An Idiot Named Simon

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Pic above is what Pipers wearing. Also in the past chapters since it was only from Pipers pov I forgot to mention that while yes Simon does have a crush on Clary , he also has a massive crush on Piper. Now onto the story!

(Pipers pov)
I saw Clary and Jace walk outside and think nothing of it, while Alec was still babbling on about who knows what, then I heard my name.

"Hmm?" I asked and Alec rolled his eyes

"We're you even listening to me Pipe?" He asked

"Nope " I say and he rolled his eyes

"I thought you and Clary weren't sisters" he asked

"We're not" I say, looking up at him confused

"Then why does she call you sis" he questioned

"Well um, she might not know cause I just found out?" I say and the Lightwood siblings scream in sinc

"WHAT!" and I raise my hands in defeat and say

"Look I'm sorry I know I have to tell her but I still don't know how to put this, she's already found out her mom kept some big secret from her, now this, how is this going to make this much better, I'll tell her, just when things become more sane." And they nodded. When I was done waiting I walked over to the door with Izzy,- Alec had some stuff to do- to see Clary Jace and...... SIMON????? What's he doing here???

"Clary why is Simon here?" I ask as he runs up to me and hugs me

"Geez Simon since when have you missed me" I chuckle as Jace sends daggers at him,

"Thank the gods you're okay! I was so worried when Clary came out without you" he says still cluching onto me.

"Hey isn't it supposed to be me that's obsessed with Greek mythology" I laugh, when Simon let go my phone rang and I looked at caller ID to see its Thomas, my boyfriend.

"Uh I got to take this" and I answer it.
(The bold is for when Thomas is talking)

"Hey Thomas how are you? How's England?"

Oh my god Piper thank god that I got in contact with you, why haven't you been answering my calls?

"God's actully, and I'm kinda in a situation here Tom..."

Situation? That sounds bad are you ok Piper? I've been worried sick, I tried calling your mom and Clary but the didn't answer, Ashlynn said she hasnt herd from you in a week! I even went to Luke's house and your mom's apartment and you weren't there, Luke says he hasn't seen you.

"Tom I'm fine and.. wait, are you back in the U.S.A? Are you here in Brooklyn?"

"Wait Tom's back!" Clary yelled

"Who the hell is Tom?" Jace asked

"Probably her boy toy" Izzy smirked

"Would you be quiet all of you!"

Umm do you want me to answer the question or be quiet?

"Sorry Tom I wasn't talking to you, so are you back?"

Ya I am, where are you?

"Umm I'm staying at a friends house, and before you say something it's not Ashlynn"

Well i'm at Java Jones, do you wanna meet up? You can bring Clary and Simon, Ashlynn has to do something with her brother so don't bother asking.

"Uhh ya that sounds great I'll ask them"

I'll meet you there babe, bye

"Bye" I hang up then turn to Clary and Simon and say

"Do you guys want to come with me to Java Jones to meet up with Thomas?"


"Totally" then Mr. Jace, ruiner of all fun cut in.

"Clary is not leaving this instatute un supervised with a mundane and an under qualified shadowhunter" under qualified shadowhunter? Me? That's offensive!

"Actully I'm over qualified to watch over Clary by myself" I shoot back

"Says the girl who almost got her killed" he said

"I could've saved her all by myself Mr. Hot shot, I didnt need your help I was handling it!" I yell

"Oh really?" He yells

"Enough both of you! Jace she is qualified and Piper, as much as I hate to agree with Jace, he's right. So to make both of you happy you guys can go but I will go with them, the mundane won't even know I'm there" Isabelle cut in, "is that clear!" And I nodded, and Jace walked into the instatute. Why you gotta be so rude!

"Wait let me put on my jacket and some leggings" Izzy bolts off and 5 seconds later shes holding a pair of dark grey leggings. I go and change into them and grab my brown leather jacket.

"Let's go" I say as we walk out.

Sorry i made it short but I needed to get a chapter out, hope you like it and poor them, Alec's going to be Pissed! Oh well until next chapter bye!

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