How Many Books Does This Women Have?

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(Alec's pov)
"Have you spoken with Lydia? No one's seen her since the wedding." I ask my mother and she ignores me.
"Mom, come on." I tell her

"Maryse." Dad says to her

"Mom, I understand you're upset, but this is" I tell her

"Calling off the wedding would've been one thing but kissing that half wolf in front of the entire Institute? You've embarrassed all of us." Mother says to me

"Why? Because she's not purely Shadowhunter? " I ask her

"No." Mother says

"Then what's the problem?" I ask her

"That you chose Piper Graymark." Mom tells me

"She's so new to this world. Not only that we've never had a half breed and we don't know what could happen. We don't know anything about her. How much do you know?" Dad asks me

"If I don't know enough for your liking, then I plan to get to know her.
And if you have a problem with that, then I suggest you deal with it. Now, I have to go find Lydia." I tell them

"She's probably packing for Idris in your father's office. What she did-" Mother starts

"Saved my life. So I should go thank her." I tell them and walk off to where Piper is in another hallway

"On a scale of one to ten how horrible was it?" Piper asks me

"Off the charts. Yeah, I've never seen them so angry." I tell her

"Just give them some time." Piper reassures me

"You haven't done anything wrong to upset your parents. After what I did I don't think they'll ever forgive me." I tell her

"Don't underestimate a parent's love. You don't regret it, do you?" Piper asks me

"Everything happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. I just wanna make sure Lydia's okay. Now I owe her so much." I explain to Piper

"We owe her. What she did was very selfless. Hey, look, maybe we can slow things down? Why don't we start with that date you owe me?" Piper offers

"Yeah, let's do that." I tell her as she smiles. We walk into the office and see Lydia on the ground.

"Lydia!" I yell, Piper checks her pulse and nods that she is alive.
"Go get help. You're gonna be okay." I tell her as we heal her with her rune. She wakes up

"Hodge" Lydia says before passing out.

(Piper's pov)
"How's Lydia?" Clary asks Alec as we walk over to everyone

"Better. Magnus is doing what he can to help her, but it's bad. And the Cup is definitely missing." Alec tells us

"So is Hodge." Jace states

"Maybe he was attacked, too." Izzy reasons

"Maybe he's the one who attacked her." Clary says as we look through the camera feed.

"Hodge? No way. We've known him our entire lives. He would never do that to us." Izzy tells us as we watch Hodge knock out Lydia and take the cup

"I led him right to the Cup." Jace tells us

"That's not true." Ashlynn says to him

"We treated him like family. How could he do this to us?" Alec asks as we go through the footage and see him using a ring

"That's how. What is that ring?" Clary as us

"Looks like he's talking to someone." Izzy explains

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