The Meet Up

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(Pipers pov)
It's been so long since I've seen Thomas, and it's so great to see him! As we walked out Simon and Clary went first while Izzy and I linked arms, and she said

"Now tell me about this Thomas guy" and she had a smirk that never left her lips.

"He's my boyfriend" I stated as the younger Lightwood stopped and looked at her,

"Look at you Piper, didn't know you had it in you" she said sarcastically.

"Oh ha ha ha very funny Izz, I hope you know that I still have bruises from training with you" I laughed as we caught up with Climon, that's right, I just came up with a ship name for them on the spot, there's nothing wrong with that!

"Well we did do a months worth of training in the past week" She says and I laugh

"True that" then she says

"What's he like? You know Thomas" and before I can say anything Clary announces we're here and I here someone call my name. I turn around to see Thomas standing there in jeans and his red and grey t-shirt.

"Thomas" I say as I walk up to him and hug him.

"Damn, I didnt know he was hot!" Izzy said to Clary and Simon

"I know" Clary said back as they both chuckled earning a glare from Simon.

"I missed you" he whispered in my ear while the two girls were whispering. I broke the hug and we walked over to them, hand in hand. Of corse he couldn't see Izzy but he could see Simon and Clary.

"Hey Clary, sup Simon" Thomas said as him and Simon shared a fist bump, "uh sorry I don't know you, you are?" He said towords Izzy.

"You can see me?"

"You can see her?" Me and Izzy ask at the same time as I look to my confused boyfriend

"Obviously, what do you think I am, blind?" And Izzy states,

"You're a shadowhunter, you have runes" I look to her confused then to my boyfriend who's now smirking. He pulled out a stele and went over his skin with it, now I see a bunch of runes on him.

"I have been my whole life, shadowhunter" he said while looking at me " I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I knew you were one but I could tell it was safer for me not to tell you."

"So your parents aren't actully here? Or are they? Do you go to an instatute?" I spat out questions to him.

"No my parents aren't here, the moved to Canada when I went to the England instatute, but on today of last week, i found out I'm transferring to the New York instatute today."

"Ya I heard we were getting a new recruite from England" Izzy says then looks at me "since he's technology living at our instatute, why don't we talk there, safer" and Thomas nods

"She's right, it'll be safer. I don't want any of you getting hurt" he says and Clary says

"Well then let's go!" And we walked back to the instatute.

Well I know this chapter was kinda just summing up the character Thomas Athean now I can actully get in line with the show, now if your wondering Piper knows her her best friend Ashlynn is a warlok, and she knows Ashlynns older brother is Magnus Bain, but you'll find out something about Ashlynn when they go chasing after Magnus Bain for the Little Girls memories, ha see what I did there, no? OK I'll go now.

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