asked softly. There was an akward pause as both you and Thomas debated who should say it.

"Today; in a half hour to be exact," you let out a breath of relief. Both you and Thomas akwardly waited like two children awaiting a scolding from their mother.

"Well that's a shame, Ava and I are going to miss you both! You have been lovely company, (Y/N). If you're ever around, please do drop bye again!" Tasha smiled warmly, pulling you into a tight embrace.

"I'm gonna miss you two! Especially you (Y/N)!" Ava chuckled, following her mother's actions.

"Hey! What'd I ever do to you?" Tom asked, faking offence.

"Nothing, I'm gonna miss you though ya big dummy," Ava chuckled, pulling her older brother into a loving hug.

"I'll miss you too," Tom hummed, leaning into the hug. "We better get going then," he added after a long moment.

"Right, of course. You too have a safe flight, and keep us updated!" Tasha have a comforting smile, nudging you and Thomas towards the door.

"Goodbye, love you both!" Thomas waved, getting in the drivers side while you hopped into the passengers seat. You both waved goodbye as you drive away. A peaceful silence filled the car as you both made your way to the airport.
The flight was long and tiring, and you were feeling that same heavy weight on your body that you had when you first got to London.

But you and Thomas weren't in London anymore. After a long flight, you had finally arrived in New Mexico, the sky a little sunnier yet just as chilling cold as it was in London. You and Thomas got off the plane and were greeted by a man holding a piece of board with the name 'Sangster's' spread across it. You felt yourself inwardly smile at the token, just the thought that you would be (Y/N) Sangster soon making you heart flurry.

You continued to be ushered through the busy airport by the man, only to wind up in a taxi waiting not far outside. The man didn't chat too much with you or Thomas, mainly focusing on traffic. You took this bit of time to start thinking about think with Tom.

"Hey Thomas, when do you want to have the wedding?" You questioned, turning to face him. You watched as his fact contorted for a second, resembling the same anxious look he had when his Mum and sister had brought it up over dinner once, confusing you. Was he scared to get married, did he still want to? "That is, if you still want to?" You added. Tom's face contorted further, shock clear on his face.

"(Y/N), of course I still want to marry you, why would you ask that?" Tom questioned, pulling your hands into his soothingly. The driver stared at you weirdly from the revision mirror, but continued to drive nevertheless.

"Well just because each time it has been brought up, you get this look like you're scared to death," you paused, frowning at you intertwined hands.

"(Y/N), you've got it all wrong," he chuckled, "I can't wait to get married, it's just this all came up all of a sudden. I never realised that we'd actually have to plan it out, and when we actually do talk about it I guess I just get scared that I won't be able to make it perfect for you," he smiled at you awkwardly like the adorable dork he is.

"Oh Tommy, don't be so stupid! we could get married in a pig pen for all I care, because what matters to me is the fact that I'm marrying you, promising to spend the rest of my life with you. And it's okay, I never really realised it would ever happen, It's all been like a dream to me," you blushed, realising your life was a dream come true.

"Well in that case, how does next February sound, 9 months away?"

"I don't see why not, that should give us plenty of time to plan," you smiled, leaning up to peck Thomas on the lips, "sounds great." You added.

The driver cleared his throat, drawing yours and Thomas' attention forward. "We're here," he stated plainly, pulling into a parking lot just outside a large hotel. You followed Tom out and gathered your belonging, walking alongside him to the busy lobby of the hotel.

"Hi there, how may I help you?" A preppy, cheerful lady asked in a nasally voice from behind the main desk.

"Hi, we're here for the filming of the film 'The Scorch Trials', under the name of (Y,N) and Thomas Sangster?" Tom asked as the lady quickly typed in the details into her computer.

"Sure, you can leave your luggage just over there and it will be brought up to you room shortly. In the mean time here is the room key and enjoy your time!" she smiled widely, waving you off.

"Ooh, we're on the 87th floor? Fancy," you wiggled your eyebrows at Thomas, your arm linked closely with his as you filed into the elevator. "I can't wait to see everyone again, I wonder when they'll get here," you sighed on the way up, just itching to catch up with your friends.

"It's hard to say, I'd say Dylan will get here pretty soon if he's not here already," Thomas chuckled as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. You both made your way to your room, clicking the card into the slot and opening the door.

The room was like nothing you had ever seen before. It was done up in a white and gold theme, the bed fit for a king. You gasped at the sight of it, your eyes widening.

"Perhaps we should get a place like this for our honeymoon," Thomas chuckled, seeing your reaction.

"Only thing is I'd never leave," you both chuckled. A sudden tap on the door interrupted the moment. You walked to the door, peeping through the little peep hole to recognise a very familiar face.

"You're keeping a tradition with interrupting our moment, aren't you Dyl?" You laughed as you opened the door, seeing Dylan awkwardly standing there with a goofy smile.

"(Y/N)! You're here!" He yelled, pulling you into a tight bear hug and lifting you from the floor.

"Hey there Dylan!" Thomas chuckled, walking over to the doorway to join you.

"Oh Thomas! Bro I missed you, I missed you both! How's life been, how's it like being engaged?" He wiggled his brow, maintaining his loveable, dorky humour.

"It's been great mate. How' things with Ally?" You mimicked his gesture.

"Amazing, actually she's here right now as well, just in taking a shower," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh really? Things are gonna be just like last time, except Will won't be here," Thomas pouted.

"That's okay, he'll be back for the next movie," you reassured, nudging Thomas with you elbow.

"What? How?" He asked confusedly. Your smile and arms dropped to their side in shock.

"You still haven't read the series? Thomas you're playing a very important role and you haven't even read the second book?" You scolded.

"Or the first book," he muttered under his breath.

"You're kidding, right?" You groaned.

"Well it looks like you too already have the 'bickering like an old married couple' box check, you'll be perfect when you get married!" Dylan chimed in, an amused expression clear on his face. You shot him an annoyed glare, to which he quickly shut his mouth.

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