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I don't own any of the rights all of that goes to ABC family and free-form the only thing I own is the plot and Piper Farchild/ Garroway, Ashlynn Bane and Thomas Athean. Now onto the story!

(Pipers pov)
I am waiting with Simon at a café to hear if Clary got into the art school and Simon is being just as annoying as ever. He is wearing a dark grey t-shirt and jeans. I have my long brown hair up in a high ponytail, my light green eyes were sparkling and my warm rosy skin was glowing. I am wearing black shorts, short brown hiker boots, a layered royal blue tank and a gold necklace with the symbol for water and inside the symbol a water drop in blue.

"So what if she doesn't make it" Simon questions

"Simon why do you even doubt Clary, I mean you still like - like her, right?" I ask.

"Um well that's kind of getting personal don't you think Pipes!" he yells and I chuckle

"Oh Simon, Simon, Simon let's gets some things straight. First off never call me Pipes again and I don't think anything's getting personal Simon. I mean, it's pretty obvious." Simon was about to say something then Clary walks in with a fake sad face, how can I tell, well I mean I am her sister, even though I'm 2 years older then her.

"Tell me the teachers names and I'll make them pay for not accepting you" Simon said, Clary raised her eyebrows

"Simon you'd never be able to beat them up, sorry to say." I say to him

"No I mean a steaming letter to the bone." he replies

"Simon what does that even mean?" I ask and Clary chuckles. Then she pulled out the acceptance letter

"Sad face joke, well played, well played." Simon tells her and they fist bump,

"Hey Pipes I knew you knew the whole time." Clary tells me and I laugh. Simon looked at us confused and questions

"What so Clary over here can call you Pipes but I can't?" And I said

"Thats how it goes" A waiter came by and gave us all laté's and biscotti's, I was drinking my laté while Simon and Clary were rambling on about the graphic novel they're writing. All of the sudden Clary made a funny face

"That's a laté" Simon smirks

"But I could have sworn I had a biscotti" Clary said confused. Oh no, it's still their, she's entering the shadow world, the protections wearing off.

"Well then I'll replace your imaginary biscotti with an actual one" I need to get out of this place, but I can't do anything so I guess I'm stuck here.


"Mom we're home!" I yell, technical I stay in Luke's apartment so I can train out in the open, and Luke told me something I would never believe. I see Clary walk over to Dot and asks her

"So what did the tarot cards tell you today" and Dot replies

"The tarot cards tell me you me it into the academy!" And I chuckle

"And by the tarot cards you mean Simons twitter account" and I held up my phone showing Simons tweet.

"OK I follow him, turns out predicting the future is very difficult" and I laugh "Oh I almost forgot, happy birthday!" She pulled out a bag and pulled out a black lace top.

"Oh my gosh dot it's beautiful!" And Dot said

"Ya can you just keep it on the DL because my mom's your boss and I don't want her to flip out" I leave Clary and Dot talking and go to find our mom.

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