Chapter 17

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~Thomas' POV~

the elevator bell rung, doors sliding open to allow me to walk into my hotel floor. My heart fluttered around inn my chest. refusing to settle down as I pondered over how to break the news to (Y/N). I realise me behaviour had been off lately, and I wasn't enjoying having to keep secrets from her, let alone have our friends in on it too. I understood that (Y/N) had been getting a little upset that I kept disappearing or not showing up the last few weeks, but I knew it would all be worth it and any negative emotions she was feeling would be swept away the second I broke the news to her, that her parents and I had worked together to revamp her mothers old wedding dress for (Y/N) to wear on our special day.

Hand on the cool metal of the door handle, I took a final deep breath in a hopeless attempt to calm my heart. I couldn't help the grin spreading across my face, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't suppress my happiness and excitement in that moment.

"(Y/N),  I'm back Love, and have some news for you," I called as I entered the apartment, me eyes flittering across the room in search of hers. Disappointment filled me as I realised she wasn't there. "(Y/N)?" I called again, a little louder as I inspected the bathroom and closet.


'That's odd, she said she was going to have a relaxing day in today, she should be here' I thought to myself, making my way out to sit on the bed. A flutter of white on the bed caught my attention, a piece of paper ripped from what seems to be the back of a book being caught in the wind from the fan above.

brows furrowed, I inspected the paper, seeing a messy scribble of words laid across it.


I've had enough, I don't care if you're some celebrity, I know my worth and I don't deserve this treatment. Did you think I'd never find out? You were so blatant it's like you didn't even care if I found out, like you didn't even care about me.

I mean you clearly didn't if  you could just cheat on me like that, and to have everyone else lie for you as well? Why would you even propose to me if it wasn't that important to you huh?  Was I not enough for you? Too bland, boring and not pretty enough? And to think you were still going to marry me, say our vows and promise to spend the rest of our lives together. You lying, cheating  disloyal piece of shit Thomas, I hope you and your mistress enjoy your time together now not having to be so secretive, and I hope you and Ally and everyone else who was in on this and helping you cheat enjoy your lives, because I'm done.

I'm going back home, I hope you're happy.

Below the note was (Y/N)'s engagement ring.

Dread spread through me like wildfire, my chest hollow and aching and heart pounding so hard it hurt.

"No no no no, please baby no," I breathed, fumbling to pull my phone from my pocket. Tears spilled down my cheeks, hitting (Y/N)'s note and making the ink run down the paper. My chest heaved, inhaling and expelling air too fast and causing my head to spin. I brought my phone to me ear, begging and praying she'd pick up. "Shit," I whimpered under my breath, hearing the monotone voice inform that the number was no longer available.

I flicked through my contacts, vision blurred and spinning, unable to breathe right. 

"Yo, what's up Tom?" Dylan's voice sounded through the phone, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe my chest was so tight. I fell to the bed, gasping for air, throat on fire and heartbeat reverberating through my ears, drowning out Dylan's panicked voice through the phone. 

I curled up on my body, furiously shaking as I tried to breathe. As I held myself tightly, rocking back and forth, all I could hear was her voice.

This is your fault. I'm leaving you. You cheating bastard. I hate you.

Maybe it was seconds, maybe it was hours who really knew or cared how long I laid their before someone busted through the door. I didn't care, I hardly could focus on anything else other than the tormenting voice and burning in my chest. The world was dark and spinning, fading in and out of existence. Was someone shaking me? Speaking to me? Were they even real? They sounded miles away.

"Breathe Thomas!" The voice yelled, demanding my attention. "Look at me," the voice commanded, something grabbing my face and forcing me to look up. Dylan was there, was he shaking my head? The room was spinning furiously. 

"Who am I?" He asked, demanding my attention. 

"Dylan," I responded through gasps.

"Good, what colour is my shirt?" He asked, forcing my head to face him and look at him. 

"White," I breathed, confused. 

"Yes, keep going what's that over there?" Dylan pointed to some furniture across the room. My breathing eased, chest feeling less tight slowly as I tried to focus on what he was pointing at. Dylan continued asking me questions, forcing me to focus on other things and allowing me to calm down until I was breathing normally and no longer panicking.

"What happened Tom?" He asked once I was calm. I said nothing, just passed the note to him with her engagement ring. "Shit." He murmured after a moments silence. He too pulled his phone out and tried calling her, but it appeared she had blocked his number as well. She likely blocked everyone's phone then, so there was no way I could contact her. 

"We're going to fix this Thomas, I promise," Dylan said, pulling me into a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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