Q&A answers (1st)

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Question: Tavros and Vriska, if you had a grub together, who do you think they'll act like?

Tavros: Uhh... I don't really care how they act. I mean, I'd like for them to be nice, but, uh, I'll love them regardless.

Vriska: "Ha! As if I'd have grubs with this loooooser," she jabs her thumb violently at Tavros who stutters indignantly. "But, they'd probably take after me, since highblood's have more dominant traits. That's why we're aggressive in the first place- and awesome! And who cares how my grub acts? They're mine and if you have a problem with them then you have a problem with me!" she says with a sharkish grin, daring someone to disagree.


Question: To Feferi, can you hug me? And who do you hate most out of the beta trolls?

Feferi: "Shore! I love giving hugs!" she says as she wraps her arms around the commenter, a happy smile pulling her lips and clothes/skin a bit damp from swimming, but otherwise pleasant and very affectionate. She pulls back after a while and hums as she considers the second question.

"Whale, to be honest, the only beta troll I can't seem to get along with would be Meenah- though I wouldn't say I hate her or anyfin. We're just... too different, I guess." she shrugs and grins. "I hope that kelped at all!"


Question to Kurloz: do you need to eat slime like Gamzee bro? And captors, can I have a Gemini group hug, please?

Kurloz: (signing with a polite smile) "nah, I'm all wicked chill about shit, my miraculous sib. If we're all gonna up and be real about the miracles of life though then I gotta say; soper has the opposite effect on me that it does Gam. I get all anxious and I'm quicker to anger like a motherfucking fangbeast on a caffeine high. Doesn't mean I'm murderous and ready to spread the wrath of the mirthful Messiahs, I'm just quick to knock them the motherfuck out and toss them out of my way." he frowns a bit and jazzhands nervously before putting them down and shrugging, indicating that's all he can really "say" on the matter.

Mituna: "Team Captor Triforce! Attaaaaaack!" he shrieks a battle cry and immediately glomps the inquisitor in a tight, friendly hug, followed by his brother, Sollux and their Lusus following until they're a pile of yellowblood affection on top of a very contented commenter.


To Signless: is it true you fall asleep if and when someone rubs your belly?

Signless: he gives a scandalized gasp and narrows his carnelian eyes towards his yellowblooded morail. "It was Psiioniic who told you, wasn't it? He promised never to tell!" he sighs and lays a hand on his rubescent cheek with a pout. "But yes, my belly and my hair are both my 'sweet spots', so to speak. Usually, Dolorosa would rub my head but when she's not around, I'll lay across my morail or matesprit's lap and expose my stomach- they usually get the hint that I need help relaxing so I can rest and I end up passing out in a purring puddle." he blushes happily, no doubt recalling pleasant memories. "It's something all of us Vantas' share, to be honest."


To Cronus: do you know all the songs in Grease?

Cronus: "Of course I do! Wvhen I'm bored, I'll blast them on my jukebox until the neighbors call the carps on me. At this point though, I mostly do it just tug their gills." he snickers, double-pistols and winks.

Eridan: "His favorite is this cod-awful, cheesy number called Hopelessly Devoted to-" his statement is cut off by Cronus darting over and covering his mouth with a loud slap, no doubt leaving a mark on accident.


To Disciple: How do you feel about the Signless taking in grubs? Do you spend any time with them?

Disciple: "I love the kits! They're so cute and sweet! I love playing the games my mewsus and I would when I was a kit!" she picks up a grub and rubs their cheeks together. "Purrecious kits~! As a matter of fact, Rosa and I kitsit them when beloved is purreaching."


To Dolorosa: what do you think of all of the descendants (e.g kanaya,vriska,sollux ect...)

Dolorosa: "The descendants... well, certainly some are more... agreeable than others." a brief thought of Vriska flashes in her mind making her grimace before she politely coughs behind her hand and straightens her skirt. "Regardless, I am quite proud of most of them, managing to overcome their obstacles and grow as trolls and learning from their mistakes. I can only watch and hope they continue forward from here on out."


to signless: do you feel sorry for Cronus and Eridan in anyway, y'know... since not many people like them and stuff like that?

Signless: "I do, but at the same time I wonder why they care so much when they have so many friends to lean on." he places a hand under his chin in thought. "Matespritship is certainly wonderful, but just having regular companionship is a gift often taken for-granted. Though, between the two, I personally prefer that funny 'greaser' troll. I've met him in the dream bubbles... not sure why he's still single when he's such a funny boy."


To Condesce: what are your thoughts on Meenah and Feferi?

Condesce: "Whale, I don't particularly mind the elder gill, but the younger reminds me of... a certain someone I knew a long time ago," she thinks of the fuschiablooded troll that raised her with a bittersweet face. "Simply spoken, I have no idea how to treat her when I see that one whenever I look at her. It's frustrating, to say the least." she sighs and crosses her legs while staring at her trident with reluctant fondness.


To Karkat: Who is your favorite of the trolls?

Karkat: "Normally I'd tell you to fuck off and get out of my relationships... but I'd say either Sollux or Kanaya. Kanaya's like a lusus so I can talk to her about anything, but Sollux is my morail for a reason. Every time I'm with Kanaya just to hang out, I end up becoming her mannequin." he shudders and recalls the many times he was forced on a pedestal and fitted in all sorts of clothes for hours, from regular everyday outfits to dresses and costumes.


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