Magnus and Ashlynn Bane

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(Pipers pov)
I woke up to Simon shaking me that night and telling me that Clary's having a nightmare, so here I am, sitting on the side of Clary's bed, watching her roll around until she shoots up

"Hey its ok I'm here you're safe" Simon says

"Ya are you alright Clary?" I question before she looks at Simon and says

"Thomas" and then looks at me and says "Jace".

"What" me and Simon say at the same time, then Simon says

"You alright? You still seem kinda... freaked" and Clary starts blinking a lot and looks between me and him

"Simon, Piper" She says

"Hey, I got you" I say trying to calm her down

"You're okay, it must've been one hell of a nightmare" Simon said and she replies with a

"You have no idea" then she continues "I-i was strapped to this piece of furniture and my mom was there. She kept telling this guy to protect me and then he reached his hand into my skull and ripped out my brain" She remembered the first time Magnus took her memories.

"Hello freddie cruger" Simon says and Clary runs a hand through her hair, at the time my hair was up in a messy bun, and I was wearing an oversized grey hoodie and black loose shorts.

"Tell me about it" She says "What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" And Simon says

"I just really needed to see you" then I say to lighten up the conconversation

"Then he saw you screaming in your sleep so he did the most logical thing, he woke me up from my sleeping chambers to come and help you" Clary and Simon both glared at my attempt for a joke, then she says to Simon

"I am so sorry, my mistake put you two in so much danger"

"It's alright" he says and she keeps going

"No if those vampires hurt you guys, I couldn't live with myself" "you guys are all I've got left"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm totally great full that your friend got me out of there before those vampires drained me like a gulp, but how well do you know this Jace guy? Do you trust him?" Simon askes

"It's think so" Clary responds almost imeaditly "I mean he saved my life and yours" and Simon says

"True but I was thinking, all of this crazyness starts when you bump into him at pandemonium, you think that's just a coincidence?"

"Honestly I don't know what to think anymore all I know is that I have to get my memories back"

"What if there's some like super valuable secret that you don't want to remember, in those memories" I ask, but Clary snaps at me

"Ya like the fact that your not my sister!" And Simon looks at me but I mouth an I'll explain later,

"I need to know who I am, maybe I saw where my mom hid the cup, and, if I could just remember, I could save her." "I just want to put all of this behind me, but I don't know this world, I don't even know where to start looking, um i-im just lost" and Simon says

"Hey, okay, look, let's start with what we know, okay, we know that dreams are remenece of memories"

"Right " She said

"You saw you're mom in the nightmare, before the guy was reaching into your brain," Simon said

"Ya she called him Magnus, but it's completely random" She said then Simon says

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