Lusus!Signless x Highblood!Grub!Reader

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Karine was walking in the forest to relax when he noticed two of his devout followers, a rustblooded female and her oliveblooded matesprit, kneeling next to a grub. The grub squeaked in fear, it's little body rippling in fear. It was clearly a highblooded grub from its (b/c) shell and the blood oozing from the dead, highblooded lusus nearby. If he were to guess, he'd say the couple hunted the lusus not knowing it had a grub and now they were deciding what to do with the poor child.

'How could something so small and scared ever turn into a bloodthirsty murderer?' Signless himself allowed his thinkpan to ponder the thought momentarily, before returning to reality when one of the rustbloods who followed him picked up the highblooded grub by its tail, who squeaked in alarm and squirmed as much as it could with its grubby body, little (b/c) tears streaming from its eyes.

"It might be a grub, but it's still a highblood..." the rustblooded female's matesprit sighed in remorse, neither troll noticing Karine standing in the shade of the trees behind them and observing the scene to see what they'd decide before stepping in.

"The least we can do is kill it quickly-"

"You will do no such thing," the mutant's voice rang strong, the usually soft tone hardened with a stern sense of disappointment in them for their decision. The trolls turned with matching gasps, bowing to him respectfully and forgetting the now curious grub in the rustblooded female's grip, who reached for him pleadingly with a tiny squeak, (b/c) tears beading your eyes as blood rushed to your head from being held upside-down for so long.

"I am so ashamed of you... both of you," he says, gently taking the (b/c) grub from her grip and cradling it gently to his person, his natural warmth soothing the grub and making it coo in comfort. "My sermons are for the future- one without discrimination or hate. If my own followers do not follow my teachings, how can anyone else be expected to even attempt to listen?" the mutant asks wisely, lightly tickling your (b/c) belly and smiling softly when you giggled and lifted your needly appendages to him, cooing happily.

"This little one is the future, we need to love and nurture our children and hope they can break the cycle our society has set for them." Karine nuzzled his nose to yours, earning a happy (sound) from you.

The two trolls at least had the decency to look as disappointed in themselves as the Signless felt. "We apologize, Signless. We had let the resentment we felt towards the other highbloods cloud our judgement, we took it out on a complete innocent and became what we resented in the first place." the oliveblood apologized.

"Well, I'll lead by example. I will raise this little one with my own grubs and show you that all that matters is how you raise and love a grub to grow that decides how they are around others." you let out a little sound of confusion and cooed happily when he kissed your head.

"My little (y/n); you will be one of the most important pieces of my legacy... you will be proof that peace and love is possible, regardless on blood color."


So this was a request, and it might suck because I'm still getting back into my mojo for this book. But, here ya go regardless.

You are now a sibling of Karkat and Kankri. Congrats!

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