Chapter 12

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"You know, that won't always work on me," you mumbled, slipping one of his over sized shirts over your bare chest.

"But it worked this time, didn't it?" Thomas flashed you a sly grin, wriggling his brow.

With a roll of you eyes, you replied "Somewhat, I'm still pissed that you keep ditching me for you phone."

"I'm sorry Babe, I promise it won't happen again, you have my full, undivided love and attention 'till death do us part," Thomas gave a lovestruck, cheeky grin as he joined you on the bed, resting his head on your stomach.

"Hm, save if for the alter," your grinned back, running your fingers gently through his golden locks, welcoming the heavy weight over your eyelids and comfort of the bed and warmth from Tom. Only the small vibration of Thomas' voice startled you, any hope of napping now vanishing.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't we start organising stuff for our wedding?" He looked up at you with hooded eyes, obviously feeling as tired as you after the recent activities. And you knew it must be bothering him if it was stopping him was sleeping. Thomas was a stresser, much like yourself, however he was always worrying over the future, rather than the present like you. So when you noticed he was putting off sleep for this, you decided to take it with more care and seriousness.

"Well there's not a lot we can organise this early on, other than bridesmaids and groomsmen and guests. Did you want to start with that Tom?" You gave a caring smile, seeing the ease pool in his eyes.

"Yes please." You only smiled wider as Thomas looked up at you with large eyes. He got up from you, leaning over to gather a pencil and pad of paper from the bedside table.

"So lets start with bridesmaids and groomsmen. Who did you have in mind Hun?"

"Well obviously Jack is going to be my best man, and I was thinking of having Dyl, Will and Ki Hong as the groomsmen? How does that sound?" Thomas questioned, writing the names down in an elegant style.

"That sounds great," you beamed, "I was thinking of having Ally as my Maid of Honour, with Kaya, Ava and one of the girls from work, you know Tasha? They can be my bridesmaids!" You cheered, having already sorted one thing for the wedding. It was thrilling. It helped cement the idea that you were to be spending the rest of your life with the man of your dreams, besides the shining diamond on your finger.

"Great," Tom let out a sigh of relief. You had been pretty laid back about the whole up until now, surges of joy and excitement coursing through your blood alongside a million different ideas.

"Oh, where do we wanna go for our honeymoon? We could go back to London for a while, or or we could travel to somewhere in America, oh how about France?" You eyes glimmered with anticipation and a little craze as you got carried away, rambling. This apparently amused Thomas, his quite chuckle interrupting you thoughts. He placed his hands over yours, in an attempt to settle you down.

"Actually, I thought that maybe, we could go to Australia? It's been a few years since you left, plus I've never really been there and I hear the weather is great! That way, we could also spend some time with your parents, properly-not just a week before the wedding." That got you to settle down, your childlike elation put to a holt.

"That's actually an awesome idea! You'll get to see where your beloved grew up, maybe help wrangle a few cows eh?" You gave Tom a teasing nudge, earning a roll of his eyes. "Ooh, I wanna see you ride a horse!" You laughed, imagining it. Thomas was either going to look like an absolute dork or a god on a horse, either way you needed to see it.

"Well now that that's sorted, how about the actual date of our wedding? We settled on February right?" Tom began to scribble down more words on the notepad.

"Yeah, February. Maybe late February? It'll at least be a little closer to spring then, so it shouldn't be as cold." You suggested, rolling over to lay on you back, staring up it the ceiling just dreaming of the day.

"Yep, I like the sounds of that. Say, what's your favourite single digit number?" You frowned, rolling back over to look at Thomas.

"It's four, why?" You asked, confused by the sudden change in conversation.

"February 24th, how's that?" Thomas asked, doodling it numerous times across the paper.

"Yeah? That's it, that simple-we get married on the 24th?" You questioned.

"Well yeah if that's what your happy with, why?"

"I don't know, I always just thought there was some ancient process that decided it," You chuckled at the silliness.

"You're crazy," Tom laughed, underlining the number 24. The sound of the doorbell buzzing interrupted your conversation. You left Thomas to finish writing out the plans, opening the door to see who it was. The one and only Dylan.

"Hey (Y/N)! We're all gonna- oh umm," he coughed, his eyes straying down to your bear legs, the long shirt covering everything else. "Did you need a moment to get... decent?" He questioned, now refusing to look you in the eye.

"Chill Dylan," you laughed, peeling Thomas' shirt up to reveal the shorts who wore beneath.

"Oh, cool, you're wearing shorts," he awkwardly stood in the doorway, shooting you finger guns in hopes of dispersing the embarrassment in the air.

"What's up Dyl?" Thomas appeared from behind you to see what was going on. Dylan's eyes darted between the large shirt hanging from your body, and the missing one from Thomas', a disgusted squint on his face.

"Oh come one, it's been one day and you've already- you know what not worth going into it right now. Everyone is going up top for a swim, do you guys wanna join us?"

"Yeah that sounds nice!" You chirped, now craving a swim.

"Yeah, we'll meet you up there in ten minutes," Thomas added with a smile.

"Alright, but you guys better just be getting dressed in that ten minutes," Dylan grumbled, already walking away.

"Of course!" You called back innocently, breaking out into laughter shortly after.

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