Little Girl And Grumpy Cats Twin

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(Pipers Pov)
As soon as we walked into the instatute Jace walked over and Thomas, Izzy and I walk over to Alec in the screen room.

"Who's this? Is this a mundane?" Alec asked while Izzy responded

"This is the England transfer, Thomas...... sorry I didn't get your last name" and my boyfriend chuckles

"Thomas Athean, weird last name I suppose, hi" he holds a hand out for Alec to shake but Alec doesn't

''Your right, weird last name" and Izzy scolds him

"We can't say much our last name is Lightwood" while chuckling then walks over to Climon and Jace, yes I'm still using the ship name!

"Why is there a mundane in the instatute?" Alec asks

"A circle member followed him here to get to Clary and Piper" Jace says

"Circle members just like the ones who took our mom, right Pipe?" Clary says looking at me,

"Uhh ya I guess" I say, while Simon asks

"Who exactly are circle members and why do they want to kill us" I roll my eyes at his goofyness.

"Let's just say a long time ago there was uprising and the circle was at the center of it, alot of shadowhunters got killed including my father," Jace says until Alec - grumpy cat- Lightwood jumps onto what Jace was saying

"And since then we've been forbidden to even hear about the circle" and Clary says

"But it's your past?" And I chuckle

"Says the girl who didn't know she was a shadowhunter?" Clary sends me a glare then says to Jace who's also laughing

"Ya ok your right and now the only person who knows what's going on is missing, Jace is there someone we can talk to?"

"Ya there is, coming?" Jace says as they start walking, with Simon until Jace turns around "no not you" he says pointing at Simon.

"Hey we're a package deal" Clary says as I walk over to them

"There are runes all over the floor that can kill your mundie boyfriend" Jace says

"It's not like-"

"We're not-" they both start then Simon says

"We're just friends" then Clary says

"Best friends" while I whisper-sing to Simon

"Forever in the friend-zone" and Simon whisper-yells back

"Shut up Piper."

"Plus I'm tough, I can handle runes, what exactly are runes?" Simon asks,

"There what give Shadowhunters our demon fighting powers" Izzy says going over her angelic rune while Simon mutters 'so hot' I chuckle and walk over to Izzy while Jace fake coughs.

"The rune" Simon corrects himself now Izzy's laughing

"Please excuse my brothers lack of manors, this is Alec, and I'm Isabelle" She put her hand out for Simon to shake and he took it and said

"I'm Lewis, Simon Lewis, 2 first names am I still talking?" And Izzy nodds.

"Ill watch over the 'best friend', infact i was just about to make breakfast" Izzy says

"On second thought, the runes might be less leathel" Jace says while I'm laughing

"Ill pretend i didnt here that" Izzy says

"See best friends safe and sound here" Jace says to Clary

"Jace if anything happens to him-" Clary starts but Simon finishes

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