Mindfang x grub reader: Rules of Piracy

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"You watch (y/n), when you grow up, you'll be my first mate! I'll teach you aaaaaall about being a pirate and one day, you'll be the captain of my ship when I'm gone!" Mindfang stated boldly, throwing the captain's cabin's door open loudly, causing everyone under her to stand in neat rows on every side and stand rimrod straight in respect.

"Remember, (y/n), when you run a ship, it may as well be your kingdom! Rule it sternly but fairly- and uphold the laws you make for it with an iron fist!" she slammed her silvery arm on a nearby table that had been covered in gambling cards, ships and money sending everything flinging into the air. "One of those laws being always ask the captain if they want to play a few rounds," she gave a scathing, one-eyed glare at a group of trolls that squeaked and straightened up.

"You scum are lucky my (y/n) is here, or I'd make you scrape barnacles off the ship."


A few minutes later after her inspection, Mindfang walked with you held firmly in her organic arm as she walked down one of the many halls in her ship. "The second rule," she said and examined the wooden corridor with a critical eye. "Is to always make sure your ship itself is in respectable condition."

She swiped a metallic, leather covered finger down the side of an expensive looking painting from some green and blue planet (a part of you wondered how they could stand the light long enough to create said artwork titled "Earth") in a golden frame- likely taken on one of her many pillaging raids.

She wrinkled her nose and showed you her finger, a very thin- nearly imperceptible layer of dust stuck to the black material. "Your ship is your hive, and you can't run it if it's in ruin. Even something that seems insignificant can show that you're sloppy- then you lose all respect."

"You!" she suddenly barked at an unfortunate pirate that happened to be walking by. He pointed to himself causing Mindfang to roll her eye and place her spare hand on her hip. "Yes, you. Clean up this snort-beast sty!"


"The next lesson-" your lusus was cut off by one of her black-feather-beast nest servailencers rushing in, gasping for air and causing the blueblood to press you closer to her breast protectively, one hand already heading towards her saber.

"Captain Mindfang," he rasped, swallowing to strengthen his voice. "We've spotted one of the Condescension's vessels!"

Mindfang pursed her navy painted lips and rolled her eye towards heaven. "Of course that totalitarian tyrant would decided to show up when I'm teaching my grub- bitch couldn't be bothered showing up when I was bored with nothing to do! Nooooo, she had to wait until I was busyyyyy!" she drawled out, an old teenage tick she'd licked long ago... well, with the acception of when she was particularly peeved.

"Well (y/n), I guess that lesson can wait until later. Now, Lusi's going to teach you how to hand the authorities their asses on a golden platter."


Even though she said this, she had decided that you were a bit to young to be exposed to the more violent side of piracy just yet. Instead, she left you in the care of your favorite grubsitter, a jadeblooded slave named Bellemere (though she was often called the "Dolorosa") that your lusus was sweet on.

She always had a haunted look in her jewelescent eyes but cared for you dearly, as if she felt a genuine desire to and not an obligation given by her owner.

After a few minutes or hours, you weren't quite sure, the sounds of gunshots, cannons and clashing metal that had been hidden by the gentle jadeblood's singing came to an end.

The sound of heavy boots making their way to the cabin you and the caretaker resided in caused the maiden to cover you in her capelike veil and pull you to her breast protectively, only to relax when it showed your Lusus, covered in wounds and an array of blood colors, both her own and her enemies'.

"Come here, (y/n)~," she cooed and took you carefully from the slave, carefully cradling you to a clean area of her chest.

"You are injured," Dolorosa states obviously and purses her thick, black lips in distaste and possibly concern.

"Awwwww, babe, you worried about meeee?" she sang, this time to the woman who rolled her eyes.

"No, but I do personally believe you should have washed yourself before coming in and holding (y/n). You could get them sick." Dolorosa states with a judgmental gaze, earning a snort and wave of a prosthetic hand.

"Yeah, suuuure. Whatever you say, lovely." she turns and leaves the cabin before looking into your curious eyes and winking playfully.

"That was your third lesson- even if she won't admit it, chicks dig scars."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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