A Pervert Named Jace Wayland

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Now the question time argument I can't take credit for, that part came from sent away a Shadowhunters fanfic by skylah234
(Pipers pov)
I've been at this instatute for a week waiting for Clary to wake up, surprisingly nobody has asked who I was, exept for Isabelle, who knows pretty much everything about me, and i've been training with for the past week, and she seems nice, and that Jace dude creeps me out, he such a pervert, but the one that caught my eye is that Alec guy, he's more my type. What are you saying Piper you have a boyfriend! Doesn't mean I trust them, I mean, my mom was running from shadowhunters, not to them. They say they saved Clary's life, even though I could have saved her on my own. I was in the training room with Alec and Issy when Jace walked in and said

"Question time" and I laughed

"Fire away" I mumbled
Then Jace started asking me questions and I responded
"Who are you?
"A person" and Jace rolled his eyes
"Be serious"
"Fine Piper"
"Are you and Clary sisters?"
"But then.." he trailed off
"Long story short my mom didnt want me and most of the time I'm with my dad but her mom took me in as one of her own"
"Where does your dad live?"
"In a house" I could tell Jace was getting frustrated and Izzy left.
"Where's the house?"
"Next to another house" I found this really amusing
"Wheres the neighbors house?"
"You'll never believe me if I told you"
"Tell me" he spat
"Next to my dads house" I laughed he rolls his eye in defeat and walks away.
I go to check on Clary and hear a

"Where am i?" I ran inside to see her awake and hugged her. "Oh my god Piper Fray what are you wearing?" She yelled

"First of all, I'm wearing clothes, even though mister hot shot over there would prefer otherwise" I said nodding towards Jace, while he walked out of the room "and second, your in the shadowhunter instatute" I smirked. Clary looked towards Isabelle and said

"I don't know-" and Issy cut her off

"I'm Isabelle, but most people call me Izzy, what do you remember" She asked, hoping to get some answers to the questions that Jace wouldn't answer.

"All I remember is some psychos took my mother and now you people have taken me and my sister" Clary said getting worked up

"And by taken I hope you mean saved your life." Izzy commented, I coughed, purposely trying to get their attention

"Listen I could have saved Clary on my own, Jace didn't have to come to my rescue " I said getting mad, who do these people think they are? Super heros?

"Wait, who's Jace?" She asked as the hot shot himself walked in strutting like he was waiting for us to call his name and be like 'Oh I'm right here!', with an angry Alec behind him.

"A mundane shouldn't be in the instatute-" before Alec,could finish or anyone else to make a comment, I said

"If you haven't noticed mister grumpy cat, we are NOT mundanes, so would you stop calling us that, I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if Clary was a mundie but I know I am NOT!" And he smirked, like he was amused, or like he liked me.

"Geez calm your horses Piper" Jace said, calmly.

"Is this the hot shot who would prefer otherwise?" Clary asked, Nodding towards Jace and Izzy laughed

"Yes Clary it is" I said and the boys looked confused.

"Is there something we should be getting right now?" Jace asked, Clary grabbed my seraph blade, pointed it at Jace and said

"What are you planning you pervert! IF YOU DO ANYTHING OR MAKE ANY FUNNY BUSINESS TO MY SISTER I WILL MURDER YOU!" Me and Izzy started laughing and Alec smiled, then relized why we were laughing and gave Jace a death stare while Jace was still staring at the seraph blade terrified.

"Alright sis, put down the blade" I said and she removed it form Jace's neck, oh wow, poor Jace, Alec came over and put his hand on my shoulder and said

"Oh Piper, what have you been telling your friend here" Alec laughed while i gave him a glare. Clary raised her eyebrows, I gave her a look that said it's okay.

"Soooo, maybe we should leave Clary and Jace alone" Izzy said and Alec said

"But the mundane..." but Jace said

"Alec, can you just dial it down a notch"

"What is with him, no seriously what is with him" Alec commented

"Oh does grumpy cat need a nap?" I said in a tone that made it seem like i was talking to a five year old. He gave me a look that you don't see everyday, while Issy grabbed his arm and said something, they started to walk out and I said "Guys wait up! I don't want to be here alone!" I ran to link arms with Alec and walked out, poor Jace, good thing Clary doesn't have a wepon.

First I'm sorry this is short and second I know this is starting off pretty boring but trust me things will get better I promise, oh and what should Piper and Alec's nickname be, tell me in the comments

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