All These Bitches Keep Ruining the Mood

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(Piper's pov)
"Bring the flowers out to the wedding tent. Put the lilies up on the dais, and lay the rose petals at the entrance." Izzy tells random shadowhunters that are running around

"Isabelle, which color do you like better? It's for the curtains adorning the wedding tent." Some shadow hunter asks her

"Hmm. The cobalt blue. It's elegant, masculine very Alec." Izzy tells her

"I'll put the cobalt blue out right away." The lady says and runs off

"Listen Izzy. I know I told you I can help with the wedding and all. But this is a bit too much for me. It's hard enough knowing that Alec is getting married." I tell her, she stops running around and looks at me.

"I'm sorry. I've been so excited about finally having a wedding around here again and being able to do this with my parabati that I forgot that you're hurting." Izzy tells me

"Honestly it's okay. I just don't know if I'll be up for going to the wedding." I explain to her

"What? You can't not go to the wedding. We've worked so hard on it. You don't have a choice. As my parabati you are obligated to go to my brothers wedding, even if he is technically your ex." She tells me, Jace walks over to us

"How are we supposed to get any work done with all this going on?" Jace asks Izzy

"We haven't had a wedding here in years. People are allowed to be excited." Izzy tells him

"We need to focus. Have you narrowed down the list of warlocks more powerful than Magnus Bane?" Jace asks her as she pulls it up on the screen

"I've got it down to 20. But it's gonna be hard to figure out which one cast that spell on Jocelyn." Izzy reminds him

"I don't care how tough it is, we've gotta find him. Back at Renwick's, I let Valentine go. I won't make that mistake again. We gotta wake up Jocelyn, in case she heard anything about his plan." Jace tells us

"Have you spoken to Alec?" Izzy asks him

"He's probably busy, what with wedding plans and all. And I don't need to talk to anyone. Let's just stick to the mission, okay?" Jace tells us and starts working.

"So Jace. You inviting Ash to the wedding?" I ask him

"What? I uh- I don't know. Why are you bringing this up now?" Jace asks me

"Because all this wedding has been for me is a soar topic, with the way it ended between me and Alec. This is one of the few happy things that I could look forward to seeing since Izzy told me I'm 'obligated' to go. Seeing Ash happy with you at the wedding would make it worth it." I explain to him

"Piper. Alec was too caught up in th moment to be properly thinking about how to end your relationship. He really does like you. I've never seen him this way around someone before." Jace tells me

"It doesn't matter though. He's getting married to Lydia. He'd rather be with her. I don't know how I'm going to manage to stay at the wedding Jace. It's hard enough seeing him around the Institute." I tell him. He hugs me

"Piper you will be surrounded by friends to help you. I will ask Ashlynn to come to keep you company and if you can't handle it, you can just leave. No one will blame you if you leave because it's too hard for you." Jace tells me.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that." I tell him. I walk off to go talk to Alec. We needed to talk about this. I get to his office door and knock.

"Come in." I hear Alec say from beyond the door.

"We need to talk Alec." I tell him, his eyes soften and look at me.

"Piper. I didn't expect to see you. How are you doing?" He asks slightly concerned.

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