Lusus!Mituna x kid!reader: Wasp

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Heads up! Mituna has a lisp, so remember to replace any "S" sounds with "th".


"(y-y-y-y/n)!" your lusus called excitedly, causing you to look up calmly from your drawing.

"Yeah, lusi?" you asked stoically. To balance out your more erratic lusus, you just kinda adapted as a grub and became extremely calm as a result. Unfortunately, other kids can't differentiate "calm" from "boring" or "weird" and thinking that they're boring/not good enough in your eyes. This, unfortunately, led to other kids to picking on you- in some cases outright bullying- and a lot of (b/c) bruises on your skin.

You didn't care though. Even as a kid, you knew there was something... mentally off about your lusus. Usually you acted more like a lusus than he did, but you didn't mind. You love your lusus and how he acts won't change that. Some of his days were better than others, but he'd never hurt you. If your lusus who doesn't know what he's doing more than half the time and had the mentality of a human toddler knew better than to hurt you and restrained himself no matter how frustrated he got, what excuse did the other kids have who were in better states of mind and knew better than your lusus?

"Let's go to the park! The park! I'll bring my board and I can teach you how to skate!" he cheered while you mentally winced but maintained a stoic expression. You knew your lusus used to be the best skateboarder out there- hell, most of his skateboarding videos from tournaments he won and free-styling in the park were still up on Trolltube and got more and more views each day, but he just... lost his motor coordination skills. You'd never tell him that, of course, but he always hurt himself somehow.

"Lusi, I think going to the park is a great idea... but can we just walk or play on the toys instead?" you asked.

"You're so boring," he groaned, extending the word to "booooooooriiiing" and twisting his face comically in disgust to let you know he was teasing, but sighed nonetheless. "But fine. I guess being faced with my radical board skills would intimidate anyone," he grinned cockily before blinking slowly and tilting his head. "Wait... what were we talking about again?"

"The park."

"We're going to the park!? Yay!" he cheered, mismatched eyes sparkling like a wriggler on perigee eve.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the park?"


"Let's go then, get your jacket on, lusi." you instructed patiently, smiling when your lusus scrambled to get his yellow and black jacket on, leaving his helmet at home and taking his old red/blue visor glasses instead. You patiently waited by the door and and took his hand when he came up beside you, calmly listening to his rambling about parks, then forgetting and asking where you guys were going several times, each time getting a patient answer and renewing his excitement.

"We're here, lusi." you announced, cutting him off mid-sentence. He cheered, picked you up and raced you to the large climbing toy.

"Let's have a race, (y/n)! Whoever makes it to the top first wins! Loser has to cook dinner!" he grins widely, showing his sharp teeth.

You agreed, despite knowing you'd end up cooking anyway- not just because he'd forget, but because you didn't want him cooking anyway. All meals you could recall from grubhood ended with your nutrition block on fire or covered in honey (sometimes both) and then going over to Kankri's to have dinner with he and his grub. It got to the point where the two would actually wait for you to come over to have dinner and then to Kankri teaching you how to cook and bake as soon as you had the correct functioning to do so. Granted you still went over to his, knowing that as much as he'd rant about it he'd still never turn the two of you away from eating proper food, since he knew you could only cook so many things.

You kept pace with your lusus' climbing without surpassing him, not wanting him to be upset by losing, but you also didn't want him to notice you were letting him win on purpose.

"Yes! All hail the climbing master! Kneel, peasants!" Mituna laughed, earning the attention of a few passerby's, with the acception of those used to these antics at this point.

"Congrats, lusi. What do you want for dinner?" you folded your arms on the top of the wall, resting your chin on them and looking up at your 

"Honey waffles!" he cheered with a wide grin, fist pumping.

"Alright, let's get down from here and finish our walk."

"Okay!" he climbed down.

Mid-walk Kurloz came running up with a wide grin stretching his stitches, signing to your lusus rapidly.

"Oh, hey Kurloz! (y/n), go and play for a sec and then we can keep having fun!" Mituna chirped and turned back to his morail, having a half-verbal half-sign conversation with the royalblood.

You nodded and headed off to the sandbox, not to play but to read one of the books nearby- no doubt left behind by a parent. You sat in the cushion of sand and flipped open the book to the first page.

"What a surprise, the freak doesn't even play at the park." came a familiar voice that made you sigh and close the book with a clap.

"Please leave me be, I haven't done anything to you." you requested and stood up, only to be pushed down in the sand with a muffled "oomph" .

"(y/n)!" you heard your lusus call in alarm and run to you before you were scooped up in his arms. Most people would be embarrassed, especially since he's cradling you in front of your bullies who no doubt had new ammo against you, but you were quite content in your lusus' embrace.

"Are you alright, bumblebee? I looked over and saw you hit the ground!" his lisp was thicker with concern and his fingers gently prodded you for injuries.

"I'm alright Lusus... I just, uhm, fell." you fibbed, earning a look of confusion.

"You're usually more careful than that... and weren't you sitting and reading? You usually don't stop until you've at least finished four chapters," he states sternly.

Most would think that Mituna, given his disability, would be rather ignorant. He isn't, he was just naive, but that didn't mean he wasn't observant; especially where his progeny was concerned. He knew everything about you, from your favorite food to your favorite book and movie genres. And he knew damn well you weren't that clumsy and never stopped reading a book until you were certain you wouldn't like it.

"It was you guys wasn't it!?" he demanded and pointed his fingers at the now-startled kids, his lisp thickening.

"What? No! Didn't you hear (her/him)? (he/she) fell by themselves!" the group's leader said and folded his arms.

"No, (he/she) didn't! My (y/n) is more careful than that! I might be handicapped mentally, but I know my bumblebee isn't stupid enough to manage to trip when they're sitting down." He started hissing, eyes staticing and hair bristling.

"I'll fry you, you little-!" you hugged him around his neck, catching him off guard and calming him. "What? What is it (y/n)?"

"Let's just go home, okay? I want to spend time with you, and I don't want to let them ruin it. Besides, you'll get in trouble." you pointed out, muffled a bit by his shoulder.

He glanced at your head and then the kids, then back to you before puffing out a sigh. "Okay, fine." he almost whined but then turned to the group of kids.

"But If I ever see one of you little fucks again, I'll electrocute you until your nerves are so fucked up you could try to move your pinky and start twerking!" he spat, eyes sparking a bit before turning on his heel and leaving, his own group of friends completely shaken up by his change in personality. He might be bipolar as fuck, but he'd never been violent like that before.

He was definitely a protective wasp when it came to his little bumblebee.

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