Chapter 16

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After a whole month of living in the hotel room, life had seemingly become mundane. As hard as it is to believe, living with Thomas Sangster in a room with the perfect view of the city, surrounded by amazing and hilarious friends had become quite to norm. Not that you ever had a problem with it however, what you did have an issue with was your relationship.

Within a month it had crumbled before your eyes. Thomas was hardly around, claiming he had work, but then it actually turned out he wasn't scheduled in. So where was he? You had no idea, but you trusted him, he was your fiancé for gods sake you had to trust that he wasn't doing anything bad. That what you told yourself, each night when you'd go to sleep in an empty bed.

If Thomas had actually turned up to the hotel room at a decent time, you were already asleep. And the nights he was around, you spent fighting and arguing, trying to figure out why he was lying to you, standing you up and outright forgetting you existed.

And what was worse, everyone else seemed to be in on it too. Always, there was a half-ass excuse for Thomas, even from Ally. You were alone in this matter, they all clearly supported Thomas' infidelity more than they supported you.

"No, he's not cheating on me," you assured yourself, tears running down your face as you curled up on the shower floor. "he loves me, he wouldn't have proposed if he didn't love me." you spoke aloud.

But the evidence was irrefutable. His so called 'makeup artist' was messaging him at all hours of the day, even ringing him. He'd meet up with her often, not like he told you. Sometimes you were abandoned halfway through lunch, and sometime he just wouldn't turn up at all. Apparently work was getting hectic, but Wes assured that Thomas was not on set when he had assured you he was.

"What did I expect?" your voice croaked as you raised you hand, starring at the ring on your finger. "I'm no actress or model. I'm a damn farmer, Thomas would have never fallen for me. He never truly loved me," your heart ached fiercely as you spoke the word. Ever fibre in your body screamed to deny it, but you were done being blind to the obvious truth.

It was time to end thing with Thomas.


Thomas' POV:

"You're amazing, Kelly," Thomas murmured, slender fingers tracing over fabric gently, admiring what he saw.

"Does she know?" Kelly spoke up.

"(Y/N)? No of course not. She doesn't suspect a thing." He assured, a grin spreading across his face.

"Good, it'll surprise her even more when she finds out. I still don't know how you managed to get her mothers old wedding dress flown over from Australia without (Y/N) knowing," Kelly chuckled.

"It definitely wasn't easy, but I knew just how much she loved that dress. I thought if she were able to wear it, after being modernised a tad, it would make the day a little more special. But of course none of this would have been possible without such a talented seamstress as you. You'd never tell this is over 20 years old," Thomas spoke in awe, feeling the fabric of the wedding dress between his fingers, taking in the beauty of the sparking dress.

"Well that's my job, I'm glad you like it. It's taken a lot of careful planning, especially trying to keep it a secret." She responded.

"Well I better get going, let you finish up on the final touches. I'll be by tomorrow to pick it up. Thank you again Kelly!" And with that, Thomas rushed out, joining into the large crowd huddling to escape to rain. Thomas didn't mind though, he was too happy to let the weather put a damper on his mood. All the fighting will have been worth it when he tells (Y/N) about his surprise.

Whatever will happen when he gets back to the hotel room?? Short chapter I know, but things are very hectic at the moment, but I'll try to update as soon as I get the time

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