Chapter 4

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The wind roared through your ears, ripping at you hair and clothes as the world around you morphed together in one big blur. The road was empty was empty, not a sing car near you, which was lucky considering the speed Thomas was going, speeding around the sharp curves of the scenic road. As Thomas said, this was indeed much more 'country' than the old buildings and walkways of London, the road cutting between luscious green fields filled with cattle, sheep and other kinds of animals, the paddocks only separated by old stone fences.

Abruptly, Thomas slows down and pullls over, stopping by an old fence, sheep scattered out in the paddock behind. You both got off the bike, pulling the helmet from your head and stepping over into the grass, which easliy reached yoour knees.

"Why did we stop here?" You questioned, trying to fix the birdsnest of hair on your head. It was siletn for a moment as you waited for Thomas' response. You glanced over at the man, noticing he was oddly consumed by his phone, a rare sight for Thomas. "Thomas?" You asked a little louder, drawing his attnetion in.

"Hm?" He hummed, momentarily glancing up from his phone.

"What're you doing?" You asked suspiciously, stepping closer to see what had the least phone consumed peron on earth unalbe to tear their eyes from the screen for more than a second.

"Oh, uh just telling Ava that we'll be home late for dinner," Thomas quickly locked the phone and shoved it in his pocket before you could get a glimpse. You stared up at him as he flashed you a smile. Don't be stupid, (Y/N), Thomas wouldn't lie, he is doing all this for you, it wouldn't be fair to assume something after all.

"Oh, okay."

"So, like the view?" Thomas asked, gesturing to the now clear sky, where the intensely orange sun slowly hid behind the horizon more and more.

"Yeah, its like nothing I've ever seen before," you breathed, letting go of Thomas' werid behaviour
. For a long moment, you both just stood there, taking in the sight and each other. Silence grew on the two of you, however it was comforting for a change, because you knew your life was perfect.

But things always had to end. The sun had set, hidden away behind the peak of a mountain as glorious pinks sprayed cross the sky, blending together with the navy blue night sky. The sky looks completely different from what you were used to seeing at home. A completely different arrangement of stars scattered across the night sky, endless new patterns and shapes for you to point out.

"Such a beautiful sight," you murmured, saddened that it was over.

"Indeed it is," Thomas replied, staring down at you, a dorky smile flashing across his lips for a second. Your heart melted, that strange yet familiar sensation spreading through your chest.

Your senses went into overdrive as Thomas pulled you into a kiss. The warmth of his fingers wrapping around your waist and in your hair sent tingles down your spine, and the sweet, masculine scent of cologne engulfed you, cherished memories coming to mind. And then there was the way his lips felt on yours. They were soft and sweet from a lip balm you gave him, the taste of cherries filling your mouth, as did Thomas' tongue.

The kiss became hungrier, you couldn't really blame Thomas though. This was your first moment alone together, secluded from people and their cameras, and he sure was making the best of it.

His hands began to wander to other parts of your body his missed. Your breath hitched in your throat as his hands firmly grabbed your butt, pulling you up so that your legs would latch onto his waist. That was something you could never get used to, the dirtier side if Thomas coming out when he was hungry for you. But you loved it all so much.

So gently, Thomas lowered you into the long grass, his lips never breaking from yours. The long grass parted for your bodies as Thomas' lips explored your neck and collar, lightly sucking your collarbone, teeth gently grazing along your skin. A quiet moan escaped you as your teeth sunk into your lower lip, mind a mess.

"Wait, just here, in the open in the grass?" You breathed, pushing Thomas away from you for a moment.

"If you're comfortable with it," he purred, pushing a stray strand of hair from your eyes.

"Well it's something different," you chuckled nervously. "Now come here," you commanded with more confidence, pulling Thomas closer by the collar, pulling the zip of his leather jacket down. "You have too many layers in," You pouted as another jacket travelled itself beneath the leather one.

"Let me help you out there, then," Thomas growled, rising to unzip and and button his jacket and shirt, leaving his chest bare. Goosebumps formed along his arms as a cool breeze blew softly along his exposed skin. You couldn't take your eyes off of his chest, unable to not notice how much more masculine he seemed.

"My turn," you giggled, shoving Thomas to his back as you straddled his hips. Your finger trailed down from his chest to his belt, teasingly light and ticklish, you could tell but the way he squirmed beneath you. Slowly, you unzipped your jacket, pulling it off along with you shirt. You now knew how Thomas felt, the light breeze like icy fingers on your skin.

"You have no idea how much I missed this," Thomas breathed, his hands gripping your hips softly.

"Hmm, I think I have some idea," you smirked, wiggling around on Thomas' hips.

"Come here," Thomas ordered with a boyish smirk, his hand pulling you close to him by the chin. In an instant, you gripped your hips again and rolled you back into the grass, his long legs quickly trapping you at the hips. "You don't get to tease me like that and get away with it," he growled low into your ear.

You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for whatever Tom was about do, however nothing happened. You peeled through you're eyelashes to see Thomas staring off into the distance, a shocked and frightened look on his face.

"Get you clothes on, we gotta go!" Thomas whisper shouted, quickly getting off of you to search for your clothes in the grass.

"What? Thomas what do you mean?" You questioned, holding yourself up by the elbows.

"There's a car coming in the distance (Y/N)! We gotta get dressed!" There was a certain urgency in his tone that made you realised he wasn't joking, and it was confirmed as you turned to see the two headlights weaving through the road a while back. "Here," he muttered, chucking you your shirt and jacket.

Hastily, you put your clothes back in as Thomas continued to search for his, still shirtless as the car got closer and closer.

"What are you doing?!"

"I can't find my bloody shirt!" Thomas replied, hopping through the grass like a rabbit.

"Don't worry about your damn shirt, that car is almost here and you're still half naked!" You countered, gesturing to the approaching vehicle.

Hesitantly, Thomas complied and put on his jacket and leather jacket. Quickly, he raced to the motorbike with you close in tow, chucking you your helmet as he put his on. You quickly jumped on the back of the motorbike, now only realising what happened. A round of giggles escaped your lips as Tom turned the bike in, the engine roaring to life and skidding off back into the road.

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